Church and all dat
Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2011 10:27 pm
christianity gave us sin and evil and good, as seperate and distinct, living and opposed factors in life, from the devil, another supposedly exsistant figure, opposed to god....also alive and well. christianity gave us original sin and sin as whole concepts, children born in sin and must be baptised to have a chance from thr sin they inherited from conception... a way of winnng souls and membership, early, when there was no chance a life could say "no, I dont want to part of any such nonsense."
christianity corrupted human sexuality beginning with masturbation, a most natural safety valve for humanity, so that that check and balance became a mortal sin and a source of emotional dysfunction, for in times of sexual build-up and pressure, when nocturnal emission... another safety valve.... was not sufficient humanity could relieve itself by masturbation and go on without great emotional disturbance.
christianity gave us the Hamitc curse on blac people, a deliberate jewish manipulation that has caused and cost blac people centuries of blood, rivers of blood and toil, racism and emotional turmoil...
when I think of the price humanity as a whole has paid for religion, christiantiy which I know, Islam which I know of, I am appalled that we have endured this put-upon-ourselves of such magnitude, no wonder the whole speices is absolutely nuts.
I think of my own emotional turmoil and its underlying religious causation and my anger bubbles. back in the day, in Trinidad I wold have burned down every church on every corner. but even then, nascent, rabid democrat that i was, I would have, in place of the church, initiated the most widespread, historical/forensic investigaion to determine the truth behind religion, to correct the obvious atrocity and lies of the beliefs we lived-by, for they were obvious and ridiculous lies and so costly to humanity, it boggled my mind even then.
to discover a current worldwide priesthood, that cuts across and is inclusive of all relgions that exist, awash in finaical corruption, greed, war-mongering and sexual perversion is no surpise at all. religion is calculated misdirection and deliberate conditioning of the minds of ordinary people, all the better to control and exploit religion is a fake, a method that prepares ordinary minds to be available for exploitation at all times. that is the function of religion.
as I have come to discover the actual history of religion I have been stunned almost daily as I discovered what actually happened, how it came to be, what particularly, christianity was/is all about. oh my god indeed!
just one example of the horror of the christian church I must mention, one that I find particularly reprehensibe is the childrens crusade back in the 12 century or there-abouts! ahhhh! maaan! I mean all the crusades were evil undertakings but the childrens crusade was al-together another higher level of evil. thow in the hell could they have done something like that?
what in the hell are white people bwoy!!!.... for the things they have done in the world? they are of us no doubt, in direct filiation.....yet!...phew!
to discover the truth about blac people is to know that, we are not only all we are reputed to have done of a foundational nature of the human species...but to know that we have done great evil too, during our days of great power in the world, and even much so that it is not too fetched at all to see how we could easily have given rise not only to white people, but to all the rest of the people on the planet, the human species, by all standards of calculation, for all that they have done and do, we have done originally. we did not only do all the great things we now discover about our past and crow about.
yet what white people have done in the world, continue to do now in their time of power, justified by their rhristianity is stupendous, would be fantastic if it werent proven truth.
the most heartening aspect of the current turmoil in the Arab world and elsewhere, is its tendency to non-religion. the people are ignoring Islam of all variations... and christianity similarly.
what a sound and positive development! nature is the template for social organisation, the natural principles of which must come to underpin all humanity does. it is that or extinction! the sooner humanity rids itself of abstract fundamental ideas, as revealed by some god specifically to men, male prophets with big ears and rotten, rigid and psychopathic personalities, the better-off we wil be, safe from our own insanity, greed and systems of justification for the most extreme and huge social crimes...wars and genocides all the time with the god blessing each and all sides, his priesthood praying to him from all corners pleading with him for victory for their side in the wars.
if there is a deity associated with human existence we have not discovered IT as yet. IT is not the humanly conceived Ogre or Demon at the heart of the religions we now practise. that deityof ur religions is a devil and worship of it has brought us to our currentr socal knees, a whisper away from causing our own destruction. a pox on all relgion then we must find god, but we have looked in the wrong places and found a devil whom we have raised up above ourselves, who now wickedly looks down at us in evil glee as we prepare to crucify ourselves under his direction.
humans are sweet! instead of burning our current churches and starting afresh based on the truth we have proven, we attend them, every sabbath, and bow down to what is a Demon god we have created, who demands from us extreme blood sacrifice every single day.
that Demon is never satsified, always wants war and more , the bodies of men women and children. he is also always in saturnalia as are his his priests, for they enage in orgies of every sort of sexuality, of consumption, of greed and of death and blood.
the Demon says though shall not kill but he kills all the time. the Demon says though shall not lie and cheat, fronicate and covet thy neighbors wife, have sex at all only if it is be in bed with ones wife, and then only for procreation.
but that is not what the Demon does, or makes his preisthoods do even as he and they demand such behaviour from the flock of fools who attend every sabbath.
