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Re: NOW!!!!!! Let me Hear The ICC On This.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:22 am
by Arnik
mapoui wrote:if I remember rightly dat is wat the AG said was'nt it?
The AG never said that.
I really do not think that you understand the Guyana situation and the politics involved.
The Judge said the GCB had NO LEGAL STANDING and that is not the same as being illegal.
Re: NOW!!!!!! Let me Hear The ICC On This.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:24 am
by Arnik
mapoui wrote:and let me make it clear to you Arnik. I have no qualms about what I say here,
Neither do I
nor am I apologetic, scared or afraid of whaveter the hell yu think in the matter..or whatever the hell yu do.
Neither am I.
Re: NOW!!!!!! Let me Hear The ICC On This.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:33 am
by mapoui
what I need to understand is this: the AG said that the GCB could not be held accountable period. that they existed in a state that was illegal and they had to be properly organised so that they could in fact be held accountable.
I really do not have to know with any precison what went on. the resulting flow establishes clearly what I mean:
the GCB is done. they have been raided, records confiscated, they have all resigned. and there Is an IMC in place and re-organisation is in process.
from the start the Guyana Judiciary has been fully involved, backing the governments moves. it is an open process FOR ALL TO SEE.
now wat in heavens name do I have to understand?
Re: NOW!!!!!! Let me Hear The ICC On This.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 10:47 am
by Arnik
mapoui wrote:what I need to understand is this: the AG said that the GCB could not be held accountable period. that they existed in a state that was illegal and they had to be properly organised so that they could in fact be held accountable.
Where did the AG say that? Man, you have a way of making up things as you go along.
I really do not have to know with any precison what went on. the resulting flow establishes clearly what I mean:
The reality is that you do. I could not fully tell you the ins and outs of the Guyana situation. It has been going on for some time and it is laced with politics.
the GCB is done. they have been raided, records confiscated, they have all resigned. and there Is an IMC in place and re-organisation is in process.
Quite true.
from the start the Guyana Judiciary has been fully involved, backing the governments moves. it is an open process FOR ALL TO SEE.
Ha ha , that says a lot about your understanding of Guyana.
Re: NOW!!!!!! Let me Hear The ICC On This.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:04 am
by mapoui
given local nuances and making allowances for them there is the caribbean court and still to the privvy council and even further afield.
and due to the seriousness of the allegations moted in that afair one would assume that were the Guyana judiciary a pice of corrupt crap and man faced jail in that systent unduly, we are going to see if necessary appeals to auhtorities outside Guyana.
but that is not the sense I get. the sense I get is that the former GCB execs have capitulated, resigned, eliminating their previous opposition to Guyana government moves, their cleaving onto ICC regulation..indeedd FIAT and global defence.
now why would they do that if they had a defensible position?
and if resignation is a defensive tactic pray tell what is the logic..the shrewed tactical move that it is?
no matter what the Guyana Government is in the ascendancy. the ICC is saying nothing more. I dont believe I have heard Hunte/wicb on the issue since the mass resignation of the GCB.
no matter what yu say, imply, entreat us to believ the facts are incontrovertible. the old GCB are out..its members. they are under investigation and at least some of them may be charged with financial crime. some of their actions have been made public... like the ownership of the GCB property transferred into the name or names of individual board members and companies they own. I mean how legal can that be?
so go on with all you talk. until you can controvert those apparent facts on the ground yu have nutten to say really
Re: NOW!!!!!! Let me Hear The ICC On This.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:09 am
by mapoui
[quote]Where did the AG say that? Man, you have a way of making up things as you go alongquote]
I remember readng the news of this..and most importantly watching a couple of press conferances with the AG, the sports minister and Lloyd present in which the accountability issue was fully discussed.
is my memory so faulty that I cant remember what the Guyana AG said?
well in that case the vidoes are likely still there on youtube to access to your hearts content
Re: NOW!!!!!! Let me Hear The ICC On This.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:26 am
by Arnik
mapoui wrote:is my memory so faulty that I cant remember what the Guyana AG said?
Apparently it is:
ATTORNEY General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Anil Nandlall, has filed for legal action that would “give teeth” to the ruling of Chief Justice Ian Chang which rendered the controversial Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) an entity that is not legal.
Minister Nandlall in a recent interview explained that the Chief Justice in August last year, ruled that the administration of cricket in Guyana is being run and managed by entities that have no legal personalities and therefore, they cannot own property, attract liability and enter into contracts on behalf of the GCB - conducts which this entity was engaging in.
However, these were not coercive orders; which were subsequently sought by the action filed by the Attorney General.
He said that several orders have since been granted; including orders to prevent 13 persons from holding themselves out to being representatives of the GCB and administrators of cricket in Guyana, preventing the GCB as a body from being the administrator of local cricket and restraining it from disposing of, dealing with, and/or transferring any assets (books records, cheques, microfilms, computer disks) which concern the affairs of the Board.
