I cannot speak to the assumed notion that Obama set up the current activities in Libya but certainly there is something in the mortar besides the pestle. There is no empirical evidence to prove or disprove your theory...
you are not serious..are you?
Do you have facts to support your perspective?
Re: Gaddafi vs West
Posted: Thu Aug 25, 2011 11:53 pm
by mapoui
when I am faced with a perspective such as yours keith, I get flustered, unable to find a point at which to begin. you are so far out of it with dat queston, I dont know where to start with you. I get repetitious, circular...
is impossible until some later point when it all clarifies, emotion out of the way I can do some justice in providnign some kind of suitable response.
if it is not Obama, as leader of of the current american administraton, who den...?
the america congrsss almost forced Obama to call off the war because he had sent the american military into war without the consent of the american congress. Obama won those votes barely and continued the war.
is dat some sort of mystery?
did that not play out in the publics eye?
did not the opposition of Zuma for example, expose dat Obama had personally called him and twisted his arm forcing RSA to vote for the UN resolution to create the no-fly zone, ostensibly to protect the Libyan people from Gaddafis' murdeous on-slaught against his own people.... which resolution has has been turned into justification for all-out war on Libya?
hasnt all dat turned out to be propaganda... and dat gaddifi was not attacking his people but that the rebels in fact were..killing also a whole lot of blac people forriners and blac Libyans...not Gaddafi?
and who is doing the military bullwork under the the NATO rubric?
isnt it america, under Obamas iorders?
look all and any damm proof yu need right there in the open, in the public realm> wat yu need.... wikileaks and the release of secret tapes and files, to prove its Obama and those who pull his chains?
here keith! to help you realise the kind of entity Obama really is>
the attack on Libya did not happen by itself. and Libya has not attacked itself.
and assholes like Sarkozy and france... and Cameron and england...cannot attack anybody in the world unless deh get an american green light...jess in case yuh tinking dat is dem 2 fools who did it and not Obama!
here keith! to help you realise the kind of entity Obama really is>
the attack on Libya did not happen by itself. and Libya has not attacked itself.
and assholes like Sarkozy and france... and Cameron and england...cannot attack anybody in the world unless deh get an american green light...jess in case yuh tinking dat is dem 2 fools who did it and not Obama!
Yeah, I agree with the part where you said the US has to give the green light for the others to follow but in Libya's case it was France and Italy who were driving for the assault on the Libyan government.
UN resolution 1973 claims to protect citizens against the oppressive Gaddafi government but what we have today is a renegade Rebel force, armed to the teeth with tanks, yes tanks and anti aircraft weapons marching onto Sirte where they claim that the people therein are not supportive of the NTC. So these normal citizens, who should be protected by resolution 1973, are now subject the an arsenal of fire power for showing dissent, even under the ironic blessing to assasinate of the UN and NATO.
Re: Gaddafi vs West
Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:43 am
by mapoui
look at Obamas dogfight to stop the congress from defunding that invasion France and England were in the media highligts but it was Obamas war. America did the heavy lifting in money, weapons, men, planes, boats etc.
it was Obamas war as recognised by all and sundry.
but it is not only England and France to blame. remember dat wen you hear the crocodile tears of the Russians and Chinese. deh have VETO power in the security council. deh knew wat wud happen and deh cud have stopped it with a simple no vote. any of the 2 alone.
deh refused, pulled their citizens and let it happen.
deh are all on the same sidthe elites of all the nations...no matter wat they say for public consumption. deh are all bought out and knit together at the top. deh are all billionaires...Russians, Chinese and the rest in the west in charge.
the ordinary people of the world are sorrounded by their governments who are picking off the nations one by one, reducing infrastructure to rubble, poisoning the air, and food, killing off the ordinary people
and Obama is the man in the middle..the greatest monster of all. dat is wat you ought to see.... for your own good
'"Come and see. These are blacks, Africans, hired by Gaddafi, mercenaries," shouted Ahmed Bin Sabri, lifting the tent flap to show the body of one dead patient, his grey T-shirt stained dark red with blood, the saline pipe running into his arm black with flies. Why had an injured man receiving treatment been executed? Mr Sabri, more a camp follower than a fighter, shrugged. It was seemingly incomprehensible to him that anything wrong had been done. The corpses were on the grass verges of two large roundabouts between Bab al-Aziziyah, Muammar Gaddafi's compound stormed by the revolutionaries at the weekend and Abu Salim, a loyalist district which saw three days of ferocious violence.'
HOw can I celebrate the victory of a side that systematically goes around killing every black man they can lay their hands on, committing executions based solely on race? How can these be the 'good guys'?
Re: Gaddafi vs West
Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 2:08 pm
by mapoui
I dont know yu mikesiva but your interest seem down in the side of ordinary blac people. I have pointed out the deleterious effect Obama is having on the ineteterst of blac people globally only to be shouted down among my own.
deh all love Obama, have total faith in the man as if he is god and to me. on observation he is not even a man but an automated killing machine.
I see Obamas behaviour as consistent with an entity that is noth complete, thinking for itself in line with who he is as a product of a long line of cultural/social experience. at times it appears Obama is not even conscious of his own interest as an individual, and the interest of those of his same social/cultural experience other than he.
Obama appears to be mentally infirm when it comes to blac people, to ordinary people and their interests. under Obama things around the world are so bad for people of or African descent the only comparable we have is slavery.
great quantities of land over African have been sold from under the people. some of them in ethiopia, the heart of Rasta have been driven off land they have occupied for thusands of years to facilitate corporate production.
anywhere one turns it is the same..the destruction of people of African descent has picked up great pace since Obama became president. is it surprising then that Obamas war on Libya has installed a leadership on Libya that is so virulently racist that the shoot the blac skin on sight...killing thousands of people, rounding them up and executing them in bunches.
and not a peep out of washington. not a word of action to stop it from the Obama administration. is that the behaviour of man from a culture, soaked in it, and naturally as a rssult protectivly reactive when it is threatened..its people being killed in bunches..even a tiny lil bit!?
Re: Gaddafi vs West
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2011 5:04 am
by Keith
Desperate times for the Tri-partite farce as the NTC continue to humiliate black Africans who live in Libya. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-africa-15284264" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
There's no trial by these Western backed executioners, and yet every world leader, including Obama and Cameron, are praising the rebels for executing him without a trial. Sounds very ominous to me....