The Demon currently at the heart of human religion is the greatest criminal, most evil and destestable entity possible in the history of existence..even as a creationg of our own imagination. it is time for humanity to put out his lights, to end him for he exists only because we believe.
it is time to stop believing in the insane creation we have elevated into a high place, above us, to seek out where a real creator may exist, a creator who must be the opposite of this damm in our Demon in our churches. any real creator...or rather god.. if it exists must be an evolutionary entity, who began like we have, overcame its evolutionary contradictions, survived and moved into the universe become supreme. such an entity whatever its association with us, wont come back becasue IT cant, or it is not necessary or possible because It cant do anything for us really. IT wuld be too advanced for us and we would not be able to make much sense of IT.
I compare such a possibility to the relationship here on earth that between our most intelligent and advanced people and our most backward people, even if at times such such an example of comparison exists of people in and of the same society. that is possible. but right in front of our eyes we would be able to observe 2 people between whom there is an unimaginablly huge gulf of understaning of reality, that can hardly be bridged in a lifetime. that I imagine would be a mild example of what it would be like between current humanity and any god that may exist
like it or not we must go meet our god, meet It at some great stage of our own evolution when would have advanced sufficiently to deal with any such THING!
which means we are on our own and must solve our social riddles, mature on our own by accepting truth we see and prove, learn the universe and its secrets, master nature not dominate it for we can... and work out the means of indefinite survival ourselves and go forward always in the best possible shape to meet whatever lies ahead..probably IT!
we may not make it..but all that is part of the constant risk of existence. we can only meet our god if we are fit and make it through, proving our worth, overcome our social and natrural contradictions, mature and master nature - internal and external!
if we have an evolutionary chance that is come to know the truh of the universe, to see whats in it for us. that is the path our god may have left for us. we must find out.
we cannot find out through capitalist greed, through religious nonsense and lies, by remaing immature as a species, stuck in all kinds of silly beliefs, not through belief and faith but by sight, scientific skill and knowledge, and positive application of what we come to know of the universe, to the problems of human survival.
we must follow that path, of truth, of knowldge and light, not of greed and hoariding of wealth at the expense of the mass of humanity, which challenges to the limits our chances of survival.
it is time for the revoluion..the global social revolution that will bell capitalism, usher in democracy in every nation of the world, placing human society and survival as the first consideration of existence, and not greed and capitalism...clearing the way for a human focus on the question "how does humanity survive indefinetly in an evolutionary universe"
we answer that question as go positively and we are in with a chance. we answwr it in the negative and we are done! there is no one to save us but us. to reach god we must become god-like ourselves. there is no other option!
christianity corrupted human sexuality beginning with masturbation, a most natural safety valve for humanity, so that that check and balance became a mortal sin and a source of emotional dysfunction, for in times of sexual build-up and pressure, when nocturnal emission... another safety valve.... was not sufficient humanity could relieve itself by masturbation and go on without great emotional disturbance.
christianity gave us the Hamitc curse on blac people, a deliberate jewish manipulation that has caused and cost blac people centuries of blood, rivers of blood and toil, racism and emotional turmoil...
when I think of the price humanity as a whole has paid for religion, christiantiy which I know, Islam which I know of, I am appalled that we have endured this put-upon-ourselves of such magnitude, no wonder the whole speices is absolutely nuts.
I think of my own emotional turmoil and its underlying religious causation and my anger bubbles. back in the day, in Trinidad I wold have burned down every church on every corner. but even then, nascent, rabid democrat that i was, I would have, in place of the church, initiated the most widespread, historical/forensic investigaion to determine the truth behind religion, to correct the obvious atrocity and lies of the beliefs we lived-by, for they were obvious and ridiculous lies and so costly to humanity, it boggled my mind even then.
to discover a current worldwide priesthood, that cuts across and is inclusive of all relgions that exist, awash in finaical corruption, greed, war-mongering and sexual perversion is no surpise at all. religion is calculated misdirection and deliberate conditioning of the minds of ordinary people, all the better to control and exploit religion is a fake, a method that prepares ordinary minds to be available for exploitation at all times. that is the function of religion.
as I have come to discover the actual history of religion I have been stunned almost daily as I discovered what actually happened, how it came to be, what particularly, christianity was/is all about. oh my god indeed!
just one example of the horror of the christian church I must mention, one that I find particularly reprehensibe is the childrens crusade back in the 12 century or there-abouts! ahhhh! maaan! I mean all the crusades were evil undertakings but the childrens crusade was al-together another higher level of evil. thow in the hell could they have done something like that?
what in the hell are white people bwoy!!!.... for the things they have done in the world? they are of us no doubt, in direct filiation.....yet!...phew!
