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Kamla gets death threat

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:16 am
by BallOil
Acting Police Commissioner Gilbert Reyes said last night he would offer a security detail to prime ministerial contender Kamla Persad-Bissessar in light of a reported threat to her life. “I would again offer to provide her with security,” Reyes said, in response to reports of a $5 million contract to kill Persad-Bissessar. He revealed that the Police Service had previously offered to provide Persad-Bissessar with official security, “but she did not accept.”
Wow.... :shock:

Re: Kamla gets death threat

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 8:26 am
by mapoui
Re: Kamla gets death threat
Fri May 14, 2010 10:11 pm

look how low capitalist politics in Trinidad have become..death threats for candidates routinely....rum and roti flowing, party here and another there, sponsored by every party in their turn.

" if ah political party doh feed and provide 'liquid sustenance' fuh the people, bus them to party points, put party shirts on their backs, deh cyarn get no votes."

so deh want to kill Kamla! waste of time! if they want to do maximum damage to titty let Kamla become pm! stopping her with the ultimate stop-plug is to saintify her, give her a glow she will quickly tarnish, alive as the actual pm.

when yu get elected in ah place like Titty, the international bankers give you your agenda as soon as you are appointed, sworn-in as pm.

should she become pm Kamla will take a trip to washington immediately after swearing-in, to genuflect at the feet of the federal reserve, the real seat of american power, the power in the empire, where the zionists will present her with their program for Titty, the one she is to 'kerry' out as pm in their behalf.

the program the people of Titty sent her to the Red House to 'kerry' out is of no concern to them, not to be 'kerried' out, must to be ignored, put on ah shelf and dusted off periodically during the next 5 years.... especially at points of political terror for her party, the UNC, when she needs to develop lies to salve the peoples anger, when all she said she would do, when all the people expected from her and her govenment does not happen.

but nothing in the peoples interest can happen, because those with the real death threats would have long told her what to do, as they told Patrick and Panday before her, Robinson, on their immediate trips to washington upon swearing in as they directed Eric Williams and George Chambers they direct most leaders in the world.

these are the original type of offers that cannot be refused, made by people who kill whole nations just to make a point. 'do as we say or this is your fate!'

so leave Kamla alone man! her fate is sealed as pm. so were the fate of Manning and Panday before her, the fate of anyone who wins and becomes pm...the fate of 'dem' and the parties they lead. they have no option save towing the washington line. and that line drives straight through the greatest sea of shit possible for the ordinary people of their nation,for the ordinary people of the world.

whoever it is threatening Kamla, are deh so ambitious as to want to have such 'power' for themslves, when all they can do with such power is serious damage to the people of Titty and the westindies?

it is like Obama planning all his life to become president, sells his soul to the Zionists for the opportunity to become...fights like a well trained attack-dog to win the thing....then an obedient servant as president, he proceeds on his puppet masters bidding and instructions, to do maximum evil and destruction on planet earth, with his handsome smiling face and a mellifluous voice.

so leave Kamla alone allyuh...whoever! there is no reason to kill her. the prize aint worth it! it is a prize that can only make any of them the biggest servant in the land, in titty...servant to the forriner, the devil himself

Kamla, like Patrick and all who succeed them, if time permits, have the onerous job of discrediting the empire in the eyes of the people, by the local work they do as leaders of a government that acts in the interest of the forriner, not of the nation. they cyan only help clarify in the minds of the people the truth of the day and age.... so that when the people act they can be unerring in their judgement and actions in solving the nations problems.

the people will know who to kill, who to drive away, who to imprison....and how to structure their future relations with the whole world, including the evil empire, by the work of such as traitorous Kamla and our other equally duplicitous political leaders and parties.

at such a point Kamla cannot escape! so too Patrick, Panday if he is alive, none of them and all their minions and supporters...all the civil servants who manned/man the bureaucracy, the government service that has faithfuly carried out all the programs of the forriner, that have penalised, terrorised and exploited to the max, the people of the nation, of the westindies, for generations now.

doh kill kamla man! leave she to do she job! her judgement will be accomplishd by the people in the streets in radical activity, if their judgement of the social process takes place in her time, in her life. the right to so judge belongs to the people in collective revolutionary action. it is their right when they are ready to so judge, and to act on their own judgement.

national soverighty belongs to the people and to the people only. what the people do is law, universal law... not what no constitution says.

the people agree to a constitution and that is the law for as long as the people observe it, agree to it governing their social reality. once the people move against that piece of paper, the constitution is done, it is dus'...and whatever the people do in the interim to organise life is the LAW!...has become the new LAW!

leave Kamla alone! leave them all alone! simply develop the case for social change, effect that change when the time is right now...yesterday in fact!