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How do you measure time ?

Posted: Mon May 27, 2013 4:12 pm
by Gils
and how big is the it expanding..and is it spherical, circular?

My reply is, the universe is not a singular event.

The device I provided you with has an in-built safety/limiter/fail safe, the results it yields are linked directly to the questions it's user provides and said users understanding of the subject inquired upon. The device runs off brain power, eg-it's a Compass, vertical-North/South, horizontal-East/West, a navigational tool, for those who seek direction. :D Don't think of it as a 2 dimensional object maps. It's a divination instrument. You think they come with operating instructions ? Instructions that "tell you what to do", Strictly brain power :!: .

If you wish to know the dimensions of the Macrocosm, I presume the first of many stops to be, familiarising yourself with it's many operations on a microcosmic level. This, I hazard a guess, would involve complex knowledge of bio synthesis, physics, along with elements and chemicals at the least, cell division, advanced maths, astronomy etc

absolutes you list may not be absolutes at all..only those we know so far..what we use for guidance so far.

Duality is far from absolute, duality is in constant motion. Or it's at a midpoint..... in between.

You would agree everything gos in cycle's but you must bear in mind all things are under the Sun.

All bodies heat and dry, become moist and cool, in harmony and riddim with the Sun. TaLk nUH.


Re: How do you measure time ?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:13 am
by mikesiva
Oh, this is for Maps....

Re: How do you measure time ?

Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 1:41 pm
by Gils
Time is measured by the speed of the earths rotation around..........The Sun, all things are under it. This is an observable event. As a result all things under it must, heat and dry then moisturise and cool.......... equally

you say
we have to find out what the universe is..what's going on actually
I appear to have answered the question before its delivery.
Activites of the Cosmos
Limited and Unlimited, Right and left, Odd and Even, One and Many, Dark and Light, Sq and Oblong, Good and Evil, Masculine and Feminine, Straight and Crooked, Rest and Motion.

I could add, pleasure-peace, anabolic-catabolic, heating-cooling, positive-negative, carbon- oxygen, ascending-descending, serotonin-melatonin, day-night, extrovert-introvert, electric-magnetic. clockwise-anti-clockwise but I'm sure you understand the function by now.
Another optional reply would be - Are you expected to believe what I tell you ? Then we have the one I offered 3 days ago.........
Indiscriminate imitation is the learning method of a monkey or a child, as the name "parrot learning" implies it is how a parrot would learn to speak, for example.
Because the parrot speaks, in no way, allows us to suggest that the parrot has mastery over language.
As you can see, if you are to take a strangers word as truth you're whole "education" can be equated to a parrots....or monkey......... or a small child.

You say
the absolutes you list may not be absolutes at all
:?: Can you deny
1) A body that heats up will cool down to an equal and opposite amount.

2) Day follows night.

3) What gos up must come back down.

4) You breath in Oxygen and exhale Carbon.

5)Masculine and Feminine are a complimentary pair.

6) A cycle will have a beginning, ending with force, amplitude and frequency.

These are observable events, that you can check. That's why I insist we must all be responsible for our own "educations". Consciousness......

The Instrument and list I have provided you with are quite sound and while you may be assured that greater minds than ours have checked it, I suggest you're not and verify you're findings with you're own research. Then you wont run into this problem again......
the cycles I knew of were Ptolemic. that has long been debunked.
Have you verified the "debunk" with you're own research ? Or you took somebody else's word on face value...... again ?

You cite causality as interconnecting the universe then fail to realise it's duality...or relativity. You can't deny that if you go too far East you'll end up in West. Right back where you started.8-)

Re: How do you measure time ?

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 10:25 am
by Gils
mikesiva wrote:Oh, this is for Maps....
8-) Yes Mike it's for maps but yourself and others are quite welcomed to contribute as and when you see fit.

Re: How do you measure time ?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:48 pm
by mapoui2
yuh sure this is for me :?

this must have been posted sometime before the last week or so. seems like nutten is for me any more.

anyway my 2 cents worth:

Occams Razor..The Law of Parsimony: in the consideration f hypotheses, the most simple but plausible option usually ..or always...turns out to be the most valid.

the universe is a given..the second of Hawkins options..the big bang, or else it is a given, always here, always evolving. the big bang has been thoroughly debunked so the universe is a given.

the universe then, as a given is infinity itself: no end, no beginning, no boundaries, constantly evolving. according to Tony Peratt, as we can see in the vids posted above speaks of the universe as electric 'but we are not privileged to know from what stage our current electric universe evolved from.' we many never know Peratt states but we will do the best we can.

the plasma/electric universe coheres with life as we know it and the technology we have developed. all else is abstraction and assumptions from which nothing can be proved or explained, or made

Re: How do you measure time ?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 1:50 pm
by mapoui2
Have you verified the "debunk" with you're own research ? Or you took somebody else's word on face value...... again ?
are your productions from your own research..or do you cite the work of others?

Re: How do you measure time ?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:18 pm
by mapoui2
I am not a research scientist no do I do experiments in a lab. and neither do you.

I do the best I can from a layman's point of view...or an ideological point of view. my interest is sociology which is the same as cosmology. I got into this to foster my understanding of society of human beings. I came to cosmology via sociology as a scientist might come to sociology from cosmology.

but it is basic to understand that I am not in this to war with anybody. I am not that stupid. I might be emotional and prone to fly off the cuff..but I am no fool. I am driven by the question: how does humanity survive indefinitely in an evolutionary universe.

that formulation took a long to complete, to come together. and it cost a whole lot. I was very religious until I saw life for what it was as a lil bwoy. and when I saw how silly things were from a religious perspective I got very angry at god and bent on finding out the truth of life for myself...