to discover the truth about blac people is to know that, we are not only all we are reputed to have done of a foundational nature of the human species...but to know that we have done great evil too, during our days of great power in the world, and even much so that it is not too fetched at all to see how we could easily have given rise not only to white people, but to all the rest of the people on the planet, the human species, by all standards of calculation, for all that they have done and do, we have done originally. we did not only do all the great things we now discover about our past and crow about.
yet what white people have done in the world, continue to do now in their time of power, justified by their rhristianity is stupendous, would be fantastic if it werent proven truth.
the most heartening aspect of the current turmoil in the Arab world and elsewhere, is its tendency to non-religion. the people are ignoring Islam of all variations... and christianity similarly.
what a sound and positive development! nature is the template for social organisation, the natural principles of which must come to underpin all humanity does. it is that or extinction! the sooner humanity rids itself of abstract fundamental ideas, as revealed by some god specifically to men, male prophets with big ears and rotten, rigid and psychopathic personalities, the better-off we wil be, safe from our own insanity, greed and systems of justification for the most extreme and huge social crimes...wars and genocides all the time with the god blessing each and all sides, his priesthood praying to him from all corners pleading with him for victory for their side in the wars.
if there is a deity associated with human existence we have not discovered IT as yet. IT is not the humanly conceived Ogre or Demon at the heart of the religions we now practise. that deityof ur religions is a devil and worship of it has brought us to our currentr socal knees, a whisper away from causing our own destruction. a pox on all relgion then we must find god, but we have looked in the wrong places and found a devil whom we have raised up above ourselves, who now wickedly looks down at us in evil glee as we prepare to crucify ourselves under his direction.
humans are sweet! instead of burning our current churches and starting afresh based on the truth we have proven, we attend them, every sabbath, and bow down to what is a Demon god we have created, who demands from us extreme blood sacrifice every single day.
that Demon is never satsified, always wants war and more , the bodies of men women and children. he is also always in saturnalia as are his his priests, for they enage in orgies of every sort of sexuality, of consumption, of greed and of death and blood.
the Demon says though shall not kill but he kills all the time. the Demon says though shall not lie and cheat, fronicate and covet thy neighbors wife, have sex at all only if it is be in bed with ones wife, and then only for procreation.
but that is not what the Demon does, or makes his preisthoods do even as he and they demand such behaviour from the flock of fools who attend every sabbath.
The Demon currently at the heart of human religion is the greatest criminal, most evil and destestable entity possible in the history of existence..even as a creationg of our own imagination. it is time for humanity to put out his lights, to end him for he exists only because we believe.
it is time to stop believing in the insane creation we have elevated into a high place, above us, to seek out where a real creator may exist, a creator who must be the opposite of this damm in our Demon in our churches. any real creator...or rather god.. if it exists must be an evolutionary entity, who began like we have, overcame its evolutionary contradictions, survived and moved into the universe become supreme. such an entity whatever its association with us, wont come back becasue IT cant, or it is not necessary or possible because It cant do anything for us really. IT wuld be too advanced for us and we would not be able to make much sense of IT.
I compare such a possibility to the relationship here on earth that between our most intelligent and advanced people and our most backward people, even if at times such such an example of comparison exists of people in and of the same society. that is possible. but right in front of our eyes we would be able to observe 2 people between whom there is an unimaginablly huge gulf of understaning of reality, that can hardly be bridged in a lifetime. that I imagine would be a mild example of what it would be like between current humanity and any god that may exist
like it or not we must go meet our god, meet It at some great stage of our own evolution when would have advanced sufficiently to deal with any such THING!
which means we are on our own and must solve our social riddles, mature on our own by accepting truth we see and prove, learn the universe and its secrets, master nature not dominate it for we can... and work out the means of indefinite survival ourselves and go forward always in the best possible shape to meet whatever lies ahead..probably IT!
we may not make it..but all that is part of the constant risk of existence. we can only meet our god if we are fit and make it through, proving our worth, overcome our social and natrural contradictions, mature and master nature - internal and external!
if we have an evolutionary chance that is come to know the truh of the universe, to see whats in it for us. that is the path our god may have left for us. we must find out.
we cannot find out through capitalist greed, through religious nonsense and lies, by remaing immature as a species, stuck in all kinds of silly beliefs, not through belief and faith but by sight, scientific skill and knowledge, and positive application of what we come to know of the universe, to the problems of human survival.
we must follow that path, of truth, of knowldge and light, not of greed and hoariding of wealth at the expense of the mass of humanity, which challenges to the limits our chances of survival.
it is time for the revoluion..the global social revolution that will bell capitalism, usher in democracy in every nation of the world, placing human society and survival as the first consideration of existence, and not greed and capitalism...clearing the way for a human focus on the question "how does humanity survive indefinetly in an evolutionary universe"
we answer that question as go positively and we are in with a chance. we answwr it in the negative and we are done! there is no one to save us but us. to reach god we must become god-like ourselves. there is no other option!