is Losing a habit or way of life?

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losing can be a consequences of functional inability to organise to win. thats the predicament of the wicb. they are led by people in whose interest it is not to organise the westindies in a manner that produces people capabe of winning.

to win you must have a developed people, shaped and motivated by some resonable cause... either the nation or race or both....that realises itself in a proper nation, capable of taking care of all it must.

every other cricket nation is that way...real nations! the westindies is not! it is not, because our elites want it that way.... and the westindian people may be incapable of intervening to change that fact into a positive alternative. at least they have not intervened yet in a basic manner

it is either the westindies become a real nation or give it up.

it is waste of time now to continue as we are going. they might as well mash up the factsimile of a nation we have and let the regional states swim as they can in all the do.... including cricket!
Last edited by mapoui on Fri May 21, 2010 5:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
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the westindian elite is functionally incapable of builing a westindian nation for that is not now and never was in their interest.

the westindian elite is functionally incapable same way, in building cricket success.

all westindian cricket success was built and run by westindian whites who never had any fears and concerns for their social position, as the the westindian blac and brown elites now have.

since the blac and brown elites took over the westindies nothiing at all has gone right!

how can anyone..any dominant social class.... build and run something they are convinced will do them harm..will lead to changes that would threaten their social position?

thats not possible!

so the westindian elites run the region, including cricket, into the ground as they must, all the while giving the impression they are in fact interested it the well being of both. they are interested yet the damm situation never goes well, only gets worse.

if such doctors were treating a patient in a hospital it would better if they sent for the quack!

case closed!
Last edited by mapoui on Fri May 21, 2010 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Windians doh have any unity .. and without unity have nothing...

There is no sense of community as well ...its all about me , me and me :)
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Losing is becoming a habit - Chris Gayle

Despite losing six matches in a row to South Africa during the ongoing series, the West Indies captain Chris Gayle has said he was happy with his team's effort and the spirit within the group. Gayle also said it was imperative that West Indies didn't reach a stage where they "don't know how to win games anymore".
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any thoughts now that the series is over? :)
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this westindies side is not a very good one on all levels. players like nash and Ricgards are not good enough.
Nash has a good mental approach when he bats at 5 or 6.

he is useless anywhere else and useless also against quality bowling, as well as suspect in english conditions!

Narsing is the one who really surprise me in this test with a sudden change in approach that led to his downfall twice in the game. its as if someone has a lil straw image of him somewhere, poked it with a needle amd cause narsign to self desruct both times.

narsing did not do himself any favours with free and clear opportunity to cement a place in the westindies side

Dale Richards flattered and deceived us all. Richards did well enough in the one-day games but he proved himself to be an utter fool in this test by gifting his wicket both times when westindies needed good contributions from him.

Richards reminds me of that previous older idiot from Guyana who made an ass of himself on the first tour to RSA and westindies...

for the life of me I cant remember his name now..left handed opening batsman. on Dale Richards older and expeienced is wasted, as it is not with Shillingford. what a damm waste of time. westindies should never pick that absolute fool for anything again.

so narsingh more times than not...nash, Dowlin and Richards represented no oppostion at all to the Saffies. the westindies were batting men short save when the conditions at st kitts favoured a no result.

anywhere the bowlers had an ounce of support from the conditions westindies were batting on 1 leg.

Gayle too turned out to be more threat and expectation that did not pan out. the Saffies got him every time for little save for that 1 fifty he scored at st kitts. westindies qctually batted on half a leg given gayles lack of production. westindies batting such as it was could not cope with the saffies.

to me it is an opportunity to change course. Gayle must go as captain. the selection and grroming should begin now with gayles replacement. Gayle is as useless as the lesser batsmen at this time for his vast experience counts for very little...counted for what 100+ runs this series of 3 tests?

westindies must build a good batting side and we must start with the kids. sending lil Bravo out to england was a very good development. lil Bravos time is fast fact is here no for he is sure to be in next time westindies play test cricket.

and we have to find an opening partner not for Gayle but for lil Barath as I expect Gayle will soon be gone!

Sarwan will be welcomed back but man he has to be re-energised, interested once more.

I dont expect that Taylor has much of a future remaining. I would not be focusing on him as previously. neither on Rampaul. I would welcome Edwards back however, while I focus on Roach, Pascal, Russell and the younger ones.

westindies has some good talent coming through and already on the scene. but we must get the leadership necessay to change the ambient form losing to winning. gayle is not that man!
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