What do OBAMA and WI CRICKET have In Common ?

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is Rajaram trying to help Obama get re-elected by portraying him fantastically, setting him up to come and state his mistakes, list his success and establish that for the experience he will be much more sophisticated next 4 years, far more effective and deliver more for the people...to " 'trust me! I will deliver!' ?"


the people must see the devil clearly and what he is doing, and those behind him who are responsible for putting him presidency to do their dirty work.

Obama is the face of systematic exploitation of the people in the last stage of capitalism...monopoly, setting up a devil of a state to come, a global fascistic empire, in which the people will be divested of all social protection, at the mercy of corporate power.

the complete destruction of amerrica means the elimination of the social protections for the people built up over 4 hunedred years of social action. look as Obama destroys the unions social programs and safety net, all social and physical infrastructure, social security etc. watch as Obama abrogates to the presidency all manner of dictatoral powers, watch as Obama abrogates to himself as president the right to kill anyone anywhere in the world and has sent out teams and forces as we speak to kill whomever he deems an enemy.

Obama is now assassin central, the greatest assassin the world has ever seen.

as one wakes up in the morning one can safely ask 'how many brown-skinned children has Obama "droned' to death while I slept?'

the answer is always at least in double figures!

thats the man...a devil in disguise, representing a system in the throes of decline ,decay and death, attemting to take us all with it, in attempt to survive past its due date.

the people must see the truth, the evil dying system, capitalism...and its leadership sedating us, putting us to sleep when we should be out in the streets in general strike, resistance, shutting down everything until we get the social change that reflects the general inerest, the general will to peace and democracy...the real interest of ordinary people the world over

where is rajaram!!! why does he not comment on all this here?
Last edited by mapoui on Thu Oct 07, 2010 5:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Mapoui...looks like Rajaram winding you up
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yeh? well where is he?
man say soemthing and wun defend it?
wat kinda thing is dat? :lol: :lol:
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BallOil wrote:Mapoui...looks like Rajaram winding you up

hook, line and sinker! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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mapoui wrote:yeh? well where is he?
man say soemthing and wun defend it?
wat kinda thing is dat? :lol: :lol:
Pandit_ji probably busy or in hiding .. :lol:
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Googley wrote:
BallOil wrote:Mapoui...looks like Rajaram winding you up

hook, line and sinker! :lol: :lol: :lol:
becareful..you next... :)
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who next!? nobody next! allyuh really know whats going orn?

dats debatable indeed? :? :? :?
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Israel in America: Obama’s Dance of Death
The writing is on the wall: Obama is a one-term president. That is if he is even allowed to finish his first term. Obama was never popular in Israel. When he tried to add Israeli critic, Chas Freeman, to his team as chair of the National Intelligence Council in 2009 AIPAC blew a fuse. Now there are even threats against his life as a result of his stance on settlements and his reluctance to attack Iran. Loud protests in front of Netanyahu’s residence witness crowds burning effigies of Obama "the new Pharaoh", "the descendant of slaves" who must be put in his place.

Webmaster's Commentary:
This is why we need leadership which puts America first, second, and third, instead of our foreign policy being dictated by this government's "special relationship" with Israel, whose Knesset may well declare their country a Jewish theocracy in the near term.

http://uruknet.com/?p=m70502&hd=&size=1&l=e" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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interesting. Israeli crowds out to hang Obama! yet Obama is all but Jewish as American president. between Obama and a real jew there is no daylight on Israle and Israeli interests in the world...jewish interest everywhere.

the program Obama effects as president benefits jews and the nations period. Obama is not focused on america, and renewal and development. Obama is focused on Israel, what it wants in the world, in Israel and the jewish interest in America.

that is all Obama looks after. where Obama opposes Jewish movement in the world its for their own good. he risks their wrath to do something good for them like tryting to stop the settlements and avoiding war on Iran.

they are crazy to want war on Iran. that is way to risky and cost a proposition. even moderately sane people like Obama seems will baulk at such an insane decision...attacking Iran for no good reason..save the Jews want it.

so the Jews have put Obama in a straight jacket which is what they always do to their minions, lackeys and puppets. if Obama thought he would get a free ride given all that he is doing for his puppet masters. they will keep him 'honest' by keeping his rass on very tender hooks all the way through by keeping up oppostion to him and opponents in the wings ready to replace him.

no what can obama do to save himsel...go to those he has disparaged and dissed all along...blacs, liberal whites, hispanics etc. he takes those options the jews will prolly kill him and his family!

but Obama does not want to take any such options. he likes the choices he has made save he may not have realised quite all he had to do for it...like the killing of so many people in the world, the potential holocaust building in the american Gulf of Mexico region, although there is not a word about it in the media and the potential murder of 2 lage nations building up in front of us..Iran and pakistan.

just count what obama has done in just under 2 years as president, count how many people he has killed. and now he must bom Iran and soon pakistan and ultimately Turkey for Israel does not intend to leave even one viable and populous Muslim nation standing.

and to successfully neutralise Iran and pakistan and later Turkey will require the use of weapons that would actually kill those nations.

my fcuking word! even Obama baulks at that. that may be too much for him for that is amargeddon itself, genocide like the world has never seen, unprecended crime in the universe, the most anti-human behaviour ever conceived and carried out, worse than hiroshima and nagasaki.

but that us what the jews want. they put Obama there and they may be demanding his come up in that particular pool.

yet Obama is their bwoy and they have never had it so good with an american president. that is what he has going for him in the end...he Obama is absolutely jewish

anyhow Eric Walhberg reads like a lot of propaganda anyhow, skilfull twists of langauge to convery a picture tha may be quite misleading
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it occurred to me I may have made a mistake here!

I assumed rajaram is sparky/black prince/etc/etc. a stock-broker and money man, expert on the pc and poster extarordinaire.

maybe I am wrong!

anyway we supposed to stimulate argument and dabate on these pages so I post what I think are provocative things to which no one replies in oppostion or in correction.


maybe an outright lie will get some attention....? :?

wat the hell!

anyway heres some more on Obamas double/triple/quad/endlelssly multiple standards...but this time with the existence of the state of Pakistan in the crossairs.

what this exposes is that the very existence of pakistan is what is in the pot here, surely one of the central purposes of the war in Afghanistan. certainly it is to get rid of paks nuclear weapons and reduce that state to nothing.

Oh Obama! the whites and israel can have it all but the brown/blac world can have nothing but slavery.

what a.......Obama really is eh!

but for the complicity of the blac/brown elites in reduction of their own nations.......

but the horror of Obama is clear. and it is much worse than in the direction rajaram would take us

http://news.antiwar.com/2010/10/10/us-a ... ion-moves/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
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