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Re: AFRO's inbox fuh the WICB

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:52 pm
by mikesiva
I see that, as usual, Afro's grasp of the English language is poor....
If Afro can't understand the context in which the last sentence was written, then I can see why Afro doesn't have a proper job!
Let me educate you...the word "you" in the first sense is used in a suggestive context, like "you shouldn't drink and drive", not meaning that you - Afro - shouldn't drink and drive, but rather that everyone shouldn't drink and drive. The second "you" was about you - and only you, Afro - making a song and dance about six wins in a row against minnows.

When I say "tours", I'm not talking about touring Ireland, but about Ireland touring us...which is what's happening now. The "unprofitable tours" that Cameron is talking about is not us going to visit them, but them coming to visit us. I thought you knew that. After all, you are some WICB official's batty-boy lover....
If you still can't understand what I'm saying after that explanation, then I can't lift you from your pit of ignorance....
By the way, since you are so keen on lambasting people on the basis of where they currently live, let's see if you can stop being a coward, and come out and tell us - where do you live right now? And which territories do you have connections to?

Of course, I don't really expect an answer to those questions. I just expect the usual, cowardly rants and explosions of abuse, while you hide behind your anonymity...go ahead, Afro, knock yourself out....that's the WICB way.
Afro, why don't you make yourself useful, and find out why the WICB is taking so long to release the dung heap fixtures? Is this level of last-minute inefficiency what we're supposed to expect from the Cameron regime?

Re: AFRO's inbox fuh the WICB

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:35 pm
by Gils
I don't think it's wise to use "shortcuts" mike!!..if we want to make an impact then an official page on facebook plus a twitter acount should be built!! that everything comes out of those places and the waters aren't muddied. Those accounts will ONLY be for the fans groups message to be spread!!..when we release a statement it can be sent to all the media outlets plus wipa, the board it's self and mason and guest!!..for me that's the way to go.

The facebook and twitter page don't cost anything so we have nothing to lose there...then we can do as you wish and link the statements on forums like this and
How is that official facebook account working out for you 8-) , after two months I would imagine there are hundreds signed up already, :?: where do WI register, I've looked online & can't find it anywhere. :lol: :lol:

:?: What, it hasn't been set up yet :shock: , after all the big talk and bravado, we come to find out someones been telling fibs, again lol :lol: .

So the question becomes, :?: how long can it continue.

Re: AFRO's inbox fuh the WICB

Posted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:39 pm
by Gils
if we want to make an impact then an official page on facebook plus a twitter acount should be built
the COWARDS who talked a good game but BOTTLED IT when it was to time put some pressure on
Those pesky cOWArDS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops:
laughs when we lose
:lol: :lol: :lol: I laugh when you lose lol lol try this, seeing as you're counting:D ... f=2&t=7799" onclick=";return false;

Have fun 8-) .

Re: AFRO's inbox fuh the WICB

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:33 am
mikesiva wrote:I see that, as usual, Afro's grasp of the English language is poor....
If Afro can't understand the context in which the last sentence was written, then I can see why Afro doesn't have a proper job!
BWAHAHAHAH just when you think the old, english skunt has FINALLY accepted his OWN COUNTRY into his heart he resists and starts to BEG TO BE CARIBBEAN AGAIN!!..his WASHER WOMAN must of set him straight bhai!! :lol: :lol:

Let me educate you...the word "you" in the first sense is used in a suggestive context, like "you shouldn't drink and drive", not meaning that you - Afro - shouldn't drink and drive, but rather that everyone shouldn't drink and drive. The second "you" was about you - and only you, Afro - making a song and dance about six wins in a row against minnows.
LOL you mean this IDIOT is a "writer" and can't even fathom basic english? :? "you" can be construde as talking about a GROUP aswell as a single person DUMMY!!...if you were talking about something you REALLY SUPPORT you would have said "WE" keep making excuses mike!!..i see above that your bumchum has certainly got your back!! :mrgreen:

When I say "tours", I'm not talking about touring Ireland, but about Ireland touring us...which is what's happening now. The "unprofitable tours" that Cameron is talking about is not us going to visit them, but them coming to visit us. I thought you knew that. After all, you are some WICB official's batty-boy lover....
Erm this is merely an extention of them being on our DOMESTIC COMPETITION you fecking pr/ck!!...and an excuse to warm up for the t20 world cup...NOTHING ELSE...but still i see you've dodged the fact that ireland BEAT your country at the last one day world again i'll ask are england at their level?

By the way, since you are so keen on lambasting people on the basis of where they currently live, let's see if you can stop being a coward, and come out and tell us - where do you live right now? And which territories do you have connections to?
PISS OFF!!...i told you i don't TRUST dodgy teachers thank you very much!!'re too damn NOSEY!! :D

Of course, I don't really expect an answer to those questions. I just expect the usual, cowardly rants and explosions of abuse, while you hide behind your anonymity...go ahead, Afro, knock yourself out....that's the WICB way.
Oh yes mike i forgot you're not "anonymous" now that you've become some big "author" are those book sales going btw? your pay bally for his services? BWAHAHAHAHAHAH :lol: :lol:

Afro, why don't you make yourself useful, and find out why the WICB is taking so long to release the dung heap fixtures? Is this level of last-minute inefficiency what we're supposed to expect from the Cameron regime?
What? mr england not happy with the JAMAICAN president now? lord him getting more ENGLISH by the day to rhatid!!! 8-)

Re: AFRO's inbox fuh the WICB

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:48 am
Gils wrote:
if we want to make an impact then an official page on facebook plus a twitter acount should be built
the COWARDS who talked a good game but BOTTLED IT when it was to time put some pressure on
Those pesky cOWArDS :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :oops:
laughs when we lose
:lol: :lol: :lol: I laugh when you lose lol lol try this, seeing as you're counting:D ... f=2&t=7799" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;" onclick=";return false;

Have fun 8-) .
Gwan nuh
are obviously the words of revelutionists!!..what a "BIG BRAVE MAN" GIrLS is!!!.. :lol: :lol: :lol:

AFRO aka Privy Counsel to WICB

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:52 am
by howzdat
As a 'ublic service I felt obliged to u'date watchers of this inbox to the latest self-confessed status u'date from - 'ardon the 'resum'tion - our man with the WICB ...
AFRO's not what i "think"..lets just say i'm privy to the inside scoop a lot of the time and this is the line i'm getting from people who are VERY close to the scene!!.
So Dear reader, it is evident to me that AFRO is really serious about winning friends and influencing 'eople in WICB high 'laces. Consequently, I dishonourable howzdat, recommend to 'osters on this here forum to indicate via a show of hands, that whatever motions AFRO 'asses (excuse my evident s'eech im'ediment) on to the wicb are carried without any objection.

- Ayes to the right? No answer
- Nays to the left? No answer

Consequently, I am 'leased to announce that the motion is carried! AFRO is from now onwards to be regarded as Privy Counsel to WICB.

And if any fool ask where AFRO's motions are to be 'assed with a scoo' I WILL SHOUT THEM DOWN JUST LIKE THEM BOYS DOES DO IN HER MAJESTY's lower chamber.

AFRO ah begging yuh 'ardna don't overlook my wuk request.

(humour is the best medicine)

Re: AFRO's inbox fuh the WICB

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:21 am
by Googley
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

AAFRO aka Privy Counsel to WICB

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:54 am
by howzdat
Postby AFRO ยป Thu May 02, 2013 3:52 pm wrote:DI BOARD!!.. bally!!..i know you JEALOUS that you're not privy to di inner workings behind di scenes das why you start TIEF from dem website!!.. skunt!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Never mind the skin teeth googs, you see is almost one year now that AFRO been
privy to di inner workings behind di scenes

Consequently I think that the acknowledgement for AFRO aka Privy Counsel to WICB is long overdue. Credit where it's due they say. Tek your pick: :oops: :oops: Order :!: Order :!:

Re: AFRO's inbox fuh the WICB

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:37 pm
by Gils
He seems so intent on being a good PC, I'm sure he finds it much better than just being a MC 8-) , singing solo for supper on every WICB riddim. Once he gets started, I'm sure there'll be no stopping him....
if we want to make an impact then an official page on facebook plus a twitter acount should be built
A.F.R.O. Arrange Facebook Registration Online :ugeek:

Re: AFRO's inbox fuh the WICB

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 1:20 pm
Gils wrote:
A.F.R.O. Arrange Facebook Registration Online :ugeek:
My response is phrase that i'm sure you're very familier with!!..
:lol: :lol: :lol: