Hi again Chrisps, we don't yet know what will be the CPL's DFL Maximum but as promised here are some of the underlying experiences and sentiments behind my offer of FetchDat!TM as the CPL's Maximum. Note well that it is now trademarkedChrisps wrote:I reckon one of the courier firms would be perfect for sponsoring the CPL's 'Fetch Dat!' 6.Looking forward to reading your other memories.
Hope the post gives you a little insight into what I imagine the CPL theme song is trying to capture in the phrase, "How We Play!".
Btw allyuh notice how it is dat they put een part of my nick in the t'ing Why the hell they didn't invite i-and-i to write the lyrics i just can't understand and AFRO still aint pull through with my WICB job offer AFRO, ah can sing as well you know ....