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Obama and the Israeli World Riot

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:57 am
by mapoui
here is a nice development....but as usual with Obama, only on paper! The reality tells a....‏
different story! before the paper is cold Obama contravenes what it contains.

Obama is an Israeli puppet! he has no say in the governing of America! Obama has nothing in place in american politics, no power base of his own that can give him an independent voice in the whte house, a real say in how america is run. {there is nothing he has that could possibly give Obama an independent voice up in the white house.}

Obama has no consitituentcy, save the american peple who elected him to bring change. Obama did nothing further mobilise this popular base, that could have been the basis for everything of a postive nature he wanted to do as president. with the people on his side anything was possible. in Venezuela the people brought back Chavez with 2 million of them on the streets of Caracas, paralyzed the city, letting it be known that if one hair on Chavezs body was harmed they would tear the rich class apart!

Chavez had to be reinstated or hell would result in Venezuela for the rich!

the people in collective movement is the greatest social power. nothing can stand before it. not even massed armies with powerful weapons.

Obama had to use the people against the Jewish power to have a chance. to have half a chance he had at least to build a buffer of blac and white progressivesinside the white house itself... inclusive of progressives of all kinds of americans, to counterack the Jewish create some administrative room for himself.

just imagine imagine a blac president with not a single blac person in his white house staff. they are all Jewish up in there! so what kind of president can Obama be save a Jewish president?

it is not intelligent for any politician to behave in such a manner. even if Obama harvested Jewish money to finance his presidential campaign, he should have been in a cunning/deceitful, in a machiavellian mode from day one, using people against each other to make room for his own independence.

so whats a lil lie behind the closed door compard to the running lies he tells all the time?

it is not that Obama isnt cunning enough! it is that he uses all such 'skill' against the people of america, in the full interest of the forrin Israeli power who decides for him.

that is what makes Obama the comprehensive disaster that he is. he is totally beholden to a forrin power, whose path in the world is exceedingly destructive as is demonstrated by its current and past actions.

all in the world are up against this Israeli current action, invadin unamed ships in international waters, and the american president can do nothing save use american power, to protect the terrible behaviour of the Israelis.

Obamas cannot use the amerian power to censure what is clearly illegal and internationally disruptibve hbehavior form its so called client state...a relatinship which is really the reverse...the small state dominating the large one. if Obama cannot use american power in any way save what the forrin states directs, then his presidency is a movement that is profoundly anti-american. the american president is an agent of a forrin state, because the american president can act only in the ineterst of and to protect the that forrin state and its interests.

Obama is a complete traitor and un-america president. he stands out clearly as such, more defined as such each day, as in his name as president, Israel does it pleases in the world and forces america to defend that Israel from the resulting anger and administrative responses of the world.

not for nothing that the american Jews who financed Obamas campaign said when he was elected, that when all is said and done 'Barack H Obama will be the greatest friend Israel ever had in the white house...the first Jewish president of the USA'

as an anti-american president Obama is worse than harry truman, who against the advice of his experts, recognised the Israeli rogue state in 1948. Jack Kennedy is the only american president I know in modern times who acted against the Jewish power and in the ineterest of america,...the one president who fought for america and sought to preserve her independence

the Jewish/Iseraeli power then, is probably responsible for the destruction of JFK and his family for that reason! whoever is responsible for the JFK assassination apparently went all the way and reduced the entire Kennedy family to incapability, by killing all the Kennedy men of that family, capable of wielding it into the social force it once was, capable of influencing the way america functioned in the world. that was to ensure there could never again be an organised retaliation from the Kennedys for what had been done to JFK.

that is the situation Obama has bought for himnself. no doubt he and his family will be killed if he opposes the parastic power.

but if I, a man a long way away from the centre of this issue, and in no way central to aware of it long before Obama became president....why wouldnt Obama have known it and made the most informed choice to be, or not to be president?

one assumes that if Obama chose to be president that he was in fact properly informed about his choice and is therefore prepared for all and any eventually as president.

but is that what we see here? what in fact do we see?

we see a a sort of neophitic individual as president, apparently unaware of what he would face as president, making a fool of himself by speaking as if he is in charge, only to be publicly pulled-up, humiliated everytime and made to do what is contrary to what he himself says.

every policy initiative of Obama has been compromised by the very interests he was elected to change!

it is critical that Obama control Jews/Israel... and not they him... for they are in full riot mode in the world, doing as they please, ripping apart planet earth. They must be stopped or the world will soon end in flames.

