BallOil wrote:I think most Caribbean nations will welcome a Communist government ...US should take actions to prevent such a thing. As you look at the nations in the Caribbean they all moving backwards.... The people would love a government that control them and severed up FREE handouts for nothing. Windieans like to be dictated just how the WICB run things and em just bend ova asking for mo
Is that the society you want right?

westindians like to be controlled by white people! that is a historical crutch that is really no crutuch at all but the results of trauma and indoctrination, that is really suicide for white least the white power/elites have no use for blac/brown people in the world at all.
in this time of monopoly the white elites have to, and intend to, and are killing as speak, as many people in the world as they can, to reduce a population they can no longer employ in quantities sufficient to prevent revolutionary upsurges, in this age of monopoly, the elimination of competition therfore no more expansion.
capitalism has arrived at its absolute limits and must now morph into something else. global human society is at a point of qualitative social change, where-by society must evolve into new ways of social organisation. they old way is done, run its course and left us at this point with a potential for several departures...fascism and Brave New World...or democracy of many variationsall over, but which centrally places the survival and development of the human survival organ, society, as the point of all human productive and organisational activity.
the product of such democratic social organisation would be fine, healthy, well educated in the truth humanity capable of facing up to is natural conditions in existence and carving out if possible an indefinite survival fror the species, in the evolutionary conditions that extruded us and in which we must carry on.
that is a monumental task that we cacutally face whether we are conscious of it or not. consciousness of it is our only chance. human survival requires all the brains we have in the 6 billion alive. time itself must be unravelled to arrive at an understanding of the real potentianl in existence and a technology that allows us to deal effectively with whatever is possile with whatever may happen that threatens our very existence.
for example look at what we face in the guld of Mexico as we speak. scientists have identified a potential there that if it blows at any minute at all,..which is a definite possibility all humans on the earth, all biological life, will be dead in the time it takes for the poisons to travel around the planet. and that wont be long. and there is absolutely nutten we can do about it!
there are many such natural potentials humans face relative to out collective survival. we know what we know of these. but we now know that there is far, far, far, far.... more such dangers out there for us to deal with. we can survive only if we come to know. the truth shall set you free but it alone can save you as well.
given the truth of human existence the insanity of capitalism is clear. nothing happens in capitalism that is equal to the truth and so human survival. its all lies flowing from and perpetuated by capitalism..which is why we are at the low edd we are at, at the moment.
capitalism is human suicide. to continue with capitalism and the capitlaist stauts quo that oppresses the people, lies to the people, indoctrinates the people in bullshit, kills the people, scres the envrionment, running risks with natural triggers to catastrophic environmental potential..not to mention constant capitalist war with that added potential of annihilation... capitalism is suicide.
the truth of humnaity explains that humans are the product of natural and social experience. there is absolutely nutten about humanity that is written in stone, unchangeable, immutable. in fact it is the opposite which is to our advantage. by changing social experience to reflect truth, we can change ourselves into that positive way that is in tune with our longterm or indefinite survival. we can re-wire ourselves in one generation from all the negative indoctrination of the past, into the truth required for a positive current and future.
the caribbean moves backward because it is determinedly capitalist when capitalism is a failed..rather exhausted state of being, its positive potential depleted, no more expansionary potential..unless humanity discvers space flight and words out there to export people and the capitalist system to. and even so we would be exporting capitalism at the stage of monopoly not capitalism of the old days. so we would be expoting the very social porblems we have currently as a result of the stage of social evolution we have arrived at.
we cannot dodge the stage and its consequences. humanity has a decision to make: how do we survive indefinetly in an evolutionasry universe?
that is the question now, this minute! and the answer is clear...socialism, democracy, communism..whatever the hell you want to call the next positive social evolutionary step. if we do not take that step we are toast, we have no chance at all!
the westindian people are foolish, jackass, stupid! but we must be for that is what we have been manipulated into, conditioned to be. we are subsumed in shit in the westindies especially people of african descent, and especailly TT whom I consider far worse, far more aggressively stupid and hateful of their own than any other westindian. but all african westindians are afful in that regard so try imagine how awful TT's really are.
westindian will not follw each other, hate and distrust each other but will gladly be led and controlled by the white man. but all situations of dependence by any one or people on another group or individual is opposed to god if you will. it is a travesty of existence for anyone to be controlled by anyone else. it is the responsibility of the collective to win independence if it does not have it. and ehns uch independence is won to proceed to edcuate and preapre all for indivodual excellence and independence. from which point they will be capable fo making the right and proper social des=cison based on the truth.
and the truth is no one can suvive alone..that society ensure the survival fo the individual and not the other way around. so that in the it is in the most far-sighted interest of the individual to work in the ineterst of the survival of the social organisn even as he works for his own survival for both are complemntary but the organism first must be thr focus. so work and all that is done in the society becomes calculated to enhance and expand society consistedn with its excellent state at all times. the individual and the collective works out a social symbiosis that works to the advantage of all in the ccollective and the collective - society- itself.