Cozy the Pozy Say Is Time Fuh Gayle to Go!

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I wasnt paying attention but now that Cozt mention it gayle did overbowl Shillingford by a huge margin in the first innings here did he not. that was unconscionable of him!

it appeared that Gayle made a huge turnaround in Australia under a lot of pressure for his badd attitude. but it was just an extra effort he put out. it was no change of his inner self.

now he is back to that his inner-self, the real Gayle and his leadership and batting are as suspect as ever.

I am fed up with gayle as player and captain. it is time he should relieve westindies of his presence as cricketer. the indian 20/20 should be enough to occupy him from now on. I agree with Cozy fuh the very first time.

a leader is a leader! he should be up to the effort at all times or quit. he gets paid! he is not in there for nothing! Gayle behaves as if he is. losing the toss the wicket is hard he complains! what the hell is that?

an he is the one to complain! what about us.... the many times Gayle won tosses, sent in the oppostion on hard wickets only to field out to tons of runs...even 600+ runs?

we should complain about that! and we did too!

Gayle is leading to hell! he does not have any leadership skills really. he might be a big strong guy with a personality that says leader. but he has no smarts to back-up that appearance of his. Gayle is more a comes' man than anything, far more jamaican than he is westindian and it shows in his leadership.

it made no sense to send Nash up the order in the absence of sarwan. nash would be a fool at #3 and even I could see that from Ontario canada. but gayle clearly decided to push the yardie and no one else.

Deonarine was a better bet. he is suppoed to be a real top batsman. I would have used Bravo assuming that Gayle did not wnat to 'waste' Deonarine early. but Narsing was the man..and he duly was sent up and has done well up top.

and back down low nash has scored as he usually has down there!

and the way Gayle bats is sickening. gayle can do much better than he has been doing since Oz. it does not appear that he cares to apply whaveter is necessary to keep his wicket, to keep going and going and going...when it is clear he can.

Gayles recent batting has been a great source of personal frustration. he allows certain bowlers to get his wicket all the time at cheap cost. he has just been careless and doh care damm. he hits out and if he connects fine. if he missess oh well!

time for the Gayle, man to recuse himself permanently....or the selectors should do it for him.

what the actual story is I think, is that Otis Gibson is fed up with Gayle as leader, does not see that he can get anywhere with the westindies team led by Chris Gayle. that is what the situation really is. Gibson wants Gayle out and Cozier has begun the orchestration of the dance that will bring about that result.

I too want Gayle out! I see him as a ridiculous man overall, who is best left to his own devices and out of everyones else hair!
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it was obvious a disconcert would grow between Gayle and Gibson as head coach. Gibson is a rational, level headed westindians who relative to cricket wold be westindian in orientation, and to make a success of hsi job would need to harness the best available talent and use it wisely to get the best out of the players he has.

for example It would to my mind be Gibson who promoted the nash runt to #3. that is a strictly Yardie decision straight from Gayle. it would not have been Gibsons decision also to bowl Shillingford 50+ overs, up to 30 overs more than other bowlers in some cases..given that this is justs shillingfords second test..even if at 27 Shillingford is a bit older and more experienced than most debutants.

there is nonsense going on, inconsistentcies and disjoints in the way things happen in the cricket, on the field and off it with the team. and it all flows from Gayles leadership. well he attacked the wicb for incompetence and we were all with him on that. But ultimately there had to have been an audit of Gayle himself. and from what we know such an audit coud not flatter Gayle.

so what we see emerging from Cozys article is that contradicition between Gayles silly leadership, flowing from the way gayle is, basically a low level yardie centrix,anti-westindian, unintelligent approach, that does not, indeed cannot address the real needs of westindian cricket development....and the opposite consistentcy of Gibsons approach.

once the westindies selected a real coach, with some real level of intelligence and competence and honets committment to the westindies, there was (is) bound to be a clash between gayle and what he represents and that coach. and it has happened, and from it we see the emergence of an official program to get rid of Gayle.

and Gayle knows it too and his reaction can possibly be seen particullarly in the way he has been batting recently. Gayle screamed about losing the toss at bassetterre and about having to spend a couple of days in the field to a huge Saffie total on the road of a pitch the Kittians had rolled out for the game.

yet when he batted Gayle gifted his wicket for a paltry 50, after a night of rest, in conditions in which he should have scored a huge ton at least, in order not to be back in the field quickly under Saffie punishment.

that is the sort of paradox-kind of bahaviour that flows from Gayle, inconsistent with obvious good sense and the choices that should flow from such good sense. all can see Gayles ill-logic by now and it is time for him to go..period if he wants to.

if Gayle stays once he loses the captaincy, he must begin to bat consistently sensible or he will remain a bad example of a senior player in the team, weighing it down by ill-logic of his cricket behaviour. westindies do not need Gayle for not need him for anything as a matter of fact. Gayle should just go!

westindies needs a younger captain to grow with the very young westindies team that is already emerging.
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All that matter is that Hunte wants Gayle for Cappo :)
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BallOil wrote:All that matter is that Hunte wants Gayle for Cappo :)

all dat done now! water dat already run undah bridge! gayle is toast this time! Gibson say so!
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mapoui wrote:
BallOil wrote:All that matter is that Hunte wants Gayle for Cappo :)

all dat done now! water dat already run undah bridge! gayle is toast this time! Gibson say so!
If Gayle goes, who should get the captaincy?

