BallOil wrote:what Indians have to do with Umpiring? How many int Umps India has? The umps has to go out deh and be a neutral body..but it doh look so. How do we move this forward to fair play?
influence, power, control suppposed to translate into facts on the ground. if power cannot do that then its no power at all.
India as a coloured nation has suffred as much at the hands of the elite umpring system as wesindies, Pakistan etc. if India has power at the ICC, indeed is the determinative power there, then why must we not expect the umpring system to be changed to reflect a reality in which India is not penalised unduly on the field of play?
and why must we not go as far as to see that that change would extend to all coloured nations.
and then...that if such change does not take place with Indian power determinative, we must look for others reason as to class for example and the labour relation between cricketers and their respective boards and the ICC.
after all, the cricket contradiction between players and management is no different than the regular and basic relation betwen owners and workers systematically.
the ICC umpiring formulation then is one of colour in which we see umpiring that negates the power of the coloured sides, favouring the white sides. but it is also a labour issue in the in-going battle between owners and workers systematically.
if the Indian power does not distruibute itself in a resolution of the elite umpire issue then we can take it that they are all in there together on the class equation...that that trumps the ethnic and national issues in the end, and that the players must collectively deal with it from their end alone if there is to be resolution.
then the class issue also transcends the national issue for it is the individual administrations that are supposed to attend to the national issue in the elite umpire imbroglio. we expect the wicb to address the the disgusting treatment of westindies players by the ICC unpiring system, but it does not for eg!.
and we see a general reluctance on the parts of all the boards in this issue. why?
they are all in there together in the end, opposed to the players. the ICC system is calculated to keep the players down...but they appear to have carved out an area where thety give white players a break...and they all all agree to that...the coloured boards as well.
they could simply be afraid to antagonise the white players for fear that they would lead a rebellion against the ICC...and that by favouring white players they divide the potential solidarity of the players something awful
remembe that the white countries are all relatively free, with systems of representation that includes all possibilities, even for revolution. the white players are also all developed and literate, with unions in place etc. if the white players have a sweet deal, and their racism kept at a high level in the process, they will not support any coloured players effort at ICC changes to benefit players of colour.
players of colour are on their own!
it is divide and rule usual!
in the end class interest being paramout the elites of all countries will collude with any and all other elites to further their collective interests at the expense of ordinary people everywhere.
this is what they call the national interest when they cary it out. smokescreen for it is their invidual class interest they are taking care of!.
you must come to see that in the end it is class interest that is paramount and that all the workers of the world are in the same boat..white collar, blue collar or no collar at all.
workers of the world unite