BallOil wrote:Maybe so but its hard to know who to give in Haiti no? CARICOM working with the Haitian government could put it to good use no? Look WIPA did its part in raising the money now is up to the people who get the money to do the right thing.
What is WICB involvement in helping our Haitian bro in need?
yu see that is the problem with people...especially those who have carved out a little for themselves, believe they have a stake in things and side with the man for no good reason...pure blindness!
if yu want things to go well who is to make them go well but yu/we, us ordinary folk?
and making things go well means taking the time to make sure the work yu do for progress goes all the way!
so WIPA did its part and must wash its hands at that point of handing over the collection eh!. what happens next?
haiti blossoms in huge condo and tourist development, time-sharing construction and all that. the local people can enter those areas only as servants/workers. there will be good roads in haiti that lead only to those developments. all in haiti eventually will be organised to serve such developments. also the maquiladora extension that already extists is the basis of industry of haiti..such industry that is there in haiti!
now what is WIPA investment in that...1/2 a million...! that comes back to enslave the people of haiti, given to the corporations free of charge. WIPA can earn no interests on it while he corporations make massive profits. its all free of charge money to the corporations. that is where almost all of the aid money from the west has gone...into the corporate for profit investment in taking over haiti, free of interest charges.
so WIPA far from helping has hurt hait to the tune of half a million dollars. no matter how little it is it hurts and harms, not helps in the situation. its best WIPA did not collect a brown cent for haiti, all the harm this is likely to do!
now there are those aid outfits in haiti that are known to be doing excellent, direct work to and for the haitian people. it wont even take the time one takes to scratch ones find out, select one and channell the money there.
it might have made sense even to just give the money to the Venezuelan or Cuban governments, who give and give and give and give to haiti..on a continuing basis. if it werent for these two governments haiti would have absolutely nutten going on for the people at this time. these two governments would have used the money properly, among the hundereds of millions they already give to haiti without looking back!