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Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 12:50 am
by socafighter,123447.html" onclick=";return false;

WHILE his company was at work on billion-dollar Udecott projects, Michael Zhang, managing director of Chinese firm SCG International (Trinidad and Tobago), received a private cut out of the work at the Ministry of Legal Affairs project in Port-of-Spain from Sunway Construction Caribbean Limited, the controversial Malaysian company now under police probe for alleged links to former Udecott chairman Calder Hart.

Zhang, who is said to be Chinese, was quietly awarded a private sub-contract on the Legal Affairs project by Sunway through his own company, Times Construction Company Limited, to do work on the $368 million skyscraper project in downtown Port-of-Spain, according to documents.

The disclosure is just one in a series of findings unearthed by a Sunday Newsday investigation into Zhang’s links with Udecott. That investigation has revealed that while SCG and Zhang worked on and bid for Udecott projects, Zhang:

* received work off of the controversial $368 million Ministry of Legal Affairs Tower contract awarded to Sunway, a company with alleged family ties to Hart;

* helmed SCG when the company received a $180 million contract for the construction of five police stations just 12 days shy of the 2010 General Elections and after Udecott staff came under some pressure from the Ministry of National Security to get the contracts out;

* shared some responsibility, through his company Times Construction Company Limited, for failing to give Chinese worker Xia Deyun, safety training which could have prevented Deyun’s worksite death at the site of the Ministry of Legal Affairs Tower on January 29, 2008;

* is tied to companies that have received more than $2 billion in Udecott projects.


Posted: Tue Jul 06, 2010 6:47 am
by mapoui
money like sand! is ah orgy going on! :lol: :lol: :lol:

power corrupts! absolute power corrupts absolutely! where are the peolple of Titty! why arent they out in the streets looking after their business?

they put Kamla in to do de arse!?

Kamla cyar do nutten! she is ah prisoner of the international bankers like Manning and Bas before she, Chambers and Williams too! Robbie worse! he actually believed in the economic religion of the bankers...I mean banksters.

the only ansah is the people, out in the streets, holding the government foot to the fiyah...removing them altogether, establishing a consitituent assembly to do the work of the nation...

that assembly will do as it is told by the generality or be removed immediately. pick the people fuh de assembly by hand 5 years and no elections...immediate recall...only the constant, ever changing means the people use and set up to do their business..the business of the nation...thats all.

rip up the damm constitution its useless. only what the people in revolution dictate matter. what ultimately stabilises becomes the constitution, the way the country is run until it too becomes which stage dat constitution is ripped up too, and a fresh, relevant start made.

it is likely all Kamla is doing now is instituting a program of draconian austerity dictated by her bankster bosses in new york, washigton and the city of london. in which case no matter how much oil money Trinidad earns little or none will trickle down to the people. deh will ketch deh arse even more as the days pass and Titty revenue builds up in the be played with orgiastically by the players as we note in the report above.

isnt it sweet! :lol: :lol: :lol: