The question I ask is...who benefits from Wikileaks...especially its latest batch of 'releases'?
the follow-up demonstrates Israel wins, Indian neo-liberalism wins, the empire wins!
I have seen little that is consistent with the true relationship of forces internationally. all I see from wiks' work is benefit for the bad guys.
my strick rule about events in the world, in life is simple. and I believe all follow the same rule...who benefits?
it is who benefits from the action, the crime, the deed , are the very same ones who did it...and do it!
therefore Wikileaks and its founder and leader Julian Assange is are frauds perpetrated on the public by the very gangsters themselves, whom Wikileaks is purportedly set up to attack, to destabilise by presenting all their secrects to the public who supposedly own the governments, and in whose name the governments are supposed to act.
I dont pay attention to the established media. another fact that makes Wikileaks very suspect is that Wiki gave the 'secrets' to these very same esestablished media outlets who have no reason at all to publish anything that attacks the status quo they are an integral part of.
why would they post the 'secret' cables if in fact they are injurious to the system? it does not compute. Wikileaks is a fraud! pure and simple. Assange is a spy and will end up a rich and free man in due course.