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Re: British politics thread

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:36 pm
by Gils
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Re: Justice for the Grenfell Tower Victims

Posted: Mon Jun 19, 2017 4:44 pm
by MarcusGarveyLives
"Don’t let them tell you it’s a tragedy. It’s not a tragedy, it’s a monstrous crime. Corporate manslaughter. They were warned by the residents that there was an obvious risk of catastrophe. They looked the other way. We don’t need another review kicked into the long grass and years of equivocation– what a civilised country should demand is arrests and a criminal trial before a judge and jury ..."

This was a monstrous crime – there must be arrests after Grenfell Tower (click for more)

See also:

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Re: British politics thread

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 4:49 am
by mikesiva
Jeremy Corbyn pledged to thwart Theresa May’s “sweetheart deal” with the US on trade as he savaged President Donald Trump for failing to condemn white supremacists.

In stark contrast to May’s muted reaction, Corbyn challenged Trump to call out the racism of America’s burgeoning neo-Nazi movement and tell his country: “We are one nation”.

Speaking exclusively to HuffPost UK in Stornoway on Wednesday, the Labour leader said he was “appalled” by Trump’s reluctance to criticise far-right protesters in Charlottesville who were chanting, among other things, Hitler’s “blood and soil” slogan.

Labour would oppose any TTIP-like deal that threatened to flood Britain with “cheap food”, he said, before voicing his hope the UK post-Brexit will become a pro-green, pro-human rights “force for good in the world”. ... 6781666_uk" onclick=";return false;

Re: British politics thread

Posted: Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:43 am
by mikesiva
Over the past week some Tory-supporting publications have published a string of completely false and ridiculous smears, calling Labour politicians traitors and linking them with Soviet bloc spies.

Let’s call these stories out for what they are – propaganda, not journalism. They are not worth the paper they are written on.

The source for these stories is a man who claims Czechoslovakian security services set up Live Aid. Documents do not substantiate his wild claims. In fact, the director of the Czech security forces archive says that historic records show the opposite to what he claims; that Jeremy Corbyn was not a “collaborator” and that the Czech official he met deliberately concealed his true identity. ... 18451.html" onclick=";return false;

British politics thread

Posted: Mon Oct 14, 2019 3:57 am
by Emileweess
I agree. Sometimes we need to take a break and focus on our real lives. Most of life goes on as it always has regardless of who is in charge. Most of the important things that happen in life happen outside of politics, and many people seem to view political action as a way to change the world or make life better. A great deal of human life falls outside of that realm.

As it says in Psalm 146: