Nash for WI cappo

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sammy is smarter than nash with a game that is even more responsible, determined, fighting and as clutch as nash. he is younger and sronger.

if not Bravo or Ramdin bit the bullet and bring in Sammy
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and from long experience it is my contention that the originator of this thread googley is a racist and an enemy of westindies cricket.

all joke aside why else would he be recommending nash as captain?

somebody tell me on single advanatge nash could possibly bring as captain to the westindies based on all we have seen of him these past 4-5 years.

nash as captain would at best be marking absolute best.

who the hell wants to mark time when we have to be making moves, progress, improving...finding the ways to achieve this?

nash for captain is at best anothetr attack on westindies cricket and on the Africans who dominate the game so far...a further decline which I am sure it is hoped would weaken the hand of africans in the game..continue to make the team look bad under africna leadership

well as usual from that source that is a lot of stupid crap. there is one sure way for Indians to weaken and loose the hand of africans in the this period of our decline..... PLAY THE GAME BETTER, UP TO INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS AND THAT WOULD BE THAT!

we africans put the white man who brought the game to the region and organised it, under the greatest pressue. but we did so with the W's, headley, constantine. roach, Joe Small, Sobers Gibbs Lloyd Richards, Lara. we werent joking. we took his game to the stratosphere and beyond.

and now in our decline where are the Indians who claimed we kept them out?

where are the class Players of indian descent to carry on the flame?

there is a lot of Indian noise and disatisaction but where are the players? Indians should have ben redy to go, to release all the pent up ability on the world WE are accused of holding down

apart from Shive, sarwan and now lil Barath where are they? now is supposewd to be Indian time... and Indians can walk away with the game in the there are no Kanhais or even dougla Butcher to load up and cart it away!

when googley learnr this important lesson he may realise what he has to do and go beat the bushes of Guyana and TT, to frighten out the classy players of Indian descent who may be hiding in there...scare them to the cricket fields and into the westindies side to take over.

thats the way it can be done...the only way producing the class that can achieve take-over.

it would be from such a crop a good skipper can come..not an Oz reject, from the periphery of a world away, who in normal circumstance could not even be a ball bwoy at a westindian test ground, far less on the westindies side!
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face the facts, Nash is a rock in the WI side! He has the discipline which WI players are lacking. Sammy can't make the WI test team right now.

only a Racist will deny Nash a fair chance of helping WI cricket. Racist see others as racist! Seek help!
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we africans put the white man who brought the game to the region and organised it, under the greatest pressue. but we did so with the W's, headley, constantine. roach, Joe Small, Sobers Gibbs Lloyd Richards, Lara. we werent joking. we took his game to the stratosphere and beyond.
Hall marks of a racists...
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life goes its way man...and historical precendent helps us to understand it.

the fact that Indians in the westindies making noise about their players being excluded by blac racism and prejudice, deliberatly holding a people not unique at all in human relations.

this always happens when the conditions for it ripens in social relations.

Indians came to the westindies, followed a path of development they found suitable and when they achieved social solvency and power, they broke out into the whole society seeking roles and general participation they had ignored previously...but which are comensurate wth their new developed social power.

it always happens! thats the way society moves..not only with social groups among social groups in national contoguities, in overall dominant systems of organisation, particualary our case capitalism....but the overall stem itself comes under such rules of evolution.

capitalism runs it course and in the process produces within its functioning, that class and its natural formation that will replace capitalism itself and its social organisation. and we have that class..the wroking class/ordinary people, active all along in oppostion to the capitalism itsel, a battle that will find resolution ultimaely with the elinination of one side of that contradiction.

in the interim while the overall system percolates along, the social groups are fighting it out within capitalist rules.

there is a principle of uneven development that is coloured by particular cultural variants and facts in individaul situations or national contiguities. in the westindies the whites arrived first and shunted the originals off this mortal coil. then Aricans at the behest and command of the whites. indians came later and last.

following this arrival list whites dominated, then blacs for a period while indians under such cover did what they have done to emerge powerfully currently.

in cricket all that is missing in Indian emergence in cricket are many class palyers if Indian descent. that acording to historical precendent was supposed to be part of the equation at this time... but it is not.

yu call me racist but you are not in sync with the historical importance of what I say, how things actually take place. what you must try to figure out is why are there at this time, no 10,15 classy layers of Indian descent who can make the westindies team and take over completely. they should be here now but they arent! why?

that african players put the whites who organised the game in the region under intense pressure is not wrong, evil or racist or any damm such thing. thats they it happens and its our turn now to be under pressure.

we were in a majority, under racist pressure, and we had to liberat eourselves and liberation takes place in the activities the society carries out to live. cricket was a focal point of our liberative thrust hence the blac pressure. what is the difference betwen what took place between Blac and whites and what is taking place between Indians and blacs now?

these arde some of the issues and questions. one must be as dispassionate as one can be to get to truth and a chance of making the best of situations on the ground. I speak as i do as a result.

words have no explosive, taboo, or any kind of emotionally content to they clearly do for you, indicating all manner of content that I do not mean at all.

but that is your problem not mine! I know human life for what it is...not what we dream of in clouds of religious bullshit, be they hindoo, chirstian, jewish, islamic or whatever the hell ever. the truth I can discover is all..not abstractions and nonsense like fear of the naked human body etc:lol: :lol:
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nash has scored on easy wickets consistently for the westindies. when the going has become tougher he has not scored..not once.

if nash was worth it he would have stood with shive last time and given westindies a chance to win the last test against south africa.

nshs place would have been in doubt had not narsing gone completly crazy during that same test. going very wll ibndeed narsing suddenly felt pressured for whatever the hell reason and gave his wiket away while going very well indeed.

then narsing continued his insanity second time giving his wicket away even easier.

I simply do not understand narsing. from what I have seen with my onw eyes he is a btter cricketer than nash by an obvious margin. narsing could have cemented a place with a hundered against he saffie pace which is the best in the world. yet he just threw it away like that! incredible

but back to nash as captain. how is nash going to captain tghe like of Benn, Shilly, Roach and the rest?

what says that nash is repected by the players and that they will follow him around the world?

and which indicators have we seen of nash in the field that indicate that lil fella knows anythng at all about leading a test side?

we had indicators of least he had been around for a long time, was a known personality and batsman of some real merit.

similarly with gayle! and with Bravo as quite a few judges see in him the makings of s decent leader.

even with Ramdin we know he is an extrovert personality and that he led all the way during his youth years as a westindian representative.

what do we have of nash..even after what about 10-12 teats matches? nada..nothing..a quiet player on the side, more like a guest in someones home minding his manners, rather than one who can step in and ake over that home.

for an observer to look at nash and say make him captain on the evidence that observer has to be a fool or posess a malicious intent for the side on which nash plays.

and when one considers that nash is already 32-33, on the side by omission really, did not grow up in the westindies, does not know the westindies well then....

the man proposing nash also doe not know the westindies himself for the westindies is the greatest cricket nation on planet earth. there is no oher cricket nation that has achieved what we have with as little as we have. the westindies does not need advice on how to play cricket from ayone and any nation on any aspect of the game from organisation to administration to on the field

that the westindies is in administrative difficulties is due to the control of the game in the region by an elite class that is not exactly interested in westindies having a solid game at all. it is sabotage plain and simple... by the westindian elite that insists on having the most unqualified and older members of its ranks accede to the leadership of the wicb consecutively,, obviously with the intent of keeping the game back in the region.

if one wants the ressurection of westindies cricket one does not go to an Oz kid who is obviously challenged, who is not qualified...but to qualifed westindians in the prime of life, on whose resume' a cricket success would be a tremendous sinecure and advande...a man whose leadership wold be som sublime he wold know where to look for the achievement, tradition and standards, as well as the people he can draw on to complet the job of rebuilding westindies cricket.

all of that can be had in the westindies of the westinides rooted in our traditions and achievements. we have to look nowhere else., to no other nations, but to our levels of professional skills in our own people, our own history.

when a man can flippantly recommend such nonsense as nash for captain he does not know what professionalism is, he is not aware of the real status of what he is recommending for, prescribing for and so recommends the lowest level of possibility...nash. that is like finding another old unqualifed fogey to succeed skunt Hunte when his time of sabotaging westindies cricket is opposed to professionally qualifed and committed younger westindians.

so googly is either a damm fool, an ignoramus who does not know what he is talking about... or does in fack knows westindies which case he is malicuious attack mode on westindies cricket, coming up with the most destructive possibility for leading westindies cricket.

what we need now is a program from the ground up, up to and including the test team and how it functions on the field of play. the test team most properly ought to be led by one of the best players on the team, position established, who can work and lead by committee at this time, because none of those players so established on the westindies side, obviously cant stand on their own as leader.

everyone knows that nash is here only for a time, keeping a place warm for the first man who displayes the talent that needs his place. nash has no future in westindies game, the best that can said of his tenure is that it is a mutual use kind of thing by the westindies and this Oz kid who find need of each other at this time
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Googley wrote:
we africans put the white man who brought the game to the region and organised it, under the greatest pressue. but we did so with the W's, headley, constantine. roach, Joe Small, Sobers Gibbs Lloyd Richards, Lara. we werent joking. we took his game to the stratosphere and beyond.
Hall marks of a racists...

rather the hall mark of an idiot who cannot read and knows nothing but what he hears in 'ole talk around the place!
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