I love it, When They Create The Problem Themselves....

West Indies cricket discussions
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then flail around in futility searching for solutions..which end up in more of the silly same that caused he problem in the first place!

test cricket was going perfectly fine until they..the ICC... decided to expand it out of all reasonableness, searching for maximum profits.

and then as if they decided that the game wasnt good enouhg on its own, the same game that had gotten us to the end of the last century, with the one day innovation a positive development, they began to criticise their own game and searched for a a new way ti improve it, which turned out to be T20.

somebody decided as is the form in this neo liberal age, that like everything else, including natual disasters, maximum profits must be made of it. it is pointless to ignore any opportunity to make maximum profits even in the strangulation of a thing, activity or commodity, or event etc.

capitalists must always be looking for profits, always,, always...in all and everything! no part or aspect of life is sacred. profist are all...and not just profits but maximum profits!

so legitimises the seach for profit, max profit in every aspect of life and even death.

so began the search to maximise the profit potential of cricket. endless, exhausting, constant test cricket was pushed.

there was and is not a minute in any year, where somewhere in the world test cricket isnt being played. add ODI and T20 now and no wonder there is maximum confusion and total public exhaustion with the game of cricket...general burnout... and no one is going anymore, refusing to pay for interminable cricket, without sturcture and purpose, goal and point... save the maximum profit of the ICC.

serves the damm fools and them right...Lalit Mody and dem fellers, the new breed, end times capitalists called neo liberal.

now in the mix heres comes the ICC committee and with no idea in their heads of the humaness of the game of cricket, its yearning to be left alone to evolve as it might, they come up with more modern bullshit, more technological innovations.... day night games etc.

why dont they just leave the freaklng game alone, go back to what it used to be, test cricket, reasonabley spaced, one test series for sure per national side...and at max a shorter second series... per team per year.

no one is asking: given the nature of the game of cricket, what it is, how it came to be, what kind of exploitation canit stand as a result of its nature?

the honest answer is all cricket can stand. and if you have the proper, correct answer them go with that, and leave it at that. if xillions cannot be made out of cricket then it cannot be made. why force it?

and whoever decides to play the game, cand do so for whatever they get out of it, and so be it.

in this way we will have our game back, and all the sweetness it used to provide. and we will have to deal with only so much of it and it will live and thrive like it used to thrive, when it is played with spirt and skill incentivised by the varuous nationalisms involved, properly spaced.

the y talk also about a test championship! that may have some merit but we never had one and it did not matter. we all knew at all iimes who the best sides were...who were the best among the teams and nations

I cannot stant the ICC, the MCC...and all the various cricket boards. these are the problems..these and the administrators they throw up...malcolm Speed, Lalit Mody and that ilk, Morgan and the like. they are all crazy, nuts, bearers of an untennable way of conducting the business at hand...neo liberal capitalism...a type of end times, amargeddonish financial game.

they are mad all of them..they and their systematic approach. the faster society gets rid of these people and their systematic approach the sooner we have a chance to get back to social health
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