All Anand is doing is investigating the various problem areas where money is missing or spent without approval .He cannot charge anyone .The DPP does that .
Anand chewed out the idiot COP ,because of thieves looting a church . The COP said he couldn't do any thing he didn't know who the owner was.If Cops see people breaking into a business do they wait before they find out who the owner was , before arresting the thieves? Strange how the next Day Cops showed up and arrested a few people .
as I was saying: there has been no police chief in TT in my time who was not a brown-noser par excellance, a crimnal, a thief and a killer...or who was not by nauture a psychopath and a fool...for that is what it takes to become police chief!
and in all my years in TT I never knew the police as a whole to be any way different from the way I described the COP!
black people can attest to this fact broadly and at first hand for we have been from the start, for generations, the chief victims of the same police force which also from the start has been manned mainly by blac males
I really, honestly, doh care what Annand do to the COP and the force itself, unless he revolutionaises it like the Venezuelans are doing, making it a useful and co-operative part of their society... and not the enemy of society the police force is everywhere else in the world.
I would love it if he does dat! but are Kampla/Annand up to that?
dat is the question!
and if the police force is bot revolutionsed as part of the positive changes I have been talking about...there is likely not a prayer that crime will be reduced in TT, for the police...who are to be the solvers and keepers of the law... are a major part of the crime scene and they dont care to risk their lives for the STATE of TT as it is.
if you do not have a STATE that all the people trust', respect and would stand up for, nothing is going to work.
is Kamla going to be the one to start in 'that' positive direction...50 years up the road from when the first prime minister, Williams, failed to do so?