BallOil wrote:Deep stuff....things doh look that bright
yu see there is no probelm actually yu know. in fact with the levl of technology and skill and knowledge we have developed humanity has solved all the material problems to a level that would afford each and every human alive far more than enough.
add that is is on an ON-GOIN basis...meaning that even this level will be constanly increasing then you have a fair idea of how we are being kept back by the sysem in place.
that is the to evolve socially from a most backward status quo to a forwad and progrssive systematic way for the species..wihtout blowing ourselves up.
it is not the ordinary fold who blew the GoM! it is not the ordianry epole who Blew Iraq to bits. you get the picture! ordinary people are culpable because we have learned to brown-nose where we must confront and fight back. we have learned to accept bullship and lessers of evil when we had to accept no evil at all...but to kick out the greedy, selfish, class conscious assholes and establish what was positive.
that is where are culpable...we aloowed the ecvil unimpeded passge to social take over everything, educate us to be assholes and now are ready to kill us off by the billion. serves us right for our stupidity.
and our stupidity is still not done,,despite all the evil that is going on in the world right in front of our faces. we still refuse to see the truth, occupy ourselves with all manner of misdirecting crapola while the man sticks his finger up our noses to stop our breathing.
all the people must do is get up and stop it all, end it all, decentralise it all, take power back to area of organisation where the people have direct control. from which again will arise systematically an organisation that would be democratic from its base upwards.
that is all that would gurantee human prosperity in an abundance that would boggle the mind. it is already here that abundance but the capitalist have monoplised it and hide it away from the people. and they have tus ignorant divided and bribed in the most horrendous ways.
but a lot of people are aware, know whats going on, but have chosen to go along for the little they have accumulated,. they have traded in human freedom for pittances..30 pieces when there is collctive ednless wealth, xtended life and potential in human freedom and democracy