Instead of kamla Chatting Divisive Crap..Take A Leaf....

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Joined: Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:07 pm

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from the chinese and Turks, the Brazilians and Venezuelans.......

Make deals, friends, business and most importantly circle up your wagons where your home is, and in the process of making that safe you build prosperous, mutually relations with everyone.

this is the coming world set by china and follwed now by all sane nations. china has got what it wants from every naion it deals with by making mutually benefiacial deals, and all the south south nations are following.

a new world is trying to be born in the midst of Israeli/American insanity. Trinidad and Tobago should be right smack square in the middle of these developments.

Titty should be using its money to knit the english speaking westindies prosperuosly together to makr a bigger nation, that would then associate with the developing world in mutually bebefical ways for development and protection, away from skunt destructive american/israeli domination, to prosperous freedom for the region

Kamla talks like your most backward, idiotic, stupid, stuck in the past, racist, uneducated, unaware of whats going on in the world person imaginable.

I hope I am wrong for the westindies sake but I am not hopeful ,based on what I see flowing from the mouths of the Kamla government. they seem like neo-liberal fools.... all of them!
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