Gils wrote:Consider this also, all of history's ubiquitously celebrated revolutionaries would be labelled as terrorists in today's society.
Not totally unrelated,
are you considering publishing material.
I criticized a comment made by Mail on the board next door and he freaked out, exploding in attack on me as all manner of things. Mail argued that Fazeer and other journos had not criticized the wicb hard enough, however enough and that had resulted in the wicb not doing the job it must do.
at this point that is the best I can do in recollection and representation of what he said.
there is everything wrong with such a contention. it is pathetic but I did not say that. we are dealing with class society. that is how human social classes as we evolve perhaps to a classless society. class society is based on vested economic interest, social interest, survival. it is out of the way humans are born our physical/mental-emotional-intellectual nature, basic insecurity in which we are born, dumb, needed to learn to think and develop speech, individual and subjective intellect..but most dominant naked insecurity of life .
I take it that all such is now common human knowledge, collective intellectual that when we look at basic behaviour we can see what underpins we know the history of of development to this point that it has been a basically class based development..that one class dominates due to its top efficacy in its stage in earning the means of survival, that it is technology based and that inside that system there is growing another technology in the hands of another group that will displaced the dominant group that has become established.
there is so much existentially that is interconnected with and based on and in that it is incredible. but let it be sufficient for the moment to say that in the west indies there is a dominant social class and we are aware of their history, how they came to be where they are how they live and what they must do to continue to be top dog in the region. we also know that their systematic dominance leaves a great deal of need in the region un-addressed which results in much social backwardness and general suffering of the west indian population. we also know that it is a system of exploitation and the class system pyramid shaped is based on that. and we also know that as long as sufficient people find benefit in the system it will stay in place.
we now all the alternatives to such systematic organization and we know that when the established way start to fail..i.e it fails to meet the needs of an increasing majority of people that there will be social change to a new way of organization that had been building all the time and that it is in cat that potential that has destabilized the based of the established way and promises a greater future for the people...but that as it is currently in good health so to speak that its minions mindful of their security.insecurity will not challenge it, indeed cannot challenge it from their base and would find no logic in challenging it or doing so to that it is totally illogical for such as the cricket journalists to challenge the status quo. and that it would be even more foolish to expect that they would so challenge, and to expect that such critique to be a basic, fundamental precipitator of social change.
that is not how it works. the system is efficacious and its removal would require a more facile and productive systematic organization of things, that would necessary have developed within the very status quo it replaces. the cricket organization being a subsidiary institutional from of the basis state of affairs simply is representative of the interconnected whole society must be regarded as we regard the whole.
and as that is logical we would expect that whatever is the state of the cricket represents what is systematically dominant..whether it is good or bad..and if it is bad then that bad represents what is opposed to the dominant way..and as we have seen the majority of exploited people is the logical opposition to the dominant that for the 'good' to find expression somehow the majority alternative way must find expression the way the cricket is administered. and since the dominant way depends on the very exploitation of the alternative majority, and works assiduously to keep that majority exploited for that is how their bread is buttered we have a basic social contradiction that can be resolved only when the positions of those opposed classes..terminally opposed yet inter-dependent.. are reversed.
and that will take upheaval of the basic society which is first economical and politics...political th failure of the old and emergence of the new way things will be done..which way will win out over the old way because it is more efficacious. the old way has runs its useful course and must not be consigned to history and the class that dominated on it as well
all of this is simply and common place now as far as I why speak of journalist and what they say as likely to have basic social changing effect?
so I pointed that out to an extent and the man attacked fulsomely, absolutely of a personal nature. you see all the old revered revolutionaries may be treated by that poster and the ordinary world you say as terrorists. theres one reason why: the current ordinary world is not in tune with its interest as in days gone by..the people of this day are not involved in political work in their unions and community affairs that keeps people up to speed in the intellectual level of the day
any things that may be said outside their comfort zone is trouble for who said it. what then is the point of publishing
what is the point of even posting on a message board
all I have made right here are enemies and accusations of racism although I don't believe I have said any thing racist in all the years I have posted. they attack me as racist yet there is absolutely nothing I have done here that was ever calculated to harm and hurt anyone and as far as I know has not done so.
over on the other board on return from a visit to India one well known poster described India as a giant latrine. the indian government wont even build toilets..or legislate that be included in all buildings constructed..many and tactically located so that they are available to the general public for free to avoid the awful health situation that now exists as people go to the toilet in adjacent bushes and return to whatever they were doing without cleaning themselves..often food preparation for public consumption.
I am not the one responsible for that!
I am accused of racism by Indo posters yet I am not the one responsible for thousands of deaths of Indian citizens of India routinely..every single day as is the Indian government. I did not invite cocoa cola into Indian the devastated ground waters that in turn devastated agriculture for thousands of Indian farmers. I did not bring in to India corporations that poisoned heir agriculture by GMO organisms resulting the thousands of dead Indians every day.
Indeed I have been blasting those companies and their products to kingdom come from the start. but those who accuse me do not see such posts of mine. they do see what they call racist however.
and we can take that argument right around the racial human mix or we are all guilty and I have blasted all from the start..without exception. but they cant see that..they are too busy seeing the their own eyes and throwing the blame on me.
I dont like Graeme Smith the South Africa white captain..nor retired. I still dont like him and say so openly and why. that is what they dont like those who call me racist. I am perhaps an uppity n****r, who have no right to dislike any white person.
and what is this to Indos pray tell...that Mapoui does not like Graeme Smith? is it perhaps that Indians identify with white and when I attack Smith the feel I attack them?
if that is the case then Indos are more stupid that I thought. Indos are like all humans african based..only that the indian connection to africa is still far more direct and obvious than that of whites. Indians owe the saving melanin in theirs skins to Africa.
I dont like Smith because he has run a racist apartheid cricket team that included black south africans one at a time if he could help it. I criticized Amla because he colluded with Mike Procter to force Ashley Prince to open the innings when he was better equipped to do so. I don't like the Oz because they have been thieves and racist over the years. they get away with murder over the player of colour in cricket. the english too.
I am west indian and like everybody else I have my own interest in the world which I live and express when I have to. I dont have to like anyone especially those who do not like me. and I can speak my mind. and all who don't like it can kiss my black arse thats what.
I harm and blast the evil in the world as best I can. but fools cant understand that..and they cant because it is they who are racist not me. race does not cloud my eyes to reality. and in reality I see my own interest as paramount and that if I cant live in my own self interest I best die if I cant fight to for it. I see my own self interest as individual and class..and only then racial. all those who cant see it that way restrict themselves and me to too forcing me to be narrow and focus only on myself..for even if I share a fundamental class interest with ordinary white people for example skunt and them so stupid they cant see that interest. they can see only that such as I are n*****s and for that reason alone are outside the pail. they embrace their enemy rather than work with whom they call n*****s
and that goes for all sides..all ordinary people who are horribly divided by race and racism that prevents them from bring all their collective power to bear on the corporate world that rapes all of us.
now in all this how am I racist when it is easily proven all I say, mean, calculate, oppose, advocate right here in all I say archived on these boards?
who the f**k have I killed, maimed, injured, exploited, misdirected, racist any where, any time, all days
so what am going to publish..what am I going to research and write about for which people who for no reason call me racist..and who likely would call me terrorist and who would like to see swing from a tree rather than read any dam word I wrote and published?
they wont read what I say. they will read what Obama says which is fraud and fiction from start to finish. but he is president of the usa one of the very greatest killers of all time...the most effective evil who has ever occupied the chair at 1600 Pennsylvania avenue.
piss on the lot of them man. I will not betray my class interest but I will not sacrifice myself for ordinary people..nor waste my time writing for them. its too late anyway. world war 3 or not humanity is toast. we have already let loose in the world that which is killing us and will in a couple more generations put an end to us. it is way too late now..we are well past our tipping point and deep into our extinction..too late to stop it.
I have lost interest in the human outcome. humans now are mostly evil, wicked, spiteful and depraved...way beyond redemption. our Jewish father/boss/manipulator has seen to that. we are all Jewish now in terms of outlook and behaviour: contempt for life, love of things and money, concerned only about consumption and now. no tragedy can bring tears any more, or concern for life, for love for anything at all.
humanity doe not engender any love in my heart any more man. so if we blow ourselves to hell...or die off in catastrophe caused by our own hand its all good to me. nature will be better off without us as nature itself activates its fail safe mechanism of allowing useless species.. indeed all species to eliminate themselves.. when their time is over..or their uselessness proved. if humanity is absolutely useless now, a blasted nuisance in the universe now I don't know what uselessness is