fuh blood money! deh let him go!
weeeyyyyyyyyyy! cold blooded murder on the streest, in front of everybody and deh have a way to let dat man go!
deh take money...not even the life of the Pakistani female scientist and her children whom america destroyed juss like that, for no valid reason, beautiful woman and her innocent children, valuable woman as a good scientist.
did those who took blood money take dat into consideration.
deh take money and let the killer go..a man who had been targeting hundereds of Pakistanis for death by drone bombs raining down from the skies.
did those who took blood money take dat into consideration
deh let dat man go! not a whimper! not a scream or a demonstration! the man is gone, scot free!
what the hell do I worry about!

man let the nuclear plants blow...poison everybody on the planet. there isnt a damm thing about humanity that imakes us worth saving. let dem blow!