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Re: Pullo seh Chrissy dead...but its not True

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 3:23 pm
by mapoui
wen las' sissy ban someone?

i pay little attention to dat site. sometimes I get ah urge to go deh and wen I reach, pik ah thread dat show some life, read 2 posts get fed up an' leave.

it even worse with 446 where I spent a lot of time posting away. I lorse interest in dat site completely since what appears to be a googley/cacabelly take over from skipper stevie2.

cacabelly is a totally Indian-centrix, upppity kind ah fella, deep into hindu superiority and the ineterest of India in the world.

as such he could not stand my constant attacks on Obama, Jews and Indian nonsense which he most likely saw as exposing the truth about Indian elitist machinantions in cahoots with the the zionist interest in the world.

he prolly did not like the links I posted on 446 of solid Indian thinkers from the left side of the ideological spectrum, journalists and writers who spoke and wrote sane and brilliant and broad expositons on world and Indian afairs.

and of course Indians are rising in the westindies but not always along social lines that can be deemed or described as progressive...especially alleged and racist extremes by the Jagdoe government in if we have made a circle and retunred to Burnham-ism, but with Jagdeo and Indians in reverse position to where the ole' criminal B and blac people used to be.

it appears cacabelly fraid mih mout' yuh see..he an deh first ban mih behind mih back..nobody know who cut mih off.

den mister googley joomp all over mih fuh posting Rianna naked, calling 446 a family site :lol: :lol: :lol:

isnt dat sweet!

the naked body of a beautiful woman, an extraodinarily sexy female, with an atrraction that has fascinated the world, who is not all that talented but grabs everbodys interest anyway...her naked pictures plastered all over the world for all to see...young, middle, old everybody.... the centre of much debate and whodunit - post the pictures...likely Chris, her violent, stranged boyfriend the main suspect, trying to derail Rianna in vengeful pique...which effort failed utterly... the pictures endeared Rianna further in the public, embedding her there prolly for all all time!

when men of these generatins reach he old age they will remeber Rianna as men of past generations remembered Marilyn Monroe, or Fay Rae with the monster from king kong atop the empire state building. or Bridgette Bardow and Sophia Loren, Gene Harlow and Tipi Hendren......

Rianna has such a special quality, of youth and health, fecund sexuality, the kind of woman any man wants to marry and have 6 kids with. easily!

Rianna is like a snapshot of the time between 16 and 22, in full youth that everyone knows in the most desireable girl coming up, freckles, female...a picture we walk with forever, till the day we die. Riannas' is not classically beauty but she is like that spirit, a representation of a female archetype embedded in the human soul, actually made flesh and blood walking among us currently.

chris brown a young fool is attracted, and is liked in return. but he deos not know or understnd the woman and what she means. he is too young and captured by the corrupt gangsta manipualtion of a legit hip hop art form he is part of, so he thinks mac daddy rather than intelligent young human male growing up.

the naked body is fine, good. we all have one! and we all thought of it as naked and good before we got religion...spiritual ideology that taught us that the naked body is bad, to view it, like it. desire it, love it, openly, honestly..which it isnt. if the effect of Riannas naked body was bad, terrible, awful, inciteful of evil, the jails would now be full of people, incited and out of control, criminal, for seeing her naked, her gorgeous body plastered all over the news.

and by that same token all the publications all over the world that printed those pictures would also be evil and have to shut down which would have left us with little to read for almost all of them put up the 446 of course! :lol: :lol: :lol:

so 446 is the most religious of publications, the most ethical, moral, sexually fastidious of all for they banned where no one else did.

446 has a problem with the naked body despite the fact that Boomer used to full up lots pages with naked women in his time on that site.

but stevie was in charge then and that might be diference.

but not with cacabelly and googley! googly must have his sex in his pyjamas, or even worse fully clothed... he and whoever he is having it total fear of getting naked.

