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Why Windians accepted the Panamanian but not the Aussie?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:42 am
by BallOil
Why Windians accepted the Panamanian Headley but not the Aussie Nash with Jamaican heritage as their own? :?

Re: Why Windians accepted the Panamanian but not the Aussie?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:24 am
by BallOil
WTF? looks like the Panamanians disown George Headley
I think an honest West Indian should add George to the list before I do :)

Re: Why Windians accepted the Panamanian but not the Aussie?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:45 am
by mapoui
bwoy all of this is sweet..good day at the fan...but I have to go. I teef too much time already from what I have to do, posting away here today.

ta ta...have a good day..wats left of it!

Re: Why Windians accepted the Panamanian but not the Aussie?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:53 am
by BallOil
Have a good day...we will pick this up again 8-)

Re: Why Windians accepted the Panamanian but not the Aussie?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:39 pm
by BallOil
alright , I did a good deed and give back Panama Mas George.
George Headley, Cricketer, West Indies cricket great

Why wasn't George in the original list, one of their great sons that Jamaica borrowed and Windians adopted :lol:

Re: Why Windians accepted the Panamanian but not the Aussie?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:43 pm
by BallOil
getting more curious, about tis.....

What was George Headley Spanish name? Jorge? what about his sir name? :)

Re: Why Windians accepted the Panamanian but not the Aussie?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:26 pm
by Googley
Hey Bally,

its simple rather! thats the WIan way! They accept a man of different color but not a white and in some cases brown. Let me give you exmaples.

1. Sobers was forgiven but not Kanhai, for going to SA.

2. Many had no problems with English citizen Ron Headley playing for WI but gotta a problem with Nash.

3. They cussed dem foreign coaches from the day their contract was signed! They could not wait for the results. Granted with this WI team, there is not much any coach can do...but still dem cuss foreign white coaches get cuss from day one!

4. They see everyone else as racists except themselves! hahahahahahahahah.

George H moved to Jamaica and so did Nash! whats the difference? None, except for the color of their skin!

Re: Why Windians accepted the Panamanian but not the Aussie?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:48 pm
by BallOil
Googley wrote:Hey Bally,

its simple rather! thats the WIan way! They accept a man of different color but not a white and in some cases brown. Let me give you exmaples.

1. Sobers was forgiven but not Kanhai, for going to SA.

2. Many had no problems with English citizen Ron Headley playing for WI but gotta a problem with Nash.

3. They cussed dem foreign coaches from the day their contract was signed! They could not wait for the results. Granted with this WI team, there is not much any coach can do...but still dem cuss foreign white coaches get cuss from day one!

4. They see everyone else as racists except themselves! hahahahahahahahah.

George H moved to Jamaica and so did Nash! whats the difference? None, except for the color of their skin!
Interesting Googley, I'm sure there are valid reasons to justify these behavior outlined above. I'll take your word for it unless someone else thinks otherwise and supports it.

Headley had no linkage to Jamaica, he went there to learn English before heading off to study dentistry. On the other hand, Nash father is a Jamaican. I would think Nash would be more welcome than a Spanish visitor. :)

Re: Why Windians accepted the Panamanian but not the Aussie?

Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 4:10 pm
by BallOil
1. Sobers was forgiven but not Kanhai, for going to SA.
Googley, are you refering to the rest of the world team? if so, didn't Lloyd, Murray and Gibbs went as well? Were they treated differently than Kahnai as well? Hope its not too much trouble them days I was still wearing napkins :)

Re: Why Windians accepted the Panamanian but not the Aussie?

Posted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 9:51 am
by mapoui
Googley wrote:Hey Bally,

its simple rather! thats the WIan way! They accept a man of different color but not a white and in some cases brown. Let me give you exmaples.

1. Sobers was forgiven but not Kanhai, for going to SA.

2. Many had no problems with English citizen Ron Headley playing for WI but gotta a problem with Nash.

3. They cussed dem foreign coaches from the day their contract was signed! They could not wait for the results. Granted with this WI team, there is not much any coach can do...but still dem cuss foreign white coaches get cuss from day one!

