Socafighter beating up on Chupid AFRO...

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OMG ....those fcking radio commentators in Barbados , they are as clueless as AFRO

about Cricket . I cant listen to them . ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww....

Come on T&T lets go get em .....
Last edited by socafighter on Mon Feb 20, 2012 12:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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socafighter wrote:OMG ....those fcking radio commentators in Barbados , they are as clueless as AFRO

about Cricket . I cant listen to them . ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww....

Come on T&T lets go get em .....
Whats the matter SocaFraud? DEM CONVERSATIONS TOO BLACK FI YOU? :lol: :lol: .
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It has nothing to do with color ....its to bland like English cooking .

If I need to fall asleep , I will listen to them ...its like what your posting do

to me ...zzzzzzzzzzzzzing ....
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If my posting put you to sleep why you keep COMING BACK FI MORE? :lol:

And you seem to have a history of hating on black figures Soca!!.. di commentators, H&H, Beckles, Gibbo etc!!.. mi haffe start wonder about you to rhatid!! :shock: .
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How come I am a big fan of Polly , lil polly , Bravo , Lara , Bish, Gayle and a whole lot more .

hall , griffith , sobers , hunte , kanhai , solomon , butcher , nurse , 3w's gomes etc etc

See ya clueless as usual .
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socafighter wrote:How come I am a big fan of Polly , lil polly , Bravo , Lara , Bish and a whole lot more .

hall , griffith , sobers , hunte , kanhai , solomon , butcher , nurse , 3w's gomes etc etc

See ya clueless as usual .
Have you displayed that "affection" for them here? IF SO I MUST HAVE MISSED IT!! :P , it's easy to start blowing your trumpet AFTER YOU'VE BEEN CALLED OUT!! :lol: , but i guess people always have a get out card, i call it the "i have a black friend" excuse!! :mrgreen: .
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You must have missed my emails to the WICB blasting them on behalf of Gayle , Bravo

and Sarwan . I was born in T&T , I went to school with many nationalities in T&T .

Many school mates came to visit with me at home . My parents were not racists

so their kids are not . I married an Indian Trini , he had dougla relatives in T&T.

When ever we visit T&T we all have a great time , I dont see them as different

nor my kids . So you are fishing and trolling now where .
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If i remember correctly you said your family were originally from Scotland way back in the day and then moved to the caribbean, white people in the Caribbean at that time were more than likely SLAVE OWNERS, whats also interesting is you admitting how much family "businesses" you run etc, which suggests that your family may have had a lot of LAND in those parts (which could have been cotton fields?) !! :D ,

Furthermore just because you married an ASIAN man it doesn't mean you can't be prejudice against A BLACK PERSON, Asian and black people ARE NOT ONE AND THE SAME, if your daughters brought home a black guy i can only imagine what your response would be!! :lol: .
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Afro cottoon is in the USA not the caribbean. Sugar was king in the west indies. One day you have to try and learn some caribbean history. :)
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mikesiva wrote:Afro cottoon is in the USA not the caribbean. Sugar was king in the west indies. One day you have to try and learn some caribbean history. :)

And by the way THIS picture disputes your claims!! :lol: :lol: , from what i gather some fields had BOTH cotton and Sugar!! i suggest you have a look at some history too!! .
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