NFL Football: Michael Vick!

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I watched Michael Vick play quarterback for the Philidelphia Eagles last night and I could not believe what I saw! I never saw anything like that quarter-backing in 30 years of watching the NFL!

Vick was simply impossible! how can a relatively small man, slim of build effortlessley toss a ball 60 yards through the air, in a perfect arc, to a receiver around whom the defense is swirling?

how can a passer, unerringly pick out a receiver in the end zone, behiand and between 2 defenders, all of them moving, converging to be on one spot at the same collision?

the recceiver is not there yet, he is moving towards that slight opening, and Vick rifles the ball in perfect timing, between the converging defenders as the receiver arcs into the spot , turns as the ball arrives in his chest, fits exactly into his chest as he jumps, makes the ball/catch safe, and comes back to earth in-bounds...touchdown!!!

can humans achieve such perfection, even for a moment, regardless of the opposition, excellent, or as poor as washington was last night?

Obviousl they can for I did see Michael Vick with my own 2 eyes!

in his left-armness Vick is at one and the same time, as flawlessly, effortlessly beautiful as Sobers and Lara, as John McEnroe the tennis Graeme Pollock and David Gower.

in his attitude he is as combative and creative as Kanhai!

if I did not see it myself I would not have believed it!

Cheers Michael, for lighting up the world again in a demonstration that takes a long, developing time, to gell into such perfection. you fought yourself and all outside odds to come to this day and this performance. I hope there are many more left in you, that this is just the start or continuation, of a line of excellence already unsurpassed in NFL history.

talk about your redefinition of how a game is played, how an at is practised! kanhai indeed!
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