BallOil wrote:would be a good show dung...
Bajan v the infighting start?

bwy! the way things go in the westindies I am happy dat Beckles get something going and going well. we now have 7 teams in the regionals and dats fine, better.
with the exception of Barbados westindian nations doh care about their people...especially those run by the blac elite. I understand the bajans have made education in their country free for their citizens, from primary right up and through university level
if only Barbados send their people in droves to university and colleges it follows that mostly Bajans will get pick fuh the school team.
and dat is what Beckles said...and deh are trying to improve the balance by organising scholarships all over the region.
it seems to me dat Beckles actually doing something.... while Cozy the pozy has attacked an established concrete project on the ground while he has done little or nothing himself.
in compensation Cozy should be attacked, cornered and made to pay a fine.....a fine of 1 or 2 scholarships out of his own pockets...which should be heavy pockets given who he is.... and a mandate to use his great regional and international prestige to organise 15 to 20 more in quick time