Bingo, mapoui knows better than anyone else cause of........too long to list.
yu 'star postering' again! narrow and not reading properly.
it is possible depending on the quality of your analysis to see greater accuracy that others who according to their position are usually held to know more.
they do in fact know more but I have discovered that as a handicapper I usually know a lot about the situation under consideration and often I discover I knew actually more than those closer to the action, who actually hanndle the sitatuion
I can list many examples..and if you were to hand I could demonstrate it to you. and if before a race comes up I understand in time I will put it up here as I did a few times before.
on sammys ton..a method I use suddenly opened up in my mind and I realised that a cylce was at hand most likely and sammy would score. cycle theory is very important in horse handicappin as well as in life.
when and where people have been most comfortable in life, happy and content, feeling good they do well. its the same with horses. when circumstances/situations also configure to repeat themselves what happened before can happen life as a whole and in all horse racing. that is what produces your improbable results, the unexpected that pays off huge.
once you have a lot of detail in your head and have an idea about cycles then when one such is about to occur it can become clear i you mind what is about to happen and yu can predict it. if you are or were looking for it even better.
so if yu have the complete record of all the horses in a race and the race itself is a lil impenetrable, does not yiled easily to conventional can lok for cycles that are occurring n the race..if he ran at the tract before, at the same distance, at roughy the same time of year and won.
and key would be the trainer...if the trainer is the same..and if the horse had won in the interim. if he had not even better...and better still had he been running at a bigger track anbd ta a higher class.
yu see trainers consciously or unconsciously look for the optimum conditions for their hoses to win. so if the trainer is the same that would be a sing that he knows and brought the hose back to where he last won, when the opportunity presented itself.
most times very at the track few people are looking at such potentials. usually on paper the horse looks in pretty bad form, has done little to demonstrate he is capable running well. that harldy matters. the fact is he is 'home' and will run well and likely win..that that circumstance configures totally in his favour.
you can apply the same principle to human society and it works..all the time....
look here! based on this principle..cycle theory... I tell you that it is almost impossibe for humanity to avoid a nuclear war within the next 2 to 5 fact the thing may happen as early as next year.
as I tuype this I assure you that that is in fact the case. all the cyclic ingredients are there. it is the way things go. unavoidable unless humanity can get its collective head out of abstractions under life fully from materialist standpoint and live accordingly.
just analysis armik my bwoy..see what has been happening all the time and will see that there are all kinds of potential but human life is disciplined by factors of surviva that homogenises it all the tme..makes the repetitions we go through the same, emphazing all that will cause war, keeping the social conditions inplace, conditiong human behavouir in consistent predictable ways.
but at the same time there are flows of potential positive and negative that ought to be parts of our consciousness that we dismiss because they do not fit the status quo, no one os rewarded for such thinking , truth and development. they are rewarded for the lies whcih keep the established way going.
so we come to a point as now where the great weight of tradition tilts in dire way to a system that is old, corrupt, lying and wrong and out of sync with the developmental flow of life. the majority of people in the old world by the way we all have been schoolded do not know all this, cannot think in the new ways required for survival. even if the truth slaps them all in the face, every day
but only a new way of social organisation, fully democratic, can take proper control of that flow, powerful, new, born out of the old and ready to go. but the old way wont let it rise for to do that it would mean the the old way acccepts its fate and voluntarily ends itself.
that is not the way the old way has been trained, conditioned, ow it has led the world. they do not know that kind of thinking, acceptance of truth. they have all the wealth. they wont give it up. they will go along risking the planet itself. they do nto care.
that is the way they have lived for thousands of years. that is how they have met and now meet al their crises..with manipulation reagrdles of consequences, violence no matter how many die, war ultimately and all the time profiting from all such activity for the make everythgng that is used in manipulation, war etc. it is a way that feeds on itself as all social processes that gets going feeds on itself
so the old way, with its mindset and actual systematic established structure in place is detemined to be permananet. but the new is always undeniable. ask the peole in the cemeteries.
those who represent the new way equally, cannot afford the old to engulf them with its old maljo hands. such clashes has always meant violences in exploitative society. such clashes have always finished in the end of the old way and the new way that it gave rise to coming in. no old and dying thing or way can stand..nothing is forever.
by the means of the day nothing can suvive this current clash..a clash as I said that has happend many times in human social evolution..a recurring process, that is required every so often by the build-up particularly of technological change, to revolutionise society and take it forward.
the way society revolutionises itself has been violent up to now because it has come out of exploitative society in which human violence is entrenched, endemic, produced by the exploitation of social class by social class
if and when society manages to establish a democracy that adress the needs of all people, ends exploitation adn social classes organized around exploitation, endemic violence will be eliminate, making all future revolutionary changes conscious and peaceful negotiated processes
the means humans have totday for violence are total so we are most likely toast..soon..unless the genrality of human beings wake up and take the power frm the elits inasnites and establish the very democracy that will eliminate the class basis of society and save humanity.
there is no other outcome in which humanity can survive.
if we had the time I could demonstrate this to you fully. but you know already. so enjoy whats left. ... l-law?lite" onclick=";return false;