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Bally! Yuh Joomp All Ovah Communist! Ok! Check Dis!

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 2:16 pm
by mapoui ... -scam.html" onclick=";return false;

wat yu tink?

Re: Bally! Yuh Joomp All Ovah Communist! Ok! Check Dis!

Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2010 9:41 pm
by BallOil
I think Eric hit on the head...this young woman has a great future ahead. I hope she continues doing her thing.. 8-)

Re: Bally! Yuh Joomp All Ovah Communist! Ok! Check Dis!

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 9:12 am
by mapoui
yes....that is true! but she will have to have a lot more of the quality she is displaying here aplenty...courage.

now that she has chosen to display her real thoughts openly, and as valedictorian she has actually attacked the system in a most open and potent manner. it will not be forgotten by those in power. she is up against it from here on in. little will work for but a lot will work against her.

thats the point! the west is topS but while in early days the capitalisT sysTem was open enough to call forth human ingenuity IN great surges, that is no longer the case. there is monopoly in everything now, in all areas of society. almost all is now limitd by monopoly, therefore and people are being completly shut down in the ineterest of the class that exploited capitalism fully and best, and now controls what capitalism has evolved monopoly.

it is the social situations like Cuba and venezuela that offer most hope for positive human evolution and development, that are showing ways forward at the monent. it is in latin america, iran, Turkey, we have the most forwad looking social situations at this time.

it is in the west that dictatorsip is establishung itself, while at the same time threatening the rest of the world with war and anihilation. it is the west that spends most of its treasure on the production of armaments, secret services, police, mental manipulation of populations, jails and systems of incarceration etc...not on human development.

it would take tons of people like this one linked here, indeed all the ordinary people to rise up with courage to confront the system and change it into a democracy, focused on the well being of western society and the people....the oppositie of what is taking place curently, with western society organised totally for the accumulation of wealth by the few who control.

western society ir organised totally for the capture of the results of the labour of its population by the few who control.

western society is nothing more than a giant suction pump, inhaling the juices of the popeole as they struggle to make ends meet. there is not one cent an ordinary person in all of western society can make that does not contain the rip-off that feeds its elite, who sit and do nothing but collect through the system they have honed and developed for generations now to accomplish what they have...making money from nothing...i.e getting something for nothing.

the western elites are the greatest parasites of any kind, anytime, anywhere. there need is to make people into human drones so that they do what they are told all the time, while they enjoy the spoils...all the wealth in the world, total social contro,l in the Brave New World they are constructing as we speak.

Brave New World is the only way they can hope to maintain such social control in perpetuity. and they are proceeding apace and without conscience. Brave New World is the certain human future if the ordinary people in their great unstoppbale majority do not rise!

Re: Bally! Yuh Joomp All Ovah Communist! Ok! Check Dis!

Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 10:15 am
by BallOil
this is just a start....things will change and people will demand better but tek sometime for the 'asses to get in line :lol: