Posted: Sat Jul 13, 2013 9:36 am
all of cricket everwhere, from its dead colonial, elitist roots must be reorganised. me must bury the old colonialist shit and start fresh..shedding the old pox-ridden, racist, elitist english trash ideology the game comes with, that is now useless in the world.
all that is cricket is now backward and reactionary, old conservative shit that is now totally in-efficacious in real life. it is entrenched in the icc and all over which it maintains jurisdiction.
and now that the Indians have taken over the old shit-house they have invested in all the old elitist shit and now are as corrupt and elitist as the english were and are. the Indians in fact have brought new life and energy to continue a rotten tradition for another hundred years.
ridiculous! disgusting! we shud not stand for it!
the thing to do is to disband the old traditon by killing the icc totally. we shud drag the drac, sleeping corpse of british bred cricket into the sun of the today's life and let it rot in the light and blow to eff away in the breeze to coalesce in hell where it deserves to be
west indies shud pull out and set the example. reconstitute west indian leadership and pull out of the freaking, creaking icc. rebuild west indian cricket..emerge in high excellence and then start build a new international organisation to house a refurbished and energised game suited to modern needs
all that is cricket is now backward and reactionary, old conservative shit that is now totally in-efficacious in real life. it is entrenched in the icc and all over which it maintains jurisdiction.
and now that the Indians have taken over the old shit-house they have invested in all the old elitist shit and now are as corrupt and elitist as the english were and are. the Indians in fact have brought new life and energy to continue a rotten tradition for another hundred years.
ridiculous! disgusting! we shud not stand for it!
the thing to do is to disband the old traditon by killing the icc totally. we shud drag the drac, sleeping corpse of british bred cricket into the sun of the today's life and let it rot in the light and blow to eff away in the breeze to coalesce in hell where it deserves to be
west indies shud pull out and set the example. reconstitute west indian leadership and pull out of the freaking, creaking icc. rebuild west indian cricket..emerge in high excellence and then start build a new international organisation to house a refurbished and energised game suited to modern needs