These persons are also restrained from accessing bank accounts in the name of or are related to the GCB which may contain funds belonging to the Board; those bank accounts have essentially been frozen.
Additionally, it also allow for premises owned, occupied, leased or possessed by these persons, to be searched for the purpose of retrieving any documents or records, books, accounts, disks or micro-chip which may contain any information or relate to the affairs of the GCB.
These orders are referred to as ‘Anton Pillar Orders’, which allow for the search of premises in an attempt to retrieve materials that could be important for a particular court proceeding. However, since these are very serious orders, they entail mechanisms to ensure that people’s rights are not abused or eroded.
Re: NOW!!!!!! Let me Hear The ICC On This.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:28 am
by mapoui
oh mi gord!
take win guy! yu are absolutely right!
time to move orn for me!
Re: NOW!!!!!! Let me Hear The ICC On This.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 11:30 am
by Arnik
mapoui wrote:no matter what the Guyana Government is in the ascendancy. the ICC is saying nothing more. I dont believe I have heard Hunte/wicb on the issue since the mass resignation of the GCB.
Where this is concerned the ICC are pretty toothless. They certainly do not have the power of a FIFA.
they are under investigation and at least some of them may be charged with financial crime.
Keep holding your breath and get back to me when this happens. Is Guyana we talking about NOT Canada.
Re: NOW!!!!!! Let me Hear The ICC On This.
Posted: Sun Mar 18, 2012 12:27 pm
by mapoui
mister! I know the westindies, its small populaton and social class relations..the westindian origin, its existential etiology so to speak and its relations to its originators and rulers currently, as predicated on the nature of this relatiohsip from the start. over 500 years of development
the situation is rotten and that rot is reflected in the quality of social and material life in the region..not only in guyana..a quality that is sub par based on obvious need.
economic relations are polluted and geared to the needs of multinations, not to the interest of the westindian people.......
but we know the litany, the story in whole.. no need to go over it again..the fact is that yu appear to accept that negative reality, exult in it, dont want change, establish at all times the impossibility of positive change...
yet if the westindies does not change we also know the likely consequences. I come from an angle that says positive change is necessary, essential and possible..and we ought to strive for the positive, to obviate the negative consequences we face if indeed we do not change in the postive.
yu say, imply, adamantly that no such change is possible. I live in canada and came here only as I did not have a chance in the westindies. and if I had developed the means to, I woud have returned long ago to live there doing what I want to in a prosperous manner.
I have a family and the means they demanded all along prevented any westindian focus in the sense of return and investing. now that they are grown and on their own I can see to to some westindian investment. but I am not rockefella and it takes time.
my canadian experience has re-inforced my opinion that I need a home that works for me.
none exists but unlike others of my kind I know I must build such a home or it will never exist. thats my point and purpsoe in life. it informs all I have said and say wbout the westindies.
I dont want to live in a racist home, at odds with itself, ripped-off, and in subservient relations with powreful countries, functioning routinely in disrepect of its own people, feeding forriners, in love with these forriners... the enemy, mermerised by a kaleidoscope of skin tones and hair consistentcies, which is exemplary of emotional trouble based on race and ideas of race... as to who is better, more beautiful, better skin tone and mind: structures of ethic 'affirmative action' programs, that keep out others once an area of the regional life has been occupied and dominated by any ethnic group..race and ethic politics and economy..
the westindian life is a sick life, based on the survival of colonialism and the absecence of development of the people, out of the old slavery, colonialims and indenture, which cannot take place without economic independence and a relavant social, educational and health structure that faciliatets the development of such nationalist independence.
the westindies is a disgusting divided place as a result and it is not somethng I can tolerate, live in just so, wihtout helping to do my bit to faciliate positive change.
that is why i have developed on the truth that I have proved an idea of how it can be changed to the benefit of all, inclisve of all... so that all man and woman, regardles of ethnicity can buy into... a nationalsit programe that solves regional problems and sets up the future.
I have no time with your negativity. i know life and there is absolutely no gurantee about anything. but we have gotten to where we are not by thinking and talking like you do.not by quailing in the face of seeming impossibilities. thats the pits. we know its difficult, well nigh impossible, but so what. we have a choice?
the choice is to look for better... or be like you and wallow in the crap. be my guest. yu can have it all..the crap. I am not there with you.
I am happy that the guyana givernment has moverd. it is a step in the right direction. if even half what they intend, or what is implied in their actions is achived... fine!
I dont care if anybody goes to jail. the resotration of the GCB property and the implemantation of a better administraive situation would be quite sufficient. people going to jail does not necessarily solve any problems. the postive change on the ground will
in the meantime yu go along. have fun. I dont have to pay attention to your negative nonsense.
you are right to an extent..but only to an extent. but things change all the time. if yu udnerstand its nature, the nature of change..yu have a chance of getting inot our process and chaning it to the postive, to the best, in the most positve manner availabe on the day
if we talk and think like yu do nothing postive is possible. I am not there with yu