Sagicor West Indies Cricket HPC Director pleased with first week

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“There is a lot of talent here. There’s a lot of quality here.” That is the assessment of Toby Radford, Director and Head Coach of the Sagicor West Indies Cricket High Performance Centre, as he looked back at the first week of work with 15 of the region’s best young cricketers. Radford noted that it was an intense first week for the aspiring players based at the 3Ws Oval at the Cave Hill Campus of the University of the West Indies in Barbados.

“When you start you don’t always know what to expect. I have been pleasantly surprised with the players we have assembled here. It’s a bit like the old days with big fast bowlers, standing six-foot-six. We also have some very talented batsmen so we have a lot to work with here in the West Indies” Radford said. “It’s been a full week. We have been doing a lot of videoing – looking at batting techniques, bowling actions and doing fitness assessments, and we also had vision testing.

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