but like a statue, petrified, lifeless and cold, Obama stands there, made the fool, unable to act in the best ineterests of america and the world ,so beholden and controlled is he to the jewish/israeli power!

it is a horrific sight to behold, this beautiful but empty blac man in a suit, in the office of president but totally powerless, neutered, just a token that Israel need not even inform of their actions when they do something in the world. did they even bother to tell Obama beforehand they would invade the peace flotilla and kill batches of unarmed people?

they most certainly did not although it is clear such a decison had long been taken in Tel Aviv. it is probable that Obama would have known also even if Israel had not told him. that is why they have spy know what everyone is doing in the world, clandestinely or up front!

Obama is a horribly disgusting puppet for the whole world to see, a disgraceful fake and empty windbag who lied all over the world in his quest for the presidency and ever since being elected. Obama is not the president. David Axelrod and Rahm Emannuel are more powerful in the white house than Obama is.

Obama apparently was not informed of Israeli intent. if he was, he knew beforehand of intended crime, did not inform the relevant authorities, kept silent and is therefore complict in the crime....

and now, in the aftermath of that crime, with dead bodies scattered all over the place, Obama is calld upon to protect the criminal nationa state Israel, in international fora and halls of justice like the UN security council, where Obama has already used the american veto to stop answers being forced out of Israel.

here is a blac man, as president of the USA who has bought for himself a totally servile and contemptible position, powerless as the gulf of mexico, and ultimately the caribbean sea of which the gulf is the northern-most part, turns blac with crude oil.

Obama has been forced to allow BP to remain in charge while he twiddles his thumbs, unable to marshall the worlds resouces, relevant to that disaster, in effort to fix the problem.

there is no doubt at all in my mind that all that has been going on in effort to stop the leak has been pappyshow, attempts to fool the world about a breech of the sea bed that is really catastrophic, far larger than we have been led to believe.

it is clear, whether or not there are the means to stop the breeches in the ocean bed, no serious attempt has been made - is being made. in the end we will discover I am sure that once the breeches opened up...if the oil rig was not sabotaged in the first place...we will find that the breeches were allowed to flow as it they are flowing now, deliberately, to kill the general habitat, kill and dislocate as many people as possible. and I use the word breeches because obviously there are more than just one leak flowing into the ocean

the the purpose of the Jewish dominated global status quo in this monopoly stage of capitalism, appears to be focused on human destruction. the global elite appears bent on huge reduction of the number of human beings on planet earth.

disaster after disaster on the planet earth and no effort to solve results, and prevent more from taking place. in fact the equation appears to be: first to cause, then and maximise destructive impact ....the most perfect examples of which to date have been 9-11, the Indonesian Tsunami, the hurricane Katrina and the Haitian earthquake.

in each instance the powers that be in the world acted to create the event and make them as bad as possible for the people.

and when the events were of a natural origin authority acted to maximise their deadly impact on the they have accomplished most palpably in Haiti, which is an on-going genocidal event as we speak.

the profile and stamp of the flow of these 4 evenst are all the same. its as if a serial criminal is out there creating these events, which follow a manipulated path of maximum destruction, even when they began with a natural event.

as I observe the Gulf oil disaster...not spill by any is clear that the authorities are acting to make things worse, filling up the gulf of Mexico with hundereds of millions of gallons of the most horrific toxic chemicals, supposedly to disperse the oil

to pour banned toxic chemicals into the ocean is most unscientific. it is complete nonsense from a practical point of view, which the authorities cannot help but know.

and as they most assuredly know then doing it can only be construed as deliberately policy, to produce in fact, the deleterious effects we know will take place . the authorities cannot help but know, what the dispersant corexit will do to the ocean in a soup mixture with the crude group of chemicals flowing up from the ocean floor.

corexit does not help but further harms the environment, irreparably so...and that appears to be the deliberate intent of BP...also seeking to hide the surface oil from the world, taken in pictures from above

but such effort is futile.... any effort to hide the oil by dispersing it is futile for the people already know that we have huge LEAKS in the ocean floor...not one leak but several...that we are all being lied to...that there is an effort to focus the global audience on one small leak, while other leaks are underway, including one particularlt massive leak close-by , about which nothing is being said!

so why the persistent pumping of corexit into the ocean making things far worse than they already are?



Re: Obama and the Israeli World Riot

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 9:03 pm
by BallOil
WOW...deep stuff mannnn!