WI had 8 players in this IPL and below is a summary of the overall performance by West Indies!!!!
The 8 players are Narine, Gayle, Pollard, Bravo, Samuels, Cooper, Russell and Smith...I took the stats from all their games and combined them to show how well WI was represented....
84M..61INN..17NO..1,650R..37.50AVE..1,130BF..146.02SR.. 1T..10HT..2DK..109(4's) and 109(6's)
As you can see from these numbers, the West Indian contingent to the IPL this year IS THE SRONGEST of all other countries and if anyone think I am lying, provide your stats to prove your disagreement....
In conclusion....More WI players heading to de IPL next year!!!!