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Allyuh Look At This! Howard Having Problems With His Stool!

Posted: Sun Jul 04, 2010 11:24 am
by mapoui ... 65944.html" onclick=";return false;

when Howard talks like this he must be observant that his chair or stool have legs to stand on, lest he fall an' bruk he rass!

yesterday it was England and the MCC who TOLD THE WORLD AS FAR AS CRICKET WAS CONCERNED!

then it was England, Oz and Kiwi ganging up.

howard at 70+ is old enough to have lived through all of this. did Howard know then with england on top, that it is not good for one country to dominate?

Now its the BCCI and India, Howard says no one nation should dominate!

isnt dat sweet...out of dis wurl sweet, sugar fuh days, weeks, months! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I cyar done laff. John Howard a democrat!? "no one nation should dominate!" the same john howard who illegally sent Oz troops to kill Iraquis!?

the shoe drop now! it on the other foot and the skunt cyar throw around his power no more and he morphs straight into ah democrat. sudden transformation! and he even continues with his shit, although he alreeady fingers India....about how Indians so love cricket in a wurl dominated by soccer, we should not alienate them.

and the flagellant and frustrated Oz press/pommie press wont give it a rest! deh cyar get ovah dat darkies trump dem on another one deh wanted tuh put ovah on oui! :lol: :lol: :lol:

deh piss bad bad! if they could they wud put up the old, nasty, racist, war monger skunt Howard again jess to prove the point! deh mus' get wat deh want!

well piss on dat! rotational CEO selection or not, any region in turn, cyar jess put up any old body to run the ICC. supose next time Africa put up Paul kagame, or Idi Amin, or Bokassa or Musaveni, charles taylor or some such monster just like Howard is?

let the Kiwi/Oz combination put up another viable candidate and all will be well. howard and dem refuse to accept the fact in the matter that it is HIS selection for the job that is the problem...not the fact that it is the Kiwi/Oz turn.

the Kiwi had it right when the sent forwrd the Anderson selection. that was an excellent selection. Greg or Ian Chappelle would also be excellent. there are literally tons of really qualified Oz and Kiwi for the job. what about Sir Richard Hadlee.

why on earth would the oz over-ride the Kiwi with Anderson, to send forward the utterly monstrous selection of John Howard?

howards selection had to have been on the intervention of some evil power in the world, seeking to reward Howard for his for utterly disgusting use of Oz in the ineterest of invading Iraq and screwing the commonwealth, especially Zimbabwe.

it is indeed rewarding watching the evil Howrd wax democratic now as he finds himself under the -ball, totally embarrasssed that he has been found out and sorted, by those over whom he firmly believed he is utterly superior to :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: