WICB lovers can you enlighten me what has Hunte accomplished

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Can WICB batty lickers can any one tell me what has Hunte since he took control of the WICB has accomplished to date ?

Is it sand cricket in Antigua?

Lost all games against County Clubs in England first time in WI history.

Players shirts in WC had tape on them to hide the players name , since the player had no shirt with his name on them..

Lost to minnow Bangladesh

Just scraped by Zimbabwe.....etc etc etc

Awaiting .....ty
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This is some of the things under the leadership of Mr Ramnarine WIPA has done

WIPA was formed to provide West Indian cricketers with conditions and payment they deserve.

In 2004 WIPA negotiated an increase in first class fees as well as compensation for players who were injured during the period of 1999-2003.

In 2007 WIPA negotiated drastic increases in World Cup fees, reached agreements on retainer contracts for 2007-2008 and won arbitrations regarding the England tour and the Provident Fund Case that was previously excised by the WICB.

2007 WIPA negotiated an increase in first class fees by 300% and continues to seek the best for its players.

To date WIPA has a 100% record whereby they have won seven (7) out of seven (7) Arbitration issues against the WICB on matters of dispute.

In 2005 WIPA and the WICB signed a CBA, MOU and Retainer Contract for the first time in the history of West Indies cricket such documents exist.

WIPA has successfully hosted an annual 20/20 tournament on two occasions (2008 and 2009).

The WIPA 20/20 Champions League has attracted the best local teams as well as competitors from Barbados, Guyana and Jamaica.

WIPA enjoyed support from sponsors Toyota Trinidad and Tobago Limited, TCL Group of Companies, KFC and National Lotteries Control Board.

WIPA has also staged an U-19 tournament and an open 35 over tournament.

WIPA in partnership with Atlantic LNG "the Community project" was implemented in September 2008 and ran concurrently with the school year. The project features the participation of girls and boys from 9 Primary Schools and 4 Secondary Schools in the Point-Fortin area. This venture has made efforts to teach youngsters not only cricketing skills, but life skills and highlight the importance of education and develop broader horizons for these youth. Around 500 students in total take part in the project. Each term, these students are exposed to current and former regional cricketers who pass on beneficial cricketing and life experience.

Giving back to the Community WIPA charity

An annual football charity match has raised proceeds for the players’ benevolent fund.

In 2004 WIPA raised substantial amounts to those in Grenada and Jamaica who suffered as a result of Hurricane Ivan.

In 2007 WIPA continued its interests in the broader community by signing a memorandum of understanding with UNICEF/UNAIDS and subsequently hosted in collaboration with UNICEF, UNAIDS and NACC an Aids Awareness Walk-a-thon around the Queen’s Park Savannah in Trinidad.

WIPA successfully hosted a match raising funds for Haiti after the earthquake.

WIPA has taken an interest in the well being of its players and is interested in preparing them for a life after cricket. As a result education seminars were hosted in 2005 and 2006, 2007, 2008 at the Trinidad Hilton and at WIPA’s offices. The seminar lasted one week with 2 phases and featured over 80 regional cricketers.

In 2004 WIPA established a benevolent fund for its players.

In 2008 WIPA formed a partnership with the University of Trinidad & Tobago (UTT) to offer sports (cricket) scholarships at the institution for which some 40 players benefit from throughout the region.

In the same interest of providing for its players, WIPA has successfully hosted an annual Awards and Dinner Ceremony where accolades are given to the region’s top performers. The event has taken place at different venues across the Caribbean including the Jamaica Pegasus and the Sherbourne Conference Centre in Barbados.

WIPA has also hosted annual Christmas and Appreciation Cocktail Receptions for its corporate partners to show appreciation for their commitment.

A Captain’s Conference took place in July, 2009 which featured national captains from around the region engaged in discussion on a variety of issues including the 2009 regional tournaments, the anti-doping policy and the code of conduct (so that there is full adherence by players), responsibility and leadership as cricketers.

The establishment in 2008 of WIPMACOL (West Indies Players Management Company Limited) to hold the Intellectual Property and Imaging Rights of players between WIPA and the players themselves was an important step. To date, we have 130 members signed up, which is in keeping with other countries like England, South Africa and other sports like Professional Rugby has done for their players to protect their rights and maximise their earning potential.

Also in 2008 was the drafting of a new WIPA constitution which was adopted at our AGM in Guyana 2008 by the membership and the launch of a new logo with an application for trademark registration in the works.
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interesting...I never really did a comparison but I think WIPA is 9 and 0 against WICB
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