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Re: Oh Gord ... Lil Willie got fired as Asst Coach of the WI

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:32 pm
mapoui wrote:afro...if yu were a leader of anything I was a part of I would get out and battle on my own.

yu are so stupid, I mean incorrigbly stupi, that yu would lead your group astray and not even know it.
You're nothing but an empty suit Maps!! big but deep down you're utterly clueless, a real leader can accept another point of view, not cry when he is opposed, those are the acts of a BABY, not a man,

bosss look here..let me tell yu this right. If I have to do anything at all with blac people I hire no whites..none at all.

why? it is not that whites cant be sueful and loyal to blac issues and work positively if they are involved. but they would have had to prove it by long association. that is the challenge of life. you have to learn by experience who to trust and why and who not to trust and why.
LOL you better HOPE your new friend "soKKKa-fraud" don't see this!! :lol: :lol: , but let me give you a little history lesson seeing as you love history so much, GO LOOK UP THE NAME Dennis Waight!!!, he was the white Australian trainer who had a MAJOR INFLUENCE on the West indies team during the glory days, he never had no friends in the camp or anything, he just turned up out of the blue one day and THE TEAM NEVER LOOKED BACK, why can't the same happen with Radford? :|

I have had a long life of experience with what racism has done to people the world over..what it continues to do to people. and if you as a westindian have to represent the oeple you better be smart enuff to protect the peoples interest and not expose the people to run by brining in enemies who will hurt the people badly.
The man has already RAN THE HPC, he knows many of the young players and they all have massive respect for him, he is there to DO A JOB, not ruin the caribbean, get a grip man,

and I know Hillary Beckles and the absolute traitor that he is. Radford as an associate of Beckles is bound to be an enemy of blac people. he is in the westindies courtesy of Beckles..he is Beckles running dog thats what he is and so an enemy of the people.

yu are a damm fool afro..but we doh have to go along with you. the white people who after being brought up in racist societies, who cut through all that conditioning to see the world for real and so work with people of colour honestly when they have to, are few and far between.
So now we should pre-judge every white coach that could possibly IMPROVE our players? man GET REAL, not everyone has bad intentions, he's getting paid to WORK WITH THE BATTERS, but you seem to think he will morph into some kind of terrorist or something and blow up the whole of the caribbean and it's people!! :shock: , GET OUT OF YOUR BOX MAPS!!,

it is a fact of the life we live, beyond the choice of white people who did not chosse the content of the soceity in whcih they grew. they grew up whiet and there is so much racism embedded inb whict society they have no choice.

we have all this knowledge now, we have so many studies done on this subject and yet you talkign bullcrap about prejudice. facts man fact of life yu have to deal with when making decisons. for yourself that is fine. if yu get screwed dats all right. who cares.
You're a massive HYPOCRITE maps!!.. when i pointed out how disparaging soca-fraud was against the black cricket commentators the other day YOU FELL BLIND TO IT and started flirting with her because she agrees with your notions about the board!!.. evidently you're very SELECTIVE where white people are concerned :roll: ,

but if yoiuy makign decison for plenty people then we have a problem. you will make damm fool uninforend decision and expose your people to the very thing they ask yu to lead to avoid.

jackasss! screw radford. send the skunt home..and beckles along with him. hunter and hillaire too!
Why you running from my question duncy? i asked you IS RAUL DRAVID WEST INDIAN? he gave advice to Kirk Edwards but yet you wasn't saying "screw Dravid"...why? why are you contradicting yourself?.

Re: Oh Gord ... Lil Willie got fired as Asst Coach of the WI

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:27 pm
by socafighter
Why you running from my question duncy? i asked you IS RAUL DRAVID WEST INDIAN? he gave advice to Kirk Edwards but yet you wasn't saying "screw Dravid"...why? why are you contradicting yourself?.
You know why I say you have limited knowledge of West Indian Cricket , when you ask dumb questions as the above . Who on the West Indian team can help any young player , do we
have a Sobers , Kanhai , Richards or a Lara on the team, so they can seek advice? ....oh
yea we have a Scammy ..or sorry he is a bowler or is he never mind .
Cooper recently picked Murali brains about bowling in Bangladesh .
You should check history and read how many players sought advice from the greats of West Indies
batting and bowling past worldwide, before you open your yap and sprout hot air . Dumbfro

Re: Oh Gord ... Lil Willie got fired as Asst Coach of the WI

Posted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 9:34 pm
by socafighter
You're a massive HYPOCRITE maps!!.. when i pointed out how disparaging soca-fraud was against the black cricket commentators the other day YOU FELL BLIND TO IT and started flirting with her because she agrees with your notions about the board!!.. evidently you're very SELECTIVE where white people are concerned ,
When quoting me please do it correctly .
I said the commentating was of very poor quality .
I never mention race , nor color of any individual , so get that fcking chip off your shoulder.
Just to show how fcking stupid you are there is an Englishman that does commentary , he
lives in Jamaica , there is another one that does commentary in the Caribbean. Instead of
looking like a fcking idiot with your comments about color or race why not do some research
you might learn something but with that thick head of yours I doubt it .

