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Re: Competitive value

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:26 am
by Gils

If you read the whole thread you see he left the 1st 6/7 deliveries alone but once I got him playing he stated swiping at everything. That's how you get rid of the tailenders Maps, 1st dig a couple into the ribs then walk down the wicket and tell him how sweet he is :lol: .

Compelled to show face they will eventually accept the challenge and send some barbs back, that's when you pitch it up, wide of off stump, the eyes light up and swoosh, regulation catch at 1st slip.

frao see dis tread and blin, Im cyan reach back bout yah :!:

Re: Competitive value

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2015 9:20 am
by mapoui2
but to change the subject completely: why not accept this as a challenge:
Did someone say the WICB get Competitive value when the Islands come together :geek: .

Here he subtly introduces the suggestion that the WICB should be eligible for some form of special treatment or accommodation, as in days of old, although it only leaves me thinking more of basket cases than special ones.

I’ll say this again because I think it’s worth repeating, Individual territories aren’t faced with these logistical problems he presents as insurmountable for WICB to pass, so will always be economically more viable propositions as regards a series of cricket match’s.

It’s a denial of reality to believe this pink elephant will go away or can be avoided indefinitely, not in a region where money is tight or a world where capitalism is the only game in town.
I have looked slightly into alternative forms of intra west indian travel, especially by sea and there are rich possibilities for the west indies...IF THE POTENTIAL IS DEVELOPED BY WEST INDIANS FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE WEST INDIES, WHILE MAKING A PROFIT.

you look at intra west indian an insurmountable difficulty due to its high cost...which you may not see as a consequence of forrin control of the region, as well as bureaucratic corruption.
I look at it as an opportunity for all manner of west indian advance

you know its a good question to ask why is BWIA/Caribbean Airlines/LIAT even maintained if it does not help knit the region together, a restraint on the development of regional ties due to high costs?

care to stick yuh 2 cents in

Re: Competitive value

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 8:26 am
by Gils
:D I think an idea like that would be better suited to one of your more like minded federali posters. :?: Why dont you start a thread.


Mapoui to Gils

Appearing to have all the time in the world Gils brings down a straight bat to what looked to me like a wrong un and guides, almost caresses, the ball wide of the bowler through the covers. With the field spread far and wide he casually strolls down to the other end thus ensuring he'll be facing the first ball of the new over.

(voice of Henry Blofeld during live BBC World service commentary)

Re: Competitive value

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 10:25 am
by mapoui2
well you down there at the other end, untroubled in waters that are roiling around you because you don't observe or know the pitching and rolling waves around you are really a disaster waiting to happen, that soon will toss some at you you can do nothing with.

and Blofeld will not be there to help you..or comment on the situation, save in some sort of comedy. indeed he and his ilk might be those who sent or caused the trouble waters to come your way.

cricket is not the arbiter in the reality, just part of the culture and not not generally initiatory of anything. cricket is exposed and subject to all rolls and waves, dependent on the basic well being of the state of things for the quality its own state of being. the state is rotten..the cricket is rotten. the cricket is good the state fixed itself and the cricket benefited.

so to be truly tranquil and ready to deal with the next ball with the greatest measure of safety and positive potential, you would have had to have deal with the chances of rain long before, have the covers ready, time/wealth/freedom to relax if the rain falls, watch the rain through the window, safe inside, dreaming like children do in the hypnotizing patter, singing ''Rain, Rain, go to Spain, and never come back tomorrow again"
I’ll say this again because I think it’s worth repeating, Individual territories aren’t faced with these logistical problems he presents as insurmountable for WICB to pass, so will always be economically more viable propositions as regards a series of cricket match’s.
you only think that individual territories do not have such logistics you call them...prisons as I call them..even in the cricket...but they do... retardant of all that is social, a lasso on cultural fusion and social expansion from the possibilities of cultural diversity, they receive only from media they do not control...and so are at the mercy of such media content unless able to go into its source and come out again, affording the chance to see what actually is what...truth!

ease of travel for all the people is revolutionary. its opposite is deliberate dumming down. it is essential from all angles that travel is available..and especially among people in whose absolute interest it is to get to know each other.

that such ease of travel is not available in any region for sure is deliberate, an attack on the chances of the people, a state that renders them quite exploitable and docile.

some powerful relative interest finds it necessary to restrict such travel for the people. and that being the case such internal logistics represent not a boon or advantage but a harm to the people yet you appear to see good in it.

nowhere in the region under consideration does the internal reality represent anything but lack of development and social backwardness how can internal travel not be a logistical problem internally..when availaible/affordable travel infrastructure is one of the most revolutionary development aspects/tools there is?.

then again the necessary is mostly primitive and dangerous from poor infrastructure which includes poor vehicles held together by spit and plaster... and even worse, roads that invite and do result in in on-going unacceptable loss of life..appalling numbers like in Trinidad and Tobago..numbers which represent a kind of self induced local genocide.

if that is not a problem of logistics then what is :?:

travel is problematic, both inside and sub regional territories, and can be addressed by 'federali' policies that open up the sub-regional integration process, that can results in the diverse social change essential for such regional development. acceptance of such problems is a major source of regional development, jobs for the people, infrastructure and prosperity

as usual your forced limited focus drives you away from diversity, from truth, overall reality of existence. but federali..INTEGRATION.. is the way not only the region must go you know..but the entire world...not as one monolithic global political entity, but cooperatively. ultimately such global cooperation , global diversity, is the only positive way to positive integration or human death.

stop fighting natural law man. you cant win. you wont win!

Re: Competitive value

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 11:58 am
by Gils
*You will have to perform alot more literary limbo if you plan on defending frao’s stance, who claims I don’t understand the competitive value WI get by coming together, while Lloyd says there is none.
Where West Indies is concerned, we have a special case.
We have to fly everywhere. We can't drive anywhere. you can't go by boat either. It's expensive for West Indies to hold test series.
No single nation in the Caribbean has that problem (Except T&T) and it is undoubtedly cheaper to host the operation in one territory (which they did at every turn for the S50 and CT20)

Then we have comparable logistics in NZ while the miles covered in India and Australia are greater.
It's in high season and we have to compete with that…..
Tourist's also go to all the other test playing nations too, in their high season but the operative word was compete, a look at the TV screen or rankings table will confirm it’s absence, what Lloyd has said is not in disharmony with either.
We can't fill the stadium. We don't have the amount of people to do so.
Also proven by the TV pictures but NZ has half the number of people and I don't see them complaining. If, as a private company, they can’t attract a customer base from 6 million plus people then what purpose do they serve.

If they really want nationalist commitment and energy in WI cricket they will have to allow the national sentiment that comes with it :!: .

*I look forward to it…

Re: Competitive value

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:36 pm
by mapoui2 marrying up the facts in ways that suits your deliberately limited focus on the yard. the situation is so full of detail I doh know where to start.

high season would be a bigger, better season all round...for all concerned in all related bizness in the region..if travel in the region became coordinated, comprehensive, efficient and cheaper. dat is wat you do not see. there would be a whole lot more people moving, double, even triple the usual. far far more tourists for sure..especially internal tourism around the regional festivals..sun splash reggae in the yard, the carnivals in Titty, Dominca, Antigua and Barbados and so on

wat goes on in the region in high season....tourism, cricket, this that and the other..people to and fro. but the single biggest retardant is cost and availability of flights, ship and boat, customs red tape and rabid customs officials... were it cheaper with less red tape to move in the region at all times.. then there would be more tourists of all kinds, increasing mightily all manner of movement in the region.

from abroad land at any one spot in the region and do one customs until you leave again. west indian people must do no customs at all inside the region

there are already all kinds of regional inter-marriage and families are restricted by cost. that is one aspect of exp growth of travel in the region..and with that even more marriages across the region as the people get to know each other. what did I say about the absolute need for a people in desperate need of getting to know each other.....

again what you do Gils is to look at the situation from the localist point of view inwards. I refuse to call it nationalist but localist...localist fits what I respectfully term pointlessness english west indian independence of its sub parts or dots

and as you do you focus on the localist, you miss real potential powerful regional potential....making a big and viable home fuh yuhself in which you can walk like a man because you made it. there will no police to harrass or even kill you because if there are any police is you who make them finally...

which means dat you not going to make no traditional police but a new police relevant to the new and basic national need, created in such frame..unlike the current frame in which the rich man created a defense force for himself called police.

I am not going to fight for no little arse nation of 2.2 million, or 1.2 million people etc., who cant do a dam thing in the world, have no challenges or natural conditions to overcome the solution to which would mean national development, scientific advance, full employment, general health to the highest degree, national prosperity and independence in the world....

if I fight for the part its only towards the creation of the whole. that is where the action is man..not in any small part of it

Re: Competitive value

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:41 pm
by Gils
I haven't mentioned Yard for 5 whole pages (Months), in expectation of this this very occasion 8-) .

No single nation in the Caribbean has that problem (Except T&T)

Re: Competitive value

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:46 pm
by mapoui2
Gils wrote:I haven't mentioned Yard for 5 whole pages (Months), in expectation of this this very occasion 8-) .

No single nation in the Caribbean has that problem (Except T&T)
hahahahahaha! good! you wont ever have to mention it again

Re: Competitive value

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 12:52 pm
by mapoui2
you want to fill up stadia for cricket right around the region :?: :?: :?:

make cheaper travel, comprehensive..can get where ever from all points easy. make incentives..promotions like free tickets when buying this or that over the region..or free holidays...all kinds of promotions and west indians will travel around the region and fill up stadiums

and ecomonies of cost over the region..for advertising for example. with the region as 1 all manner of business budgets for all necessary activities and promotions can be rationalized to further deepen integration and prosperity.

any business can cut advertising costs by catering to the whole region as one and promote what is now impossible to promote..costs prohibitive because each territory is a single separate market

Re: Competitive value

Posted: Fri Jan 09, 2015 1:02 pm
by mapoui2
do you know there is now not one single radio station that spans the region?

and that is the easiest of things to do yet no one has done it..or apparently intends to do one at least:roll: :roll: :roll: why? someone wishes to keep us all separate :?: :?: :?: :?:

no west indian TV news from our own people we can trust only forrin news from forrin tv stations easily available in the west indies. total crap!

no locally owned telecommunications..totally dependent on forriners. nonsense!

in my way of seeing things that is totally unacceptable.

one way to overcome that is to buy into the Venezuealan network and set up west indian owned telecommunications in competition with DIGICELL and C&W..with the regional regulatory structure on the side of local entities entering the market

man there is fresh coffee to be inhaled early in the mountain up in the yard but terrific varieties all the way from Georgetown up to kingston, stopping at every point on the way up..fresh, locally grown,organic or we can make it so by kicking out all the forrin chemical , engineered shit.

wake up!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: