When All the Players Are Available......?

West Indies cricket discussions
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I expect the immediate future of the westindies to be besy served by the removal of gayle from the captaincy...which should precipiate his unavailablity period foe Gayle is most likely to walk right aways from westindies cricket...which would not be a bad thing at all!

lets face it..Gayle has little more to offer westindies cricket. he is not scoring aymore, demonstrates little interest in playing for the westindies and his tactical approach leaves a whole lot to be desired.

the question is given Gayles attitude, if we can expect a more traditional, consistent and comprehensive approach by Gibson, to the problems westindies cricket faces, then Gayles 'unorthodoxy' has to go.

there is no way any intelligent, consistent plan can survive with Gayle in there. gayle is man of feeling and emotion, principle and ideas of manhood hat is pure machismo and parochial, narrowly nationalistic that would be more in tune with the samurai of long ago, that with the modern westindies.

it is time for gayle to go and for westindies to proceed with whatever organisational benefits Gibson brings.

one assumes that whatever Gibson brings would be better that that of Gayle who gave us resgination and and rescinding of, for the purpose of packing the side with jamaicans.

what can be more backward than that!

Gayle gave us many such small-mindedness and low level maliciousness, that with him one is always reminded of the malicious cut-up, back-stabbing, mauvis-lange comes', that is ordinary westindian life packed into the streets of westindian cities and markets.

that is not what we want or need in the running and administering of westindies cricket. it is not what we want in ordinary westindian life as well, which is why we struggle for development, the building up of the region that would yield a more experienced, developed and properous situation.

it was ridiculous to watch as gayle stood to the side deferring to John Dyson as Dyson led westindies cricket astray. Dysons mis-calculations cost westindies a match when we were on top..which precipitated a slide that allowed England to come back in the ODI series in question. as the miscalcualtions were made gayle was'nt even involved in the process, to determine if what was calculated was right or not.

Dyson had his way with Gayle even though it was always clear to me that Dysons loyalty to the westindies was always a question mark. it was clear to me that John Dyson was never in syn with westindian interest and managed westindies with an eye to the benefit of the white sides when we played against them.

Gayle is not a l;eader than ordinary westindian can count on to defend westindian cricket honour. Gayle does not even know what the term westindian means in cricket, so that his repsonse to bad decisions against jamaica in the regionals always elicited from him anti-westindian responses that were seriously out of whack with the place and time, out of whack with what Lloyd for example would have said in the same situation.

what we need in westindian cricket now is commitement, true westindianism that transcends Gayles parochialism and low level nonsense, real intelligence in administration, response and planning, with the true state of things in mind.

that is what we need, intelligence, competence that is pratical, innovative and pliable....not the dam nonsense that sees man of experience and achievement going to the batting crease 3 times in a row and getting out the same skunt way...over and over again...playing with a sense of petulance that says "I dont like you move out of it!

it is time to let Gayle go, as well as all his enablers like skunt Julian Hunte the biggest fool to be chair of the wicb.this game... I want to play ODI and T20!"

well piss off already! go pay the game you want! who the hell is holding you back! JUST GO! go do you damm thing and fofrget about everything else. the world will fill up any space you leave and go on, as soon as
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when all the players are available I expect westindies to have a decent side even without Gayle..especially without Gayle.

Barath, Shive, Sarwan, Narsing not nash! lil Bravo coming into his own, big Bravo, Ramdin, Simmons, Sammy, Bernard...the Bajan kids Edwards and Braithwaite, Carriah, Fuddadin, Benn, Shillingford, Walton. Fletcher..Kantarsing? Imran Khan, Russell, Creary, Roach, Pascal, Bess? Baker, Tongue

and there are more too!

I am also hoping for an end to players like Rampaul and Taylor, who have come represent only futility. they are always injured or when not injured unfit...palpably so. one exists on hope, expectation and holding ones breath with such as these..talented or not!

thats untennable!

westindies can do without all the drama this type of player represents at this time. simply they represent too much pointless drama thats all. it is time to lose them at the far reaches of the mix, ultimately to forget about them in the success of more hardy players, both mentally and physically.

and I expect that more players will be coming through even if Gibson puts into place a small plan. it is bound to be better than what we have now and will produces something of benefit.

I dont know Gibson but I expect at least a modicum of good work from him...work unsullied by any taint of anti-westindianism. Gibson of course is westindian, Bajan....and among westindians Bajans come first in cricket!
I dont expect Gibson to be a triator but a patriot working in the regional interest!
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westindies could have a very nice side developing here....

I like Shillingford and Benn. those two look like hey can carry a high quality load for the westindies for the next 5 years good good!

I dont know about Brandon Bess but we have Roach and thie Russeel kid tearing up england with the A side excites. he can bowl and bat real well.

Gavin Tonge is not very quick but he is a sold player in the tail. he will be an excellent back-up

Nealon pascal appears to have something to offer but injury scares me. you just get an opportunity of a lifetime and you get injured.

Bad sign!

then there is lil Barath who has already proven himself at the international level. lil Bravo to come in and the bajan bating kids....

as long as we do not allow Gayle to lead that coming side I am fine! we have to select the best man for the captaincy from the current bunch and train him up acordingly
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so Gayle is the whole problem in WI cricket?
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BallOil wrote:so Gayle is the whole problem in WI cricket?

...emblematic of the morass' the stupidity at the heart of things.

if you going to change approach you have to get rid of the man who signifies the backwardness at the heart of things...and put in the man who symbolises a new expectant apporach!
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mapoui wrote:
BallOil wrote:so Gayle is the whole problem in WI cricket?

...emblematic of the morass' the stupidity at the heart of things.

if you going to change approach you have to get rid of the man who signifies the backwardness at the heart of things...and put in the man who symbolises a new expectant apporach!
I wouldn't give Gayle that much credit for the state of WI cricket. As a player he is holding his own but as cappo I think he should give it up. However, I doh think the new leader will turn this around... WI have been losing for 15+ years.. What is the record of the previous cappos compare to Gayle?
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bwoy the problem in westindies cricket is big. it is cultural-social, historical. you have an idea of the story as we all do, having spoken of it many times!

westindies come like the African teams in soccer, especially Nigeria. none of them Adfrican teams are realy nations. the most successful one Ghana is the most national of all if them, the only really true african nation since the age of independence began

Ghana is prolly the only one without abitrary lines drawn by the colonialist to include dispaerate tribes that implode nations after independence in interneccine warfare. the Nigerians have major problems with that one, a criss-cross nation that no african politician has been able to unify for fifty years.

so only one of those nations is really a nation, and it shows in the way they all save ghana, play soccer and in their defeat despite the fact that are stocked with high quality players for the most part, who command huge salaries and trade values in european soccer.

I mean just look at how ridiculous it gets! Nigeria is run directly from Tel Aviv. the Jews of that country actually run Nigerai a nation of more than 100 million people. if you have so much talent, so may people, so much wealth and you cannot run you own damm country how can you play wining socccer?

same with the freaking westindies! we are not a nation and until we accept thatg responsibnility and carry it out we wont be doing mch thats collectively successful in the world.

neither will the Africans!
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