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Howzdat's FetchDat! CPL: In the dark and clueless

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 7:15 am
by howzdat

In the main part of the forum there is a topic "THE CPL - LET'S GET IT RIGHT... " . Over here is where i am gonna have my own CPL "say what"?

It will be irreverent, in the mode of satire. Disclaimer active.

With the recent breaking news of regional bodies being "in the dark and clueless" regarding Mr. Ajmal's Caribbean PL I had a read of a feature article penned by Amrit Mathur - a former manager of the Indian cricket team and currently a consultant with Delhi Daredevils - entitled How to host an IPL match.

Readers will note that the discussion was launched with:
Part One: When cricket goes corporate

And continued with:
Part Two: IPL-onomics

I wish to thank ESPN cricinfo & Mr. Mathur for their sterling efforts in providing wide ranging coverage of the great game, through which we supporters, fans and keyboard warriors find succor, take angst and seek solace in equal measure all in the name of our love for the great game of cricket.

Right now I don't have any big plans for this subject except to add links within it to the other editions in the cricinfo series. As things develop and I have had time to read them I might add a few comments of my own - in my own inimitable style :oops: but I beg unu please always bear my disclaimer in mind when reading :roll: :roll: .

Howzdat's downtime

Posted: Tue Apr 30, 2013 12:43 pm
by howzdat
howzdat wrote:Well, I signing off from the forum for a while. I hope again that i aint vex anybody too much. Allyuh take care and keep the cricket gyaff going and leh we rally round the west indies forever. Ciao for now
Soon come! Take it away Bobby Caldwell

Howzdat's downtime Ends: Que pasa people, que pasa!

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 8:43 am
by howzdat
Yo Sir Hilary?! Click this, it'll take you less than 3 seconds of the rest of your life to hear a slice of where I am coming from in this Article; and if by chance you dig the late James Brown then the other four minutes six seconds are all yours for whipping your own a$$ as you try to find some other foot to get on ... or should that be a bandwagon that you need some folk to hitchup pon :?: .

To usurp a phrase, "This just aint cricket".

Now Sir, if you be a fair minded Knight of Her Majesty's Realm you might deign to explain who is the all?
SIR HILARY BECKLES wrote:all of us, who constitute that torn fabric and fractured family called the West Indian supporter. We have wallowed this past week in his willow blazing trail, and we are happy to be alive to see the sight and to tell the tale. to us why the I been vex! Truth be told I am cross, and Christmas is not a time of the year that I particularly enjoy, but that is another story.
and who are the we?
SIR HILARY BECKLES wrote:we have good reason to imagine the remaking of a hero bred to greatness within a legacy which, when respected, empowers and defines excellence on its own domestic terms.
lead by ... Sirs like you?
SIR HILARY BECKLES wrote:West Indian society is sorely in need of leaders whose lessons are told in scripts of success and words of wisdom. The IPL, like the UN, is a forum within which records rather than rhetoric will stand the test as contributions to nation-building and the advancement of civilisation.
SIR HILARY BECKLES wrote:New chapter?
Yeah right!

Howzdat's downtime Ends: Que pasa people, que pasa!

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 9:01 am
by howzdat
Well my break didn't last for too long did it? All of a few hours. Am begging your pardon.

Yesterday I was pi$$ed off and agitated. Something just wasn't sitting right me. I suspected it was a combination of that Sir Hilary Beckles and all the CPL fiasco but ... of the two Sir Hilary's article really got me going. But why? Till i started to pen the above post I couldn't quite put my finger on it but then i did this. Happy reading.

Now in the interests of fairness Sir Hilary did apologise.

Howzdat's downtime Ends: Que pasa people, que pasa!

PS I have no apology to make so FetchDat!TM

Dudus Don hafi be a Gorgon except when Sir says

Posted: Wed May 01, 2013 10:44 am
by howzdat
Medusa in Myth and Literary History ... I am reminded of my days being caught up in the tales Of Men & Gods way, way back.

So we have ourselves a Gorgon. Now, why don't we hunt for dudus; chris gayle; Sir Hilary Beckles. :evil: :evil:

Dudus Don hafi be a Gorgon except when Sir says it aint so :!: :!: Howzabout an all together now in the style of the soccer chant. 1 2 3 ...
Sir Hilaryus is talking but weeee're not listen-ing anymoreeeeeee, we'reeeeeeee not listn-ning a n y m o r e!
Talk now nah Sir Hilarious :?: :?:

PS I still have no apology to make so FetchDat!TM

Howzdat's Peerless League of Takeaway20 Cricket

Posted: Thu May 02, 2013 7:09 am
by howzdat
The Caribbean T20 Premier League

Howzdat's Peerless League of Takeaway20 CricketTM from now onwards to be known as HPL t20TM

This season's HPL t20TM is Sponsored by FetchDat!TM

WARNING: Proceed with care! Topic under reconstruction. Falling debris likely!

2681 Views as at Thu May 02, 2013 1:09 pm

Re: Howzdat

Posted: Sun May 05, 2013 9:02 am
by mikesiva
Some wonderful thoughts howzdat....
I didnt know you didnt have a telly.

You are not missing anything anyway. I have turned mine off and i am reading "capitalism and slavery" by eric williams - an excellent book.

2nd Anniversary Post: Time flies when you're having fun

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:30 am
by howzdat
Howzdat's 2nd anniversary post, retrospectively nominated.

Yes, time flies when you're having fun and thanks for showing the good grace to put up with me, hope that i manage to return same in equal measure :P :P

Was that janet crooning at me not to go :?: ... never ever to leave :?: :P :P

Howzdat bus'ing a lime with mikesiva

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 4:42 am
by howzdat
mikesiva wrote:Some wonderful thoughts howzdat....
I didnt know you didnt have a telly.

You are not missing anything anyway. I have turned mine off and i am reading "capitalism and slavery" by eric williams - an excellent book.
Hey mikesiva, thanks for passing by and the feedback. You know that I am crazy; and i have a disclaimer don't you? Good :D :D

No tv, but i just can't live without my radio! Am a reader, though nothing of the ilk you are reading. Am currently on a break between some of Haruki Murakami's work.

The revolution will not be televised.

Jose diagnoses Pepe's Problem! Raphael Varane

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 6:39 pm
by howzdat
Ladies and gentlemen, i'd like us to put our hands together to welcome a player described by no less a football man than Jose Mourinho himself as "Pepe's Problem", Pepe of course being Képler Laveran Lima Ferreira a Real Madrid central defender.

Yes Windians & Windiannas, I interrupt the cricket, to extend a warm welcome to 20 year old Raphael Varane, a Real Madrid team mate of Pepe.

Check out Varane's skills, physical and mental on youtube. A ball playing defender that carries a goal threat. I think that you will find that Raphael Varane has all the right credentials to be described as a legend in the making. Nice one Jose. Pape may have seen better days but he is no slouch.

Quick get Varane on your fantasy soccer team.