I see you avoiding my captaincy thread ...
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I am not unhappy about dumping gayle at all. he is of little real value to the westindies...a value we wont miss at all.

I see you appear to think differently, but gayles influence over his career with the westindies has been corrosive.

one example: gayle resigned the captiancy! he and skont hunte den sat down and made a deal to keep gayle. here is the deal...pick the side you want! presto! 9 yardies fill up westindies side. 9 yardies.... most of whom cant make a third 11 far less a first!

westindians then suffered through a period of failure dealing with the likes of Marshall and findlay as top batsmen. Baugh as first string keeper!

imagine dat!

only nash has panned out and we know the limited sort he is

wat kind ah mentalities sit down and plan all that destructive, soul-breaking kind of crap for the westindies?

thats the kind of mentality gayle is! he did not resign on any viable principle that involved the benefit of the entire region. he simply wanted a jamaican westindian side, and held westindies to ransom for that bit of pointless nonsense at a time when we needed proper leadership and a developmental plan in emplaced.

look at gayles career man and dat kinda crap is all you see...a lot of old, backward, petty, small-minded for short-sighted gains or pittances while westgindies cfricket sufered. a huge total devisive and insular westindian crap, that have nutten to with the progress of westindies cricket, the development of a modern game and sophisticated organisation.

gayles mind does not function on any such LLoyds did! the cause of westindian cricket, westindian ideology, of politics and society, westindian development....all that drove us for generations...all those issues are the furthest issues from gayles mind!

how in the hell can a man be a successful westindian captain and not be so aware, so knowledgeable and motivated? even Viv who is not unlike Gayle in insular attitude, had his Rastafarianism about him..rasta which is a coherent and consistent theory about life and blackness.

any such with gayle is just empty symbolism. gayle is just empty when it comes to westindianism and all it has come to mean, from the tip-top of Jamaica down to the guyana-suriname border

when Gayle exploded in Oz last year I said wow! yes! the man wake up, answer back the criticism with fiyah and change. he ready fuh the world now!

welll that was just a flash in the pan, obviously stimulated by the heaping criticism that he had attracted wth his stupid comments in the media, about hating tests and preferring the shorter versions of the game.

gayle is ready fuh nutten! he is back to his batting inconsistentcy- gifting his wicket consistently -petulant and disatisfied bullshit....but disatisfied for what! over what! about what?

the labour issues are resolved! gayle is extraordinarily well-paid, he is rich and set for life! what in the hell is he disatisfied about?

Gayle is still the same old backward, foolish and insular and always 'VEX' westindian he always was!

if yu give vex gayle ah chance he would resign again, expecting that the wicb would run after him again, and give him whatever he stay on.

but not this time. they..wicb have an alternative..Gibson!

Gayles general behaviour, his petulant stupidity that passes for 'cool' is like cancer to proper developmental plans and the way a team that is struggling, rebuilding, full of young players, ought to be led....according to consistent, intelligent adhesion to reality and the sophisticated, tuff, courageous and exemplary responses it demands at all times.

Lloyd and Worrell were such leaders. Richards had his moments, but as i said has a Gayle-like attitude which however did not preclude the courageous, exemplary and consistent response he produced as westindian captain.

the only leader with such intelligence and broad westindian spirit since LLoyd has been Walsh.

Jimmy Adams is an intelliogent fellow but morphed into a wimp as captain, from an intense, strong and tall, westindian-oriented youth!

Lara screwed Walsh and fell on his own sword in time. gayle wielded that sword that cut up lara...and now he too is to be cut.

Gibson is the intelligence up in here now. he has no competition only a hindrance - stupid GAYLE!

Gayle will block him and the progress he can make. Galye has nothing at all to contribute to westindies cricket cause. Gibson has! Gayle therefore must go!

Gibson will have Bravo apppointed captain and with him seek to build a side that can competes consistently!

Bravo would not be a challenge but a figure to mould! thats what is needed at this time..not a hardback ignorant fool who only crap knows, and who will stand, ignorantly and trenchantly, in the path of progress

time for gayle to just go...period!
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