Howard rejected ...

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The ICC has demanded another vice-presidency candidate after John Howard's nomination was rejected by its executive board in Singapore. A move which began with members from six countries signalling their intention to block the appointment on Tuesday turned into an official rejection of Australia's former prime minister today.

The ICC confirmed the decision this afternoon following an executive meeting that was supposed to formalise Howard's election. No vote was taken and Cricket Australia and New Zealand Cricket were asked to re-nominate a candidate by August 31.
Mapoui you get your wish eh... :)
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how sweet it is! it looks perfect on HOWARD!

he must think the blac nations are foolish to accept his leadership after he demonstrated what his leadership actually is as Oz prime minister, commonwealth statesman and all-round neo-liberal pr#@%k in international fora, in which he was always chaffing at the bit to squeeeze the life out of blac' countries..especially Zimbabwe.

which blac counry would want 4 more years of this racist, elitist, neo-libearl skunt running anything in which they are involved?

it is going to be hard enuff for cricket to survive the continuing Indian neo-liberalism thats running cricket into the ground now.

to add idiot Howard to the mix would tip the bucket into the ocean.

way to go Zim. Mugabe got his revenge...and saved us all 4 years of an unregenerate A-hole in the form of Howard running cricket internationally.

piss on the Oz for trying to force this awful human being on international cricket. let them go back to the Kiwi anderson. he is a better sort of person!
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the Oz and Kiwi cry race..angry that people of colour rejected what they wanted to impose on the world of cricket!


look at Speed, the racist skunt. these are the real racists not the coloured countries. Speed, Morgan, the Oz, the Kiwi ...the real racists, who want to do whoever the hell they want and all must accept it. they must call the tune and the coulred nations must accept it...REGARDLESS OF WHAT IT IS THEY WANT TO IMPOSE ON US.

John Howard exposed himself fully as Oz Prime Minister as a racist bully, a wramonger for the ages, a neo liberal economic freak and elitist who punishd blac countreis and side Oz with the racist imperial nations of the world against the interests of the small coloured nations whose votes he needs now to become ICC president in his old age.

who the hell says they must give Howard their votes to sate his vanity while buying for cricket 4 more years of Howards nastiness in cricket internationally?

what can be expected from Howard as ICC president but an extension of his nastiness as Oz PM?

if the Oz and Kiwi insist on Howard and present him again by Aug 31 they could precipiate a break in world cricket for it is just not in the ineterst of the coloured countries, nor the interest of cricket to have such as Howard parachuted in from nowhere to beome ICC president.

Howards candidacy is nothing but absolute nepotism, an old, racist, colonialist white man, past his best-by date, certain to try and uphold in cricket all he stood for in his political life, looking for a high profile sinecure to wend his last days.

fact him. why should cricket afford him all this...for what! whats in it for this seems all for howard?

Howard is not the best candidate as the Oz claim! Howard is not even competent in the area of the gae of cricket, not even professional relatively speaking. all it that Howard thought ICC president would be a nice way to wend his retirement and called in his cards to achieve his desire to get that postion. so those who owe Howards pulled the strings and presto we have Howard as the Oz/Kiwi nominee to become ICC honcho.

and now that the coloured countries have rallied to head off this blighted imposition upon the game, the white big shots are circling up their waggons angry that people of colour could reject one of theirs.

they all know that Howard is a most ridiculous candidate to be head of the ICC. they all are aware that he is is a polarising, rightwing racist sob, that this is the problem with his canidacy, not race... and yet they are up in arms about his rejection.

the point is that we are not supposed to reject a white man no matter who the hell he is.

not me however. were I involved they could break up the damm ICC but Howard would not be president of it I can tell allyuh that! and if the coloured countries back down now they lose big time.

Piss on Howard. let him go find another retirement project
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another sweet one..Gideon Haigh...Cricket..ICC chair is not the chair of MIT and Howard was prepared to sit for nothing for 2 years while he learnt.

he belitles cricket to raise Howard high and castigate those who oppose him to the status of the ridiculous.

but we know that that is not the case at all...that if elitist Howard wants the ICC postion and would do it for nothing then it is no iltte thing the chair of the ICC.

if the ICC want competence in its chair, rather than a racist old white man getting his jollies after his best -by date..the ICC is right for Howard is manifestly unqualified for the job.

and it is no little thing he rejection for, that explodes into an international issue. Gideon Haigh is as usal a hypocrite when it comes to race.

the plain fact in the matter is that John Howard is, and would be unacceptable to all the countries of colour in the world, administeruing anything at all that involved their interests. no country of colour would vote for John Howard running anything that involved them...for John Howard has proven credentials that establishes him firmly in the anti-blac, anti colour racist corners of the white world.

if the white journalists were serious they wold advocate the Oz abd Kiwi putting up acceptable and competent candidates for the job if ICC VP/Chairman over the nex 4 years. if the Oz and Kiwi were sensitive to the interest of the nations of colour who play cricket they would never put up John Howard as their stabndard bearer.

but they are not are they?

it is time for the white world to be concerned about what nations of coulr think and want in the world and be prared for the necessary compromise that leads to general progress.
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now the stink new Oz prime minister adds her puppet zionist voice in support of another of the same - John Howard.

deh are all lyin' they are all hurt because people of color had the gall to block stink, racist war-mongering Howard from lording it over them, over cricket, for the next 4 years straight.

who the hell in their right mind would sit down and take leadership from a human monster like John Howard, in anything at all, even tiddley-winks, for 4 years straight when they can avoid it by rejecting his candidacy?

piss-off Howard! go find a war somewhere to play with...make endless computer simulations of blowing up the planet...or putting all the people of colour into cages and jungles where you could torment them endlessly with any type of torture you can devise...

that would be very much better than to subject international cricket with the same thing for 4 years to come at the hands of this things called John Howard.

the Osz and Kiwi knew better. they knew that such a man was bound to raise the hackles of the coloured world. if this blows to hight heavens it is the white countries who have caused it by putting up Howard in the face of the coloured world.

they ahould have know that a John Howard candidacy would have been a red flag to a big blac bull, enraging it beyond endurance.

and it is a disgrace that Oz and Kiwi could select such an incompetent, un-cricket sort of person to lead cricket, actually a lead world cricket. to do so suggests that Australia and New Zealand have no real love for the international cricket organisation, and are prepared to use it to hold and hide all their nasty, war criminal, cast-off political types.

shame on them when they have in their ranks, all manner of decent, competent cricket types who would be more than suitable for international cricket leadership .

talk about your unnecessary most disrespectful problems created just like that by the white countries! from the minuet I saw Howards name I knew there would be big trouble! it was the most obvious thing in the world!
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