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The End of the World As We Know it Is Nigh!
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:15 am
by mapoui
Re: The End of the World As We Know it Is Nigh!
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 11:57 am
by mapoui
I have some friends who so love Barack H Obama they wont speak to me anymore for my absolute condemnation of him as president of the USA.
I condem Obama absolutely because as representtative of the Jewish/Financial interest in the world in the last stage of capitalism - financial monopoly stage - the american president whoever he turned out to be would be called upon to exact on humanity the greatst crimes commited against the human species ever.
this last stage of capitalism features the salient problem of too many people globally, for the system to occupy positively. in fact to maintain profitability as the limits of capitalist expansion has been arrived at the wholesale looting of the world that we have seen by international bankers must take place. and as this results in total debt slavery of the people of the world their actual physical enslavement will follow.
in the meantime there will be the wars we have seen and those that loom that threaten the very existence of the well as the environmental disasters consistent with the absolute control of society by finance, which means there are no checks and balances to make sure their behavior is in line with global safety. the corporations owned and guided by finance do as they please in the world, no government can regulate them, enforce safety measures. for all intnt and prupose the financiers/corporations now rule planet earth and their class intetes is being implemented at the expense of the people.
there are programs in place with the intrnt of massive populatuion reduction on planet earth. one can see this readily from the quality of the food we eat, the pollution of the air and waters, the quality of the medication we must use when we are sick..medicine that does not cude but addit people while making thsie complaints chronic, the deteriorating quality of health services...hospitals and nursing that appears calculated to kill patienst not cure them and send them back home.
in this last stage of capitalism the game is total, comprehensive, global. the system is huge and total as well. whatever is done now by corporations is huge the consequences global. the decisons of an american p[resident likewise is total, global, comprehensive. so absolute is the president that approavla and condemnation must be eaul to his actions.
Obama then is the handmaiden of the criminals and his criminality is as vast as the world is large. I condem them absolutely for he is as criminal as the social stage warrants. Obama has been doing all that he has been directed to do by those to whom he feels respposible. and he is now poised to do even more of a catastrophic nature at the behest of these very same people..tjhose who sorround him in the whitehouse...jewish all!
this is what I warned about from the start! this is what I insisted on. that it was true, that my case is sound and the evidence available, made absolutely clear.
I pat myself for being right and insitence on the truth..for that represents the only chance we have.
now here is Castro saying the same least pointing to a conclusion I too had long arrived at. but to convince Obama to the contrary is going to take some work but mot likely will be futile. Obama will change only if american opinion rises up so strongly that his political life becomes at serious risk..indeed his very life for the consequences of an attack on Iran is likely to be so great that whole world will be destabilised and there is no telling what will happen in america itself.
the american status quo is on the verge of crcaking already. the dire consequences of an attack on Iran is likely to bring it to a breaking point...order is likely to break down and interneccine warfare breaks loose. if the american people ever get their hands on Obama and his family I am not sure what would be left of them afterward.
by the same token I expect the same to befall jewish american citizens who have looted america unconscionably! and the situation between blacs, browns and whites could well deteriorate into race war.
this looming attack on Iran smells of doom! the attackers will not get away this time scott free, as they have so far from the murder of Iraq...the killing of a nation of 25 million people..a vast crime indeed! they will not get away as they have gotten away relatively unscathed as they have in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Obama neck may in a noose as we speak but the stupid skunt prolly cannot see it for his arrogance. he cannot see the rage in america as that nation falls apart as he Obama facilitates the Israeli looting of america for Israel.
Obama does not se the sectarian natue of his violent nation..sections prepared for and chaffing at their bits to get at each other, to settle once and for all longstandng differences. there are blac browns and whites with ethnic differences to settle. there are zionist christians who wish to kill all Jews yet protect and support them currently so thay may bring about amargeddon and achive heaven for the christians idiots. there are the jews themselves in control of the americna security aparatus and who most certainly have placed strategically defences of themselves should america fall apart and hey must protect themselves. I am certan there are 'suitcase' nuclear bombs in american cities ready to go off at any time should those who have control of them feel threatened enough to blow them.
and the people most like to have such weapons are the zionists, and to have deployed them around america, the Israelis.
Obama is a sunt who placed himself atop a minefield with the trigger in his hand. he does not see it as a trigger but it is a trigger...and the damm ass is about to pull it! bam..human time ias we have know it, is at an end!
Re: The End of the World As We Know it Is Nigh!
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 9:28 pm
by BallOil
Although renowned for his lengthy addresses, he restricted his speech to just ten minutes and ignored Cuba's current financial plight, instead focusing on foreign affairs.
Why is Castro ignoring the financial plight of his country to discuss foreign politics? isn't this the model you wanted for T&T?
Re: The End of the World As We Know it Is Nigh!
Posted: Sun Aug 08, 2010 10:18 pm
by mapoui
BallOil wrote:Although renowned for his lengthy addresses, he restricted his speech to just ten minutes and ignored Cuba's current financial plight, instead focusing on foreign affairs.
Why is Castro ignoring the financial plight of his country to discuss foreign politics? isn't this the model you wanted for T&T?
prolly because there must be a world still here in which something can be done about Cubas economic difficulties.
the embargo man..lift the embargo!
and who says what about Cubas economic plight...A western voice?
I dont thinks things are rosy in Cuba but they do not live life like you live life so what you call plight may not be a problem to them.
I dont know that Cuba is as badly off as the media makes it out to be. not e they say all kind a thing about Cuba...but Obama call blac people 'Mogrel' anmd not a peep in the regular media about it1.