AFRO Posts: 2989Joined: Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:29 am
before afro came to this msb the occassions on which people attacked each other personally were few and far between.
due to his constant pressure afro has reduced the tenor of debate here to one replete with abusive langauege and personal attack, misogny, racism, idiotic simplicity and and down-right lunacy.
afro is a factor of human de-evolution....not one who improves mood, debate quality and general advance but one who takes us backward, into old stupid, inefficient behaviours, of the past.
that is what is important as far as I am concerned.
I am not against what are called expletives. as in north america, cuss words should be legal, part of the free use of langauge. but they are best used in context, for the purpose for which all speech is intended..THE CONVEYANCE OF MEANING!
it is really hopeless to see afros posts, hundereds of them, all abusive, all capitalised and attacking ones sight, with the most senseless repetition of stupid, abusive langauge.
it is a serious turn off and hard work to avoid it everyday... dealing with these offensive, pointless nonsensical much so I have been tempted to stop posting several times in the past just because of afro.
all of this does nothing for me. I am long past this immaturity and backwardness. I thought I would use afro, string him out, make a lot of activity on the board, a place I have had a connection with from the start.
but that isnt working either. I have found myself regressing under afros pressure and I dont like that... I dont want the level of activity he represents and what it is doing to this board.
in fact I would prefer that the activity on the board reduces rather than to deal with afros level, constantly.
as far as I am concerned it is either afro raises his level or I dont speak with him, too him, or off him, as long as I am here. it is completely illogical for this to continue. and it certainly wont from my end of it
and if afros abusive nonsense and voluminous low level debating does not stop I will leave the board.
I have a lot to do with my time. I often steal time away from my usual duties to post here. or else between my work I am posting. thats a kind of commitment of love..for the game, the westindies, this board. but it cannot continue to be expressed indefinetly in these circumstances
it is either afro cuts out the personal attacks and brings his debate into sanity, responsive to the facts in the issues under consideration, admit truth where it stares us in the face, and expresses postively his supposed love of westindies cricket relevant to the facts in the issue, historical and current.
it is idiotic to talk of and consider westindies cricket in a vaccum of 20 years of focus. that is anti-intellectual, anti intelligent, a-historical and impractical. that does nothing for progress, hurts the development of intellect, and leaves a huge gap that has been filled in by expletive-filled personal atack and abuse.
thats it for me. it changes or I am gone!
I have had enuff!