Re: Oh Gord ... Lil Willie got fired as Asst Coach of the WI

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:19 am
socafighter wrote:
You know why I say you have limited knowledge of West Indian Cricket , when you ask dumb questions as the above . Who on the West Indian team can help any young player , do we
have a Sobers , Kanhai , Richards or a Lara on the team, so they can seek advice? ....oh
yea we have a Scammy ..or sorry he is a bowler or is he never mind .
Cooper recently picked Murali brains about bowling in Bangladesh .
You should check history and read how many players sought advice from the greats of West Indies
batting and bowling past worldwide, before you open your yap and sprout hot air . Dumbfro
WOMEN SHUT YOUR DUMB, BLONDE UGLY MOUTH!!.. clearly you didn't read what Maps said because if you did YOU WOULDN'T BE SOUNDING LIKE A RETARD RIGHT NOW!! :roll: , he suggest that "a WHITE BATTING COACH LIKE TOBY RADFORD can't teach a west indian how to bat good" i merely said DRAVID ISN'T WEST INDIAN BUT HE HELPED EDWARDS!!..and since then EDWARDS HAS LOOKED TOP CLASS, therefore the moral of the story was A GOOD COACH IS A GOOD COACH REGARDLESS OF RACE, so please engage your brain before talking nonsense,

Furthermore wasn't Haynes THE BATTING COACH? :| so that totally debunks your claim about who the players can "seek advice" from!! :lol: :lol: :lol: .

Re: Oh Gord ... Lil Willie got fired as Asst Coach of the WI

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:26 am
socafighter wrote:Dumbfro

When quoting me please do it correctly .

I never mention race , nor color of any individual , so get that fcking chip off your shoulder.
Just to show how fcking stupid you are there is an Englishman that does commentary , he
lives in Jamaica , there is another one that does commentary in the Caribbean. Instead of
looking like a fcking idiot with your comments about color or race why not do some research
you might learn something but with that thick head of yours I doubt it .
soKKKa fraud!!.. firstly I NEVER "QUOTED" YOU YOU DUMB idiot, i merely described your BEHAVIOUR, that's two different things dummy, SECONDLY you said more than "they were poor commentators", you virtually ran them down and mocked them!! :roll: , thirdly THERE WASN'T A SINGLE "ENGLISH MAN" COMMENTATING WHEN YOU STARTED CUSSING, from what i remember it was either Bim or St-lucian commentators AND THEY WERE CLEARLY ALL BLACK, so don't try and backtrack now duncy!!!.. i'm not as blind and naive to your attitude as of the some others around here, YOU'RE A DISGUSTING RACIST!!.. full stop.

Re: Oh Gord ... Lil Willie got fired as Asst Coach of the WI

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:27 am
by socafighter
Its simple Otis ratted Lil Willie to Hillaire ...who took it to the WICB . WICB gets the blame

Otis gets to hire one from he mother Country . (Barbados lil England GB ...Big England)

All the rats are happy .

Re: Oh Gord ... Lil Willie got fired as Asst Coach of the WI

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:30 am
by socafighter
AFRO wrote:
socafighter wrote:Dumbfro

When quoting me please do it correctly .

I never mention race , nor color of any individual , so get that fcking chip off your shoulder.
Just to show how fcking stupid you are there is an Englishman that does commentary , he
lives in Jamaica , there is another one that does commentary in the Caribbean. Instead of
looking like a fcking idiot with your comments about color or race why not do some research
you might learn something but with that thick head of yours I doubt it .
soKKKa fraud!!.. firstly I NEVER "QUOTED" YOU YOU DUMB idiot, i merely described your BEHAVIOUR, that's two different things dummy, SECONDLY you said more than "they were poor commentators", you virtually ran them down and mocked them!! :roll: , thirdly THERE WASN'T A SINGLE "ENGLISH MAN" COMMENTATING WHEN YOU STARTED CUSSING, from what i remember it was either Bim or St-lucien commentators AND THEY WERE CLEARLY ALL BLACK, so don't try and backtrack now duncy!!!.. i'm not as blind and naive to your attitude as the some others around here, YOU'RE A DISGUSTING RACIST!!.. full stop.

Why not produce the evidence ....I doubt you can in your imaginary world of pink elephants .
Lets see if you have the guts to show my behavior. I don't think you can since it didn't happen .
Your comments are full of notations about racists ...remember it takes one to know one
the more you mention it , it reveals the true Dumbfro .

Re: Oh Gord ... Lil Willie got fired as Asst Coach of the WI

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:37 am
socafighter wrote:

Why not produce the evidence ....I doubt you can in your imaginary world of pink elephants .
Lets see if you have the guts to show my behavior. I don't think you can since it didn't happen .
I''ve made the claim AGAINST YOU, so can you prove me wrong duncy? :roll: it's funny how you love posting articles about Trinidad club cricket but when it's time to clear your name SUDDENLY YOU RUN OUT OF POSTS!!..what a surprise :lol: :lol: :lol: .

so like i said..YOU'RE A DUMB RACIST!!.. full stop 8-) .

Re: Oh Gord ... Lil Willie got fired as Asst Coach of the WI

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:44 am
by socafighter
Like I said you are full of shyte wonder you are brown .

You are gutless make comments that cannot be proven . Normally ediots I avoid since

I have better things to do with my time . You are clueless about debating skills , just read your

posting shows . I have wasted enough time ....So ta ta ....

Re: Oh Gord ... Lil Willie got fired as Asst Coach of the WI

Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:46 am
socafighter wrote:Like I said you are full of shyte wonder you are brown .

You are gutless make comments that cannot be proven . Normally ediots I avoid since

I have better things to do with my time . You are clueless about debating skills , just read your

posting shows . I have wasted enough time ....So ta ta ....
And that comment right there in bold TELLS ME EVERYTHING I NEEDED TO KNOW ABOUT YOU!!.. :roll: , YOUR A RACIST, DUMB BIMBO!!.. and i'm glad i forced it out of you in the end so that everyone can see what a prejudice PIG you are!!..NOW FECK OFF YOU KKK SKUNT!! :| .