4. They see everyone else as racists except themselves! hahahahahahahahah.

George H moved to Jamaica and so did Nash! whats the difference? None, except for the color of their skin!

its incredible how some people insist on displaying what is their own anti-blac westindian prejudice, trying to hide it in what they figure is legitimate comment on the issues at hand.

but what they say is pure ignorance, silly, unaware of westindian history or deliberatly ignoring actual facatul westindian experience and reality.

it is as if black people begged and cried to come to the westindies to be slaves cutting cane, planting cotton, picking coffee, coconut and cocao etc... for hundereds of years, free of charge.

when it come so fcuk the westindies! right this minute had I a spare 50 grand and not the strong connections to Canada and the westindies and was free to leave, I would go back to Africa, Zim.... and like Lot, never look back.

does not blac people have a long, effed-up relationship with white people in the westindies...a very nasty racist relationship that has lasted till now and continuing, despite the changes from the 1830s, through 'aprenticeship, crown colony government, neo-colonialism'?

allyuh show me the white westindians who sided with the blac struggles from the start?

and if allyuh cyar show me white westindians who worked with blac people for the indpendence of the westindies, then show me the same who did not work against this objective?

it is white westindians who set the local table from the start when it comes to race relations. it was and is blac man to the bottom of the social ladder and he shall not rise if they had anything to do with it. and those who felt they could not live in a social dispensation in which blac people were politically dominant, took off to the other british dominions, Australia, new Zealand, Canada...also to the USA!

what the hell allyuh want blac people to do in the sitasution..LOVE THOSE WHO DEMONSTRATED THAT THEY HATED WE RASS TOTALLY, FROM START TO FINISH?

Nash family left allyuh know, ran away with the crowd of white westindians who could not stand a black led westindies. after that and on top of 400 years of shit what must I up and accept nash just so..especially when he takes a place that could go to a young westindian?

and what of nash himself...a so-called white man!? he wants to play for the westindies so he is all smiles and nice. what about other times...will he accept me as a friend, drink with me, invite me to his clubs and shit?

am I now to take all that at face value and say nash himself is not racist, is accepting of blac people and when he does not need us anymore he will retain his nice attitude and be friendly to us all the same, regardless of skin colour?


what the hell are we.... damm fools!?

and if we do take the shit at face value and Nash disses us what then?

allyuh Indians go laff at we and call blac people stupid not to expect that Nash would have behaved exactly that way, would in fact diss us...right!? just as allyuh call we stupid and fools right now, backward people, blac and ugly who live without a purpose!

and what of Indians..what would they do in the face of nash...would they welcome him back?

maybe because Indians have proven they love white skin. Indians would prolly play him for that reason alone... not because he is good... which he isnt!

but suppose Indians were dominant in the westindies at the time of Headley...would they have welcomed Headley in?

given the proven distaste for blac people demonstrated by Indians the world over, it is very unlikely Indians would welcome any blac man or woman into anything at all no matter the validity of their claims to be included.

West-Indians have made business all over the westindies and profit handsomely from the patronage of thousands of blac customers. my time at least...west-Indians employed no blac people in those businesses..or whites for that matter - not that whites were looking for jobs in Indian businesses that I knew of anyway.

if west-Indians were inclusive in any way at all they would employ all westindians in their businesses especially blacks...invest their profits in ways that would benefit all and contribute to the massive development of the region.

but I have never seen west-Indians doing that! I have never heard west-Indians speak in ways that reflect such an outlook on the westindies. all I have seen and heard among west-Indians is the opposite, anti-westindian movement and outlook!

so who the hell are any of you..and all of you... to talk this nonsesnse here about Headley the Panamanian, nash and Blac westindians!?

and the Ignorance of Googley is total! until 1956 the geneal movement in the westindies, out and in was not a national thing but a colonial one.

there was no westindian nation....nations. we were all british subjects thats what. and if the Headleys went to Panama when they were building the canal to look for work and lil George was born there, all his parents had to to was go back to jamaica, regularise whatever papers they needed to and live and, george was included. the panamanian question was not a question at all.

who in heavens name would consider George Headley anything but jamaican despite his Panamanian birth..a mere happenstance of birth?

as far as I know the british authorities put no great difficulties on any such movement, even if they cared or not. it did not matter where George was born, he was blac and westindian, and no authority of that time cared beyond whatever economic value he might have had.

today we have diferent national organisations and regulations to follow. according to those Nash is free to play legally. no law has been contravened in the case of nash. all the relevant laws have been followed to the letter, he is in jamaica and in the westindies team. so what the hell allyuh talking about acceptance?

that a man like myself, sir bim and others, refuse to accept nash?

thats what allyuh talking about?

nashs' speedy and easy re-introduction proves that the westindies is still anti-black racist, that westindian society, dominated politically by blac people or not, is still far more responsive positively to white forriners than to local blac people

there is no power behind opinions such as mine regarding nash. such opinion like mine means only that some westindians see the nastiness behind nash, the racism on the part of nash, all the dirty history behind his inclusion, and will have none of it.

the real power that can DO, act in the westinies equation is behind nash.... and there he is in the westindies side! Right! thats what real power does and it aint working too much in favour of blac people anywhere...even when black people wield such power.

the question is..what would become of Geeorge Headley today, right this minute, if he appeared from panana at the doors of jamaica and wanted in, to play cricket and be considered?