I tossed god as irrelevant and now I see. and what I see is what I have stated above. and what I see also coheres with what I have discovered in the Electric Universe. that is why I have posted it here.

whatever is true is real and we can get to the truth only by knowing the universe...not by faith, not by belief but by sight. speculation as part of the development of proven fact is useful. speculation on its own is abstract and pointless, useless, good for nothing.

to have faith is prove is proper and useful and saving. we pray for eternal life for example with Jesus as the doorway. that's palpable nonsense! if we want eternal life it must exist in nature as a material potential /fact. then we must find it and successfully apply it to our lives.

something such has already been found in the jelly fish and the news was recently released. so it looks at least one potential has been found and they are on their way to determining if and how it be used to expand human longevity.

again the simplicity of in the issue is palpable. and when we can live for a thousand years..with the likelihood of going further and further in the direction not by faith but by sight what becomes of faith and god and prayers and doctrine and all that?

but I don't care about long is it does not prevent human work on the question of human security and survival. so you see what I mean.

all you are is an elitist if I may criticize you GILS. you must have along list of degrees behind your name and a great sense of superiority and social position above the ordinary..a great deal of pretentiousness. but as Claridge pointed out that is not clutch at all!

it must be available for everyone all that is known. and it can be as you can see from how easy and comprehensible the Electric Universe is. all real scientist currently lament how esoteric science has become replete with all kinds of huge quantities of maddening, abstract mathematics that turns off even the brilliant who opt for other areas of scholarship as a result.

ordinary people must be able to get a hold of science and it is easy for that to occur once education is taken out of the hands of a minority elite who use education against the people, make a confusing and elitist pile of shit of it and turn people off. this is how science is turned against the people, becomes the source of weapons used to kill and control them.

But I am not interested in any war with you GILS. you have nutten to teach me anyway. I have nutten to learn from you. what you appear to know is what is injurious to your own self. you have to sort that out before you can speak with me..or with anyone at all who has even a modicum of common sense

Re: How do you measure time ?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:22 pm
by mapoui2
You cite causality as interconnecting the universe then fail to realise it's duality...or relativity. You can't deny that if you go too far East you'll end up in West. Right back where you started.

yo! not duality...dynamism..interconnected moving parts creating more and more material reality and potential for even more...dynamic. it is not double sided but many sided.

and the universe is infinite...there are no cant get to an edge and fall off.

if you go left then that's where you will go until you decide to turn around and go back to where you began

Re: How do you measure time ?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 2:35 pm
by mapoui2
if you looking to make a circle in the universe by traversing its extent, by going right or left or up and down, to come full circle, good luck!

you might use a space ship to fly circles in space. you may be able to draw one on a piece of paper... you might use circles to formulate directions in space travel. but I am as certain as I can be you wont be able to go left or right in the universe and come full circle around the circumference of the universe..for there is no such circumference

you would have to find infinity first..and that's why they call it infinity for there is no end in any direction.

I had a hard time imagining, conceptualising infinity when I was young. when placed in universal context it is easy and hardly mysterious and a god, born adult, conjured up out of the human imagination, surrounded by religious doctrine of fire and brimstone and all manner of exquisite punishments and mortal sins

Re: How do you measure time ?

Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2013 3:59 pm
by mapoui2
I don't know who in life is not guided by either nature or the ideas and work of other people.

how can anyone proceed otherwise?

you go to school and are taught by and through the selected work of others. in time one can add ones own production to the existing content in the area of work. but one necessarily continues what has already has been accomplished and adds one generational contribution.

if I say epycyles have been debunked it is because others before my time debunked them, not requiring any subsequent generation to debunk them again, duplicating work already done.

theories must ultimately cohere with reality, is basis plausible and proved, its predictions about reality must prove out in the end. if not they are abstract nonsense and must be Einstein establishment of the speed of light as basic

Einstein is now debunked as idiot. but this was known for a very long time..even from the start. but somebody held up Einstein as the beginning and end of science..the basis of science in popular education.

this is how I see popular education replete with lies and misdirection. when you look at al the great men held up to us they are not great at all but useful idiots used to hide truth from the people. to hide the hoarding of truth by the elites to use to their advantage for profit anas weapons for war and for social control.

so anyone who has lots of 'education' and many degrees who do not realise the true nature of the education they have and what its for are more useful idiots as far as I see but not for me..useful for the status quo for they man the structure of the bureaucracies, the military, laboratories etc in the interest of the system of the rich and powerful. their power is derived partly from the willingness of the useful idiots to work in the interest of the system.

tfor those in possession of this education to walk about in superiority, in sense of being better than ordinary folk are even greater fools than those who taught the crap..and previous useful idiots for their minds are full of dated shit that is totally useless. the educated cannot even help themselves far less the 'uneducated.

there are certain areas in education that are valid..accounting, computers, mathematics and even the sciences where the chaff can be separated from the wheat. everything else is pure propaganda.

and the educated do not even see the proof of the poverty of their education. in the west indies an area for example full of people with degrees from universities all over the western world...and from the west indian universities.

the west indies is still a slave region, totally exploited and controlled by forrin power despite all the degreed human power walking its streets, manning its bureaucracies, military, police, agriculture, health sport etc.

in terms of the real problems facing the west indies, these edcuated west indians make not the slightest positive impression or difference, and cannot make any. they are not trained to solve regional social problems but to be bureaucratic parasites working for a living striving to make the biggest salary possible of a the small west indian pie allowed by those who bleed the region dry from afar.

the idea and point is not to fight me GILS..I do my best to exist outside the bow in which you are firmly entrenched. I have no bad intent to you. I have no intent at all save in a collective sense. I don't know you.

my point, intent is to help create positive social change by the people for the people..democracy. and only the development of ordinary consciousness and ability to participate in their best collective interest in their social process can bring about that