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Phew. Quick as a flash I done gone and saved the text of this article - ... &Itemid=50" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false; - offline before somebody's ass gets hauled into an office to correct the spelling mistake.

To deliberately misquote the words of an advert from sometime back: Does you do or does you don't grant Access.

Imagine that character approaching you as part of the JCA candidate approval process asking that you present your briefs for examination! :oops: :oops: :oops:
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Yes folks, according to information widely seen on the www South African athlete Oscar Pistorius will appear on a racing track somewhere within your line of vision, whether live or via the wonders of technology, "If he is up for it and qualifies". No less an event than the World Championships are under consideration :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :ugeek: :ugeek: !

Am so happy I don't possess a tv. I will be looking on with interest at the media circus that will attend him wherever he goes - I am feeling nauseous already - but please don't get it twisted I have been on the pc for a long time and haven't eaten much today :roll:

Just in case anyone is thinking that I am misrepresenting our gun totting (only at home in fear of intruders and on the shooting range) bladed runner here is his website:" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" where you get all the information that you need first hand.

What a coincidence that this news breaks on the day that Mandela is in hospital! I guess that the jaundiced conspiracy believing observer might dream that the ex-con might as well bear some of the blame cos if only the wealth were shared more equitably amongst South Africans then the need for guns as a form of protection against the vile robbers, kidnappers and never do well would not be necessary. Ah well.

Meanwhile the parents of Reeva Steenkamp are left with memories but no daughter with a beating heart! Talking of hearts Valentines Day will never be the same again!

Life sucks and then you die!,in the meantime live good ALL." onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

P.S My spellchecker is on strike today nothing else intended nor implied!Check your own overactive imagination!
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Once upon a time we lived in a very small world in which we were 'known' to only our blood kin and the few souls that formed part of our community. Nowadays though with the advent of the www and social media etc, etc we leave so much of ourselves to be picked up on by strangers in far flung parts of the world. Sometimes we use nicknames. Sometimes we confuse fame with infamy, both of which nowadays amass adulation and set others hankering after their own 15 minutes in the spotlight.

So after that bit of nonsense from me in the post above I googled the late Reeva Steenkamp and hit upon what purports to be her twitter account. Damn, the last entry was on February 13th!

R.I.P Reeva this one is for YOU.
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More balast ... i man balance, Pistolorius' family speak out.
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Does it mean that Mr Cameron introduces himself thus, "Hello, my name is Whycliffe, but you can call me Dave?
Answers on a postcard to howzdat. Am seriously curious. Does anyone know?

While waiting for enlightenment on that little curiousity, why don't I start to gingerly unscrew the cork on this lunatic head of mine so as to vent this stirring brew that's bubbling away inside it, inside it, inside it, inside it, inside it, inside it ..... (an empty head makes a bowlder echo).

Before that though allow me to copy in from elsewhere the following:
howzdat wrote:
Every time I look at this picture, even Gibson, WI most winningest coach in recent history, stand a chance of kissing the frog :oops: Will West Indies cricket succumb to A JamDotted takeover?
Seen the The Picture? Were they having an argument with someone?

Emmanuel looks as if he has come to give you that estimate for laying the concrete driveway to the front of the Yard; and Whycliffe, whom he (Emmanuel )brings along with him whenever on such business, serves as his enforcer bulldog. Full of growl.

More later.

P.S What's the fix to embed pics in your posts?
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List of fascist movements by country

De Sun aint gonna shine no more in Underland. NewQuay Brown's rule OK!
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" onclick=";return false;
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howzdat wrote:List of fascist movements by country

De Sun aint gonna shine no more in Underland. NewQuay Brown's rule OK!
Well, well Mr. Di Canio. Well done Sunderland ... (picture words being prised through gritted teeth with a crowbar) Newcastle 0 - 3 Sunderland! :oops: :oops: :oops:

Mr. Pardew, must be looking forward to a better season next time around.
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The passing of sporting heroes: R.I.P Mike Denness
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