He fought tropical disease and deadly snakes, was held captive at one point and collapsed just short of his goal.
Ed Stafford (right) celebrated with Gadiel 'Cho' Sanchez Rivera on Monday as they reached the Atlantic Ocean at Crispim beach in Marapanim, Brazil.
Still, Ed Stafford ended his 859-day journey Monday as he planned – leaping into the sea as the first man known to walk the length of the Amazon River.
"I've been told I was going to be killed so many times," the former British army captain said. "But I'm not dead. I'm here now and ... I've proved that if you want something enough, you can do anything."
Stafford, 34, had collapsed at the side of the road early Sunday, just 53 miles short of his destination. He was back on his feet after a few hours of rest, however, and looked like he had all the energy in the world as he ran into the Atlantic Ocean at Crispim beach Monday morning in northern Brazil – popping champagne and spraying Peruvian forestry worker Gadiel "Cho" Sanchez Rivera, his expedition partner.
Personal challenge was the motive for a man who left the military to be a stockbroker, was bored by finance and ended up leading student expeditions in Belize, then supervising the building of a BBC base camp in Guyana.