The Stench of The Entity Called Obama....

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for allyuh information...Obama is not the first African American president. here were at leats 3 discernably blac presidents, at leats one discernably blac vice president...and it was very well known during his presidency and in the lead up to it, that Warren G harding was blac, passing for white

the 3 discernably blac presidents were Thomas Jefferson, Andrew jackson, Abraham Lincoln...the 3 very greatest American presidents. yes hey were blac and all knew it in the age of slavery. and yet there they were.

also discernably blac was Alexander Hamilton, an agent of the Jewish financial power in those days, who is credited as the father of the american financial system. he certainly was a major contributor but such as it was and is, what he created did not have the american people in mind as beneficireries.

of the blac presidents Obama is the only real live pu**y in the mix, ah real dotish ass, who the Israelis have treed, captured and run a ring through his nose by which to control him.

people like jackson, Jefferson and Lincoln risked their lives against the antecedents of these very Israelis to keep america safe from them. they would have not tolerated anything like the shit Obama eats for all his meals.

Obama is a joke! a cruel joke played on the ordinary folk of america and the world
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Chileans protest Obama visit, Nuke deal
Press TV – March 21, 2011
Chileans have held demonstrations to protest the upcoming visit of US President Barack Obama to the country following a recent nuclear deal between the two nations.

“This demonstration is to reject Barack Obama’s militaristic policies,” said a protest organizer.

The angry protesters organized two peaceful rallies on Sunday, complaining that the nuclear agreement was signed despite major nuclear crisis that developed in Japan following the huge earthquake and tsunami that struck the country on March 11, AFP reported Monday.

Chilean opposition lawmakers and environmentalists argue that the Friday agreement is too risky for their country, which lies on the Pacific Ring of Fire, and like Japan, is quite prone to devastating earthquakes.

The devastating 9-magnitude earthquake, followed by a monstrous tsunami that hit Japan earlier in March, caused radioactive leakage due to explosions in the nuclear power plants that resulted from malfunctioning cooling systems.

Chile experienced its own 8.8-magnitude earthquake just last year, which was also followed by a tsunami that claimed the lives of more than 500 people.

The Chilean demonstrators, numbering close to 2,000, held signs that read, “Nuclear energy is energy of death.”

Chilean President Sebastian Pinera and President Obama are set to meet Monday in the capital Santiago, where Obama is scheduled to deliver a speech on the Latin America.
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