Phew! :D

with its new management 446 is prolly dead space least deader space!

westindians I tell you! imagine in 2010..the human species, the crackpot mistake of nature... is about to correct nature by eliminating itself, and people still wrapped up in religious inspired ethics and morals and wont get naked.

man prolly does not even walk barefoot in his yard, although they now prove that that is one of the best things to do..kick off ones shoes and walk barefoot as often as one can

and now we also know the truth of religion and its origins, how all of them came to be and it is not a pretty picture. we have come to to know the warped, psychopathic manipulations of dictators, criminals, massively sexually deviant and corrupt men who created the religions, for the purpose of social control...especially the progenitors of christianity.

they were all sexual predators and bathed in blood warmongers, who used their reglion for conquest and plunder. there are no poor religions in the poor priests, bishops, imams etc!

so we gonna die all of us still fucked-up by religious nonsense, warped and twisted over sex - natures' categorical imperitive sex we have all trussed up, tied up, made unfree, ...all for the profit of those who control us..who behind the closed dorrs wallow in all that we the people have been told is bad, wicked and evil.

we have made the categorical imperitive a sin and a crime, sexual attraction into a bad not a good...yet nature made it undeniable because that is how nature goes on, carries on itself, makes sure that it and whatever it extrudes goes on, has the max chance of going on, so that there is always something in the existence.

stupid humanity, for greed, desires for power over multitudes, attacked itself where it really hurts most, endangers our species most..attacking sexuality.

if humans are not creating religions that attack, truss and truncate sexuality we are creating deseases like AIDS that attack human sexuality, to the extent that sex is becoming limited and a threat to the continuation of the species ultimately.

humans have made a pigs breakfast of what is the most basic and normal of all human and the naked human body.

and there is googly by banning sexy Riannas body and in so doing working against his own self, against human freedom, supporting his own mental imprisonment...googly... and cacabelly.

well go on then guys. go on! cacabelly and googly appear to be keenly interested in all that is old and tired in the world, attitudes we are fighing in humans as we speak..old and tired social movement and attitudes that have brought the species to its knees

India wishes to grow into a world empire in emulation of the americans. interesting! if in time India wins and becomes a world empire exactly where america is today, will you guys be happy? for sure!.

so that what allyuh want?

allyuh welcome to it...and all it means! as long as I not in the way...I can stand clear and watch allyuh in safety.

if admiration of and expression of the american world dream of conquest is what allyuh think the most worthy of goals... go on...get it.

you all will have to do all america has done in the world and worse to achieve and maintain any such thing.

imagne the wars, the killings, the genocides, the invasions and occupations....Indians in armies occupying nations, killing people all over the world...brutalising them, torturing them. and now in a bruytally technologised world, farming people and harvesting them for body parts.

imagine that eh...India developing education and systems of delivery that indoctrinate peoples into fools, like we are made fools today by Jewish control of education the world over.

thats what allyuh want, wish to emulate...the creation of enemies who would maitian euch enmity for millenia, awaiting and builidng, planning for their turn..who will repeat the shit in time, when the table turns and its Indian turn to be mistreated and exploited again?

allyuh can have all that if the world lets allyuh have it! But I suspect this time the world wont let it happen, that finally the relationships among nations and peoples, the power relationships are too balanced to allow any such domnination to develop again, and that the nation that tries will be reduced in the process, or contribute to its own desttruction, and to the destruction of the species...which is exactly where we are at, with the jewish/American power against the rest of the world!

the human species will not go much further than here unless there is social revolution and we evolve a world of truly democratic nations dealing with each other in mutual respect, permitting the general development of the species and its environment.

its time for human freedom again, where we unbind the human mind and body, focus on human development and security..peace and prosperity and end to class society with its attendant racism and all round social division, and exploitation of man by man.

Re: Pullo seh Chrissy dead...but its not True

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 8:22 pm
by BallOil
where the pic deh eh? :)