Soca where are you??!!
Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:28 pm
can't understand why they banned you over there?? hmmm. . .
One Passion ~ One Love ~ One Community
tell us then.... I think most peeps @ sissy fear a strong socafighting woman..Dimmy wrote:I UNDERSTAND:
prove it then... Seems like you have a fascination with SocaDimmy wrote:Patience is a virtue. Not ready to divulge any info yet; however, I will say that SHE is a HE...
Dimmy wrote:Hmmmm I wouldnt exactly call it a fascination...Stay tuned... and thanks for the welcome. I promise it will be an amazing association.
Dimmy wrote:Patience is a virtue. Not ready to divulge any info yet; however, I will say that SHE is a HE...
which One are you now?The One wrote:Where are you Soca Gal... Ah missing you..