That kind of foolishness is par for his course,
you haven't noticed....exactly. And you know what they say about doing the same thing repeatedly and expecting different results.
This was his latest attempt at marginalisation, in reference to JCA voting against Dave Cameron.
but what also about Gils , this must be a shot in his tail too..his extreme nationalism shattered as Yardies vote for a Bajan against their own homebwoy
It should indicate to you what he really thinks of the topic of conversation, and himself, when he can only address it in relation to what he presumes I might think.....
For the purpose of this thread, and not because he merits a reply or has anything but zero credibility
3) I don't care who they vote for, its all simply an illusion of choice, a shell game - and he knows this because I've said so many times.
For him to imply I do care shows the desperation in his claim. I do, however, also understand he needs something with which to justify his emotive nature.
2) Common sense 101
Exactly how extremist can I be if I don't reside in Jamaica.
1) How the f&*% he have mouth for me but quiet like mouse when BCA, JCA, GCB ,WICBC, T&TCB and LICA all give player integration a
93% disapproval rating.
All from the same guy who said Bravo et al had nothing to fear from the India withdrawal and Hinds would be out on his ear at the earliest juncture. I guess he intends to live this year exactly how he's lived all the others, on spurious assumptions.
Personally I think he may actually like getting his pants pulled down in public, why else would he keep asking for it......