With Lil Bravo in Mind..Leh Mih Tell....

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allyuh about an innings by Gary Sobers at Sabina Park Kingston, jamaica, in 1968

the Sabina groundstaff made the first of their famous modern bog of a wicket dat year. England won the toss and batted and made over 300. dat was their luck.

there-after the wicket went to pieces. but the problem for the westindies is dat england then had a very good pace attack, consisting of John Snow the leader...and we all know he was one of the great pacemen of hisory.

Snow was supported by David Brown a big fast and very good paceman, and Jeff Jones a left hander, fast and good as well. together deh proved almost unplayable for the westindies, who were skittled and sent back in, facing 2-to-1 on a deadly wicket.

wickets tumbling, a crowd riot and Sobers with the tail-enders were the features of the last 2 days of dat test which is famous for that Sobers innings.

in the most horrific batting condtions Sobers lead. what Sobers did is wat I consider to be the difference bewteen leaders and followers, between creative and just plain ordinary.

at times to neutralise the shooters and the uneven bounce Sobers batted a foot outside his crease..even to Snow, then faster than Griffith and hall....
Last edited by mapoui on Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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looking back I realised dat wat Sobers did by batting so far out of his crease was to force the ball to land in areas unaffected by the wear of previous days of play and so produce more of a true bounce.

it was also courageous to face dat fast bowling on a shortened pitch..with none of the current headgear and body protection against the pace.

in those conditions Sobers constantly innovated to neutralise the bowling advantage of spin and pace, scoerd 113 and gave england a target, forced the need for england to bat again on dat desperate pitch.

as long as it was over 100, the target did not matter at all, for pure survival was going to be englands fate on dat wicket. and so said so done. england were 68 for 7 or 8 when the match was finally called off..focused on batting out the time and not on a win

dat is what a leading batsman does. dat is what creativity, determination not to lose, skill and experienc produces.

dat is what was required of lil Bravo yesterday. I did not expect him to be Sobers but I did expect the right approach..which was determination, head down, adjustment to the conditions, no bad shots, patiencnce, 2 days to go....

when Sobers played that innings in 1968, he was a very experienced and achieved cricketer.

Bravo is not nearly there yet. but today is not 1968. our young people are much more advanced in crucial ways compared to back then. and all this is known to them, to be used as example in their careers
Last edited by mapoui on Fri Jun 24, 2011 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Excellent post, Maps.
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In the light of the depression brought in by the Gayle letter I have forced myself to try to take an objective view of Darren Bravo's batting stats todate. Truth is his returns are not the worst one could have produced after seven tests, but the burden of expectation and the nature of his dismissals are such that we all want to see him consistently deliver big on the talent that he undoubtedly has.

Anyway he has a chance to enter the pantheon of legends by guiding WI to victory in this second test against India. He is 67 not out batting with Baugh. West Indies are 5 wickets down chasing 281. 17 overs remaining for day. Rain has fallen throughout this match and continues to be a factor. The outfiled is wet.
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He finally put his head down dats wat.

dat is wat is expected of him..to play to the conditions not to play the same game all the time and get out silly.
it is his time now and the old guys are to stabilse the situration while he and and simmons come through.
intelligenc is the name of the game and dat is wat I expect to see from all of them not only lil Bravo.

what is to be done, the approach required is not rocket science. as a cricketer/batsman these are the first things you learn...not to throw you damm wicket , adapt to conditions, do what is reuired in the codnitions, be flexible of style, read the oppostion and any traps deh may be setting or have set for you

good for him anyway. I am sure deh were going to drop his rass next test if he did not score this time
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Looks like Maps gone into hiding when lil Bavo batting? :) come out mon....them thing that don't work...
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BallOil wrote:Looks like Maps gone into hiding when lil Bavo batting? :) come out mon....them thing that don't work...
Maps nat hiding...he juss enjoying de passing of the guard to de future of WI batting....hope de incompetents nah mess up this youth head.... 8-) :lol: :lol:
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I not hiding at all. I am busy..
I know lil Bravo can bat very, very good indded. but ability without brains equals failure. and dat is wat we were seing with lil Bravo. Afro kep on about huis youth and he will learn. not good enuff when he can learn right away...now wat he must do and do it.

dat lenghtens a career when you take as little time as possible to learn the basics. wat are yu doing walking across yuh wicket wen the ball is keeping low, unpredictible bounce, doing all kind things..

anyhow he has started to do the rigt thing..to adjust to the conditions of the day. he shud realise all his dreams as a batting star if he continues to bat that way
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lil bravo must realise wat most people do not kow or dont pay attention to. they compare him to Lara but Lara had the mos brilliant of defences, impregnable if he decided to defend, Lara was so good he hardly had to be defensive,

but when he had too there was no getting through him.

another great batsman with an impregnable defence was Viv Richards. to see richards defend was an impresive sight. but Viv as so aggressive dat people dont know that aspect of his batting very well.

lil bravo will get nowhere if he does not develop his defence and use it when he has to with all the patience in the world
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With lil bravo in mind I would like to get some feedback from others to see if i have got it all wrong. Sometime back (I think it was against Sri Lanka??) Darren was batting good, good and suddenly after he reach 50 he like get a brain wave and slowed right, right down. hardly hitting the ball off the square. At the time I wondered is wha happen? Anyway he was 60-something not out overnight.

Next morning when the game resumed he get out quite early without adding much - he get out in the 60's. I was vex cos I couldn't understand why he took his foot off the gas the night before only to come and lose his wicket first thing. By my reckoning he could have easily scored another 30 runs the night before!

I wonder if he is at a stage of his career where he just needs to keep batting at an attacking pace once he gets in. It looks like he needs to make a small mental readjustment or to discover exactly who he is when he as at the crease. Does he himself really believe he can destroy an bowling attack?

Maybe I remember incorrectly, but did Sir Viv have a problem early in his career whereby the feeling was that for some reason he was not converting the starts that he made? can anyone confirm or refute this? I would be very happy to know the truth because it is one of those stories that is locked in my head but I am not totally sure that it is true. Did he see some sports shrink for it?

Nonetheless, whether my memory of Viv is correct or not, I wonder if lil Bravo needs to go see a sports psychologist to find out if he got some sort of mental blockage. Because for WI sake I really hope that his batting kicks on to the next level asap! If Shiv and Sarwan gone and Gayle uncertain then we in big, big trouble if we can't find a batting hero that DELIVERS.
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