If such an appearance had taken place in Kanhais time as it did with Ron Headley, Georges son... or in LLoyds time...I would say that Headely would get in.

but not today in these reactionary westindian times when the westindian blac elites are actually killing westindies cricket. these would let in lil skunt nash easily but not black George.

it would be like the Africans who washed up on Barbados shores only to be bundled up, arrested, jailed and deported, ih high anti-blac hubris by the Bajan prime minister.

but as Indians are in charge in TT now...if Indians from anywhere washed up on the shores of TT would they be so unceremoniously treated?

I doubt that very much! that is not how Indian people relate to each other. Indians would treat such Indian unfortunates properly, see that they were alright, feed them and settle them in if they could get away with it.

and I have no problem with that! that is exactly how I would have treated the Africans who washed-up in Barbados, were the one in charge.

I would treat my people well at all times and I make noone... and have to make.... no explanation or apology for it. I expect all others to do the same. and I have seen all others do the same..always!

whats good for the gander is good for the goose!

it is right and proper to do...all others do it...but all who do it for their own do not want blac people to do it for themselves and each other.

that is how I see this Panamanian question.

everse the damm question then! suppose George was Indian and Indians were in charge in Jamaica back in the early stages of the last century...what would Googley have done were he the official dealing with the case. would he have turned Indian George away?

Never! not Googley! not any Indian in charge!

but that is the problem right here and now...with George Headley. allyuh expect us to do what... diss Headely and accept nash?

but again...nash is already accepted! no one keppt him out?

so whats the argument about

but least googley... expect us all the same to diss George retroactively! to go back to an age when the circumstance were entirely different and call out a blac man and diss him.

and if not, relegate his earned status as a world great batsman to nothing, because of his Panamanian birth, and the 22 tests he put shive in is placee on the lis of greats.

I have no quarrell if anyone selects shive before George on such a list. they would have their case and such cases, built on stats and opinion stand on their own, as valid as the next and opposing case

but if stupid blac people wish to take on googley and other west-Indians with their damm prejudiced nonsense on Headley they can, but not me allyuh hear. I love george Headly, see nothing at all wrong relative to his cricket life..along with the fact that westindies played his son on the westindies side.

it is a credit to Kanhai the captain that Ron Headley played and that as captain Kanhai had all the say in the matter from start to finish!

I love Rohan Kanhai! Kanhai is westindian to the bone. in my time I know of no westindian who had anything but real love for Rohan Babulal. Black people named their sons for kanhai so esteemed Kanhai was in the westindies... and I hope he still Is.

there is nothing Kanhai could have done or did that was not taken in stride by the westindian people of my I dont know what the hell is going in here about Kanhai not being forgiven for whatever?

thats impossible in the westindies I knew!

I do not like nash and the reasons are many and obvious. I have listed a lot of them and made my argument already. nash is not very good and maintains himself in a poor westindies side.

looking for a reason to drop nash I was hoping what I saw of narsighs development was solid. Narsingh regressed against RSA a bit but I hope it was lesson well learned and that he now blossoms for that experience against a very good RSA bowling attack.

narsing is a much better player than nash, much more useful. and if he believes in himself and sticks to it with determinatuion I know he will do well and there would be no reason for nash in the side.

nash is not westindian, I dont accept him, dont care for him in any way. there is absolutely no reason for me to care, or for any blac westindian to care for him...and for any nationalist westindian of any ethnic background to care for nash, who is an outsider using us, who will return to his real home when he is so done using us.

nash qualifies on the law to be westindian and the authorities have, as they had to, allow him in... and have selected him to the westindies team. I cant keep him out...the law says he can.. I have no power to influence nutten...mine is just opinion. yet my feelings and opinions in the matter are clear and justified.

deal with dat googley! yu better shake yuh head and learn some westindian history