Acid burnt Jaigobin says he cannot work with the GCB

West Indies cricket discussions
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mapoui wrote: yu have to see where an' to wat deh mouth hook-up to! :lol: :lol:

I have no soup to spare so nutten flowing from my pipe. :D :D :D

the wicb control some 'joints' and decent flows and any time man,...and woman... see excess liguids, soup i.e, deh rush to hook-up fuh some! :lol: :lol: :lol:

some of dem would sell deh mothers to suck at some of those joints! soup is soup ! :lol: :lol:
Soup is a terrible thing eh? :)
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BallOil wrote:
mapoui wrote: yu have to see where an' to wat deh mouth hook-up to! :lol: :lol:

I have no soup to spare so nutten flowing from my pipe. :D :D :D

the wicb control some 'joints' and decent flows and any time man,...and woman... see excess liquids, soup i.e, deh rush to hook-up fuh some! :lol: :lol: :lol:

some of dem would sell deh mothers to suck at some of those joints! soup is soup ! :lol: :lol:
Soup is a terrible thing eh? :)
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thats right! soup is a terrible thing to waste. sushi to! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Bally! take a good look at dem...dem fellas who lead everywhere and the people who follow them!

and when yu done take a goood look at the next skunt below about who wruite the rules for african independence leaving all the power in the hands of whites in african countries.

can you imagine anythng more jackass than those comments?

the ANV wins with total majorities in RSA for example. if constitutional democracy works everywhere according to what it means on the paper then the ANC haver the right to change all the rules in parliament as the elected representaives of the people, the majority party that forms the government!

what the eff is this skechio talking about!? the fact that rules that the supremacists wrote are still in place is that african elites dont want to change them. and the people follow their leaders and accpt the crap.

its the same thng in the westindies. the british told eric and them what they wanted and eric and them, and their followers accepted it and made no effort to change a damm thing for 50 years now.

and not only that In RSA and Zimbabwe how the man get to write the rules if he was defeated and forced to change the sytem?

thats right! Cuba and the ANC with russin support, defeated the south african racsists! how did Mandella and dem snatch defeat from the fact of victory?

nice feat wasnt that!?

then as now blac leadership has the electoral power to change their countries but they refuse to, profiting with ole marse in the exploitation of their people.

there are no blac people at all anywhere who are committed to blac interests! there are no really, simply, basically, ordinarly smart blac people anywhere at all. only those I call suicidists..those who seel out to ole marse and the masses of ordiandry blac people mesmerised buy capitalism and a total comprehensive and invalid mental content put into our mind systematically.

yet all people, ordinary people, black white nrown yellow...all kow what going on in the world and have chosen to go with the bullshit...especially blac people.

in south africa...indeed almost anywhere the ony real black leader of note, of real commitment to black people is Winnie Mandella. she must be wondering what she saw in nelson that made her marry him...such a traitor he has turned out to be.

I have reason but eff them all I say! let them fry in the fires of hell Obama stoking fuh tem. Obama and all his sidekicks in Africa and the USA.

always it is the young we must be concerned about and if it is possible to prepare them properly so that at some point in the future as they mature we can envision a more progressive world. thats as i see it...the only chance...a focus on the young.

as to my aging generation and the adult generation in place currently fcuk them. we are dogs, traitors, self-haters and haters of our own, destroyers of our own people. whatever befalls them I dont give and eff. I dont care in the least. I would not micturate on them, even by them. thats how much love I have for us of the generations I know!.

we were trained badly and we have come to see that salient fact and yet refuse to correct ourselves and set up the coming generations properly. thats the problem right there! we know and we know what to do. but we refuse to do it. we dont care to do it leaving the people and the generations to repeat endlessly the suffering amd failures of the one before it and those a thousand years back into the past!

thats it with blac people. we have no class, no fortitude, no love for self and kind, forgiveness for each other. generations in the past fought powerfuly for themselves and the people. chief examples were the people of Haiti, one of the very greatest people historically.

but these are no examples fo us because we do not want them. 'so they fought but why must we even if they did not fight we would not be here. so who cares! is everyman fuh himself!.

skunts all!
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more of the crap..yet very clarifying!
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“The actual cricket seems secondary to many Board members who just want to show who is in charge and our cricket is at its lowest right now. I would advocate that in any Organization or Sporting entity, character checks be done on all members before they are appointed since persons who represent these bodies are the image of those organisations,” Jaigobin opined.

He said that he cannot support people with questionable characters and says if such people are allowed to the forefront of national sporting bodies then the sport itself will suffer.
“When I got involved with the GCB I did not know what type of people I was dealing with but if I had done a character check I would probably have not gotten involved,” Jaigobin said.
Talk a look at the before and after pic of